Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1051 Chapter 1047 The Curtain Lifts (First Update)

Salomon walked towards the grief-stricken T'Challa, his face expressionless, completely ignoring the Wakanda King's Guards surrounding him. The sisterhood followed closely behind, aiming their guns at the King's Guards. If the King's Guards really made a move that threatened the monarch, the girls carrying fusion weapons would not hesitate to pull the trigger and use nuclear fusion weapons. The high-temperature shock wave cleaned everything up and vaporized all the Wakanda King's Guards and the future king. Even vibranium cannot withstand such a temperature. It cannot be said that they accidentally carried these bulky anti-armor equipment. It can only be said that it was deliberately targeted - when the bomb was detonated, Victoria Hand had already Action was initiated to ensure that the entire plan would run smoothly and achieve the results he desired.

"I have called the security team staying in orbit and asked me to use the aircraft to bring the king back to Wakanda. I will control the scene next, and you will go back to inherit the throne." Salomon nodded to the king's guard and left Use their space to take the prince and king away from here. He stood on the broken podium and suddenly raised his voice. "Everyone else, sit down!"

The originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet. Everyone involuntarily sat in their original seats as he said. Even the political dignitaries who were trying to escape were forced to their seats by unknown forces. superior. "No one can leave until everyone at the scene is freed from suspicion. I really don't want to see this happen. King T'Chaka of Wakanda originally wanted to give you a gift, but you refused because of your malicious intentions. It. After Wakanda King T'Chaka's speech, Latovinia, as a loyal ally, will also give you a different gift, but unfortunately, you missed the sweet candy, and you proved that you are only worthy of accepting malice. . If you have paid attention to the list of gifts mentioned by the Regent of Latovinia, you will know what you are about to get."

He raised his hand, and in an instant the broken glass returned to its original place, leaving the entire conference hall intact.

Salomon asked the Sisters to help the King's Guard carry the body, and he wrapped it in a crimson linen cloth. Hammurabi stood beside him holding a military standard, with the giant sword in his hand ready to fire at any time, because according to what he learned, the Austrian armed forces were coming quickly. Then there was another loud noise. A white news helicopter was shot down by a fortress-type combat robot and crashed near the building complex. The twisted and charred aluminum alloy lay on the roadside together with the burning armored vehicle.

In the blink of an eye, this place has become a war zone. Any attempt to cross the blockade will encounter the most violent counterattack. Now this area is a no-fly zone in a practical sense, and no aircraft without permission can pass through. This is the security force that Constantine arranged for the monarch, which can completely destroy an area in a short time. This is when the assault transport does not launch missiles and the follow-up troops are still on standby. This security team has been carrying weapons of mass destruction, and it is entirely because of Salomon's kindness that these weapons are not used.

A politician who appeared to be European had the courage to stand up and object, and bluntly said that Salomon was a Nazi. He declared that Latvinia was carrying out a reign of terror and genocide because the flag of Latvinia was an eagle. But Salomon didn't care about such idiots. He would only realize the lower limit of human intelligence. One of the sorority strike team leaders beside him was so surprised how anyone could be so stupid that he gleefully fired a shot directly into the seat without any warning, blowing the chair into smithereens.

Salomon did not like politicians who could not stand on Latvinia's side and wanted to make Latvinia famous by slandering it. When he browsed the list of attendees, he found that there were many such people. They thought they were sitting in the Civilization is represented in the magnificent buildings created by human wisdom. However, Salomon told them with facts that the world has always been a jungle. The politician who fell to the ground and wailed like a bleeding pig was enough to shock everyone. Salomon didn't care about the so-called international influence at all. King T'Chaka of Wakanda's biggest mistake was to try to please a group of people who were impossible to please. Salomon would rather deal with the Italian mafia than negotiate with politicians.

The reason why he is able to gain the love of the people at the bottom is not relying on power, but caring from the heart. In his eyes, those people are far more principled and kind than powerful politicians, even the mafia. But these people, especially those deeply aligned with the military-industrial complex, have no principles. He waved his hand impatiently and asked Tita to pick out a few people and throw them out. These people will not give up the interests they have obtained under any circumstances, and Salomon's good words and threats will not have any effect on them.

“You know who I am, and you have heard my speech in Hungary, but your biggest misunderstanding is that you regard me as a politician who came to power through elections just like you, and that I, like you, deceive votes and receive political support by inciting public opinion. Donations, behind-the-scenes deals, and scammers who are on the rise in the revolving door of politics and business. No, I rely on swords and guns, just like the survival principle of this universe, the jungle eats the strong. I realized this when I roamed the galaxy. You don't have to think about that. Morals and laws will restrain me. Don’t think that the rules you set up like a house have any binding force on me, because the only thing that can restrain me is the survival of the human race, and this bottom line is being trampled." Lomon glanced at everyone in front of him, looking at them condescendingly, as if he could penetrate their eyes and see into their hearts. He put the hand with the giant claw on the raised podium and leaned slightly, as if to remind everyone who controlled their life and death. Every participant felt that a castle built on rock was tilting towards them, and no one could ignore this suffocating feeling.

"When I was roaming the galaxy, I heard the name of the master of that alien fleet. Its goal was to kill half of the population of the entire universe. I have the ability to kill the cosmic tyrant independently, and I also have the ability to teleport to everyone who is with me. Those who oppose the family are slaughtered, but this way humans still cannot fight against the fleets throughout the solar system. I don’t know if you think that the Avengers can sit back and relax after defeating the alien fleet invading New York. You think the alien fleet is nothing more than that, but New York The Chitauri you face in the battle are just a small reconnaissance team, one of the components of that fleet. When the alien fleet that fills the solar system really arrives, you will find that there are more enemies than bullets. This is not a problem that your political games can solve. For so many years, a group of unknown people have been sacrificing themselves for your survival, and all they got in exchange was your stupid behavior of pushing human beings into desperation. You are like holding The drunkard with the school bus key, carrying the future of the human race, drove off the cliff without looking back.”

Perhaps it was due to the unknown force, but everyone present could feel the anger hidden under his words. This anger seemed to break through the curtain between reality and illusion. The temperature in the conference room with broken glass walls suddenly rose. Many people were sweating, like naughty students who had returned to their school days and were scolded by their teachers. But the reality is that neither the Sisterhood nor the Praetorian Guards were able to detect the temperature change. He stands in an absolutely high position, and this is indeed the case. He has the ability to carry out targeted killings of all those who oppose him, whether they are politicians or companies. No one can bear this kind of harm, just like no one can bear Asgar. German force projection.

Salomon stretched out his hand and took out a blood-stained hat from the armaments box carried by the Golden Guards. At the same time, the Sisterhood handed out a stack of data pads to the attendees. This was established procedure and everyone got a copy, including the politician lying on the floor.

At the same time, the projection equipment was also playing those contents, and Salomon occasionally explained one or two of them until a picture appeared.

"The owner of the hat, Frank Craig Pandoff, commander of the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet, he confessed a lot of classified information. You will have all his confessions, including the CIA's support of the human smuggling trade in Eastern Europe, the U.S. Army's Human experiments conducted, etc. In addition, there is intelligence obtained by Latovinia from the aircraft carriers of the U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet, intelligence obtained by Latovinia from U.S. military satellites and captured CIA agents, who were present Everyone will get the corresponding language version, and you will see the atrocities and greed in the clearest and most intuitive way, and see that human beings can use the life, death and pain of others as nourishment for a rich life because of wealth and power. After World War II, the U.S. Army No one has ever reckoned with the atrocities committed around the world because of the above reasons, but I will, because the bottom line in Latvinia is life. Every blood debt will be repaid, and the father will die for the son, until all the vested interests are tied up On the noose. Only when all the plutocratic tyrants have been beheaded will Latovinia cease its operations and welcome the day when humanity is united."

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