Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1055 Chapter 1051 Risk Resistance Ability (First Update)

Everything is going according to plan. After yesterday's sensational "diplomat hostage" incident, all users using the global positioning system suddenly found that they could not receive signals in some remote locations, or the positioning position was biased. This is the preliminary result of the "Satellite Annihilation War". Not surprisingly, the Immortal City still discovered some experimental armed satellites. However, those satellites did not pose any threat to the void fighters of the Immortal City. They were annihilated in just one night. There are more than a dozen geostationary satellites located in North America.

At the same time, the non-combatants of the Tianjian Space Station are still sending to the earth in an orderly manner the videos of the life of the group of political dignitaries in the space station. Although the group of war reporters and photographers who brought them to the space station are not professionals in documentaries, But things like editing videos and shooting footage are more than enough for them. Victor von Doom made a phone call to Salomon early in the morning. The content of the call was about his secret meetings with some countries.

During the meeting, the other party requested that specific information about the arrival of the alien fleet not be announced to the public for the time being, so as not to cause global panic and impact the economy. Only by agreeing to this request can the videos that dispel hostility be played. Victor von Doom thought that he could temporarily agree to this condition. Anyway, the initiative of whether to announce it would be in Latovinia's hands. With the technological advantages of the Eternal City, as long as Salomon wants, the whole world can Receive definite news about the alien fleet.

Salomon agreed. From beginning to end, he knew that this was not a war that he could complete alone, and that certain compromises were necessary.

He had an estimate of Thanos's strength, but that fleet was the real threat. Although current human military technology cannot deal with threats from outer space, it can still deal with alien armies that land on Earth. blow. He agreed to share part of his technology to improve human military technology, in exchange for the production materials needed for the development of Latvinia, and to build a space port for future interstellar battleships to dock, while the Tianjian Space Station was to build an orbital port for supplies and supplies. Personnel transfer. As for wars caused by surveillance technology, Salomon has never taken it to heart - as he said at the Vienna International Center, he has the ability to teleport into each opponent's residence to conduct targeted killings. The three aircraft carrier battle groups The destruction fundamentally undermined the U.S. Navy's self-confidence. No matter what public opinion is in the United States, from the moment he issued the declaration, the Pentagon really evacuated most of the U.S. Navy from Europe. The White House can only use more severe economic sanctions and other means to deal with Latvia's willingness to cooperate with them. Cooperating countries carry out strikes.

In order to target Latvinia, the European countries in NATO are ready to take action. They seem to want to show their strength. Even if their military power is insufficient, they will verbally condemn Latvinia, keeping in step with the American media. However, NATO's European military forces are already within the strike range of the Eternal City and can be destroyed at the press of a button at any time, because both Victor von Doom and Salomon have focused on economic sanctions.

As early as in the negotiations before the Latvinian War, Salomon and Victor von Doom had made preparations. The technology provided by the Immortal City could fundamentally enhance the anti-risk capabilities of those countries and fight against Europe and the United States. Technical monopoly, these technical support will be distributed in batches according to the technology from low to high, covering metallurgy, medicine, agriculture, engineering and manufacturing, etc. But those are just low-level technologies, which are technological replacements for the existing industrial system. After the establishment of the Latovinian Academy of Sciences, scientists from friendly countries will go to Latovinia and even Mars for academic exchanges to learn theories and theories that are beyond the times. technology. Scholars from Hungary have been admitted to the space station to start their studies, and factories in Hungary have begun to innovate. In the future, they will gradually break away from the manufacturing technology monopoly dominated by Europe and the United States. Latovinia is so generous that it has the legacy of the former Soviet Union.

"Leaving out so early today?" Bayonetta rubbed her eyes, "I remember you don't have anything big on your schedule today."

"State visit." Salomon shook his head and brought her a glass of cold vodka. Joan was as sleepy as ever, and he wasn't going to wake her up yet. "Victor still has some things to be busy with. He found that the progress of the negotiations was slower than expected. Even if the negotiation team died of overwork, it would not be able to complete it within seven days. I need to complete some visits in person, and Stephanie because of the aircraft specifications I argued with the other side's diplomats all night. The other side didn't want me to wear power armor, and the aircraft couldn't carry weapons of mass destruction, because they thought... it was dangerous. It's easy to understand, no one would expect to be with a Chatting with a heavy main battle tank, the incident in Vienna also showed them the speed of orbital support. No country can bear this risk, not even countries that have established diplomatic relations with Latvinia."

In fact, the reason is still the meeting at the Vienna International Center. There are too few things that can restrain Latvinia. Failure to abide by the rules of the international order will inevitably lead to counterattacks. When a lion rushes into a flock of sheep, the first reaction of the lambs must be to bleat and run around. It takes extremely strong courage and trust to get close to the lion.

Latovinia does not want to gain the trust of other countries, because this kind of trust only applies to a generally peaceful international environment, is worthless after the invasion of the alien fleet, and is not applicable to future war patterns. That's why Salomon said the political landscape on Earth is a "playing house" joke. There are not many races in the universe that after such a long period of development still fail to unite and move towards the universe. In addition to the Xandarians (that is the immigrant country, the United States of the universe), the Kree, Skrulls and other interstellar races have united after a brief period of division, and so must humans. There is no place for the weak in that competitive place. If you want to achieve Salomon's goal, you must create a relatively safe human galactic country and give birth to a new philosophy and ideology. The answer lies in history.

There is nothing new under the sun, history has already shown us the way. This is the answer Salomon gave the world.

"If I understand correctly." Bayonetta swallowed a sip of wine and licked her lips. She pretended to think, then narrowed her eyes and poked Salomon's waist hard with her fingers. "Are you bragging about your barrel?"

"Oh! Dirty girl!" Salomon couldn't help but laugh, "Actually, there is also a televised speech, which is even more important. People in Latvinia need spiritual support, and a copy of "Unified Truth" is certainly not enough. I must give it to Latvian people show their determination and what to do next."

"Are you going home for lunch today?"

"Of course!" Salomon said, "Don't we have to take Milia to visit the school today? As parents, we have to have a good talk with the teacher, and we have to arrange the child's classes." He suddenly raised his head and looked around. , then patted Bayonetta, "Get dressed quickly, the child is coming in."

After a while, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Milia, who was wearing a chubby pink one-piece pajamas, was barefoot, stepping on the cold floor, sleepily holding the stuffed toy Dinah bought for her. at the door. "Dad!" she said in a vague accent. After making sure she was safe, she simply closed her eyes and fell asleep in Salomon's arms. Salomon sighed helplessly and showed the child in his arms to Bayonetta - he personally faced Sister Gabby and explained the reason why she was not allowed to see the child. This made the nun who had been in a slightly better mental state once again Fell into madness. Although this child's talent is astonishing, the chance of corruption is also far higher than that of ordinary people. After Salomon took over, he was gradually building a mental protection barrier for her similar to that of the Praetorian Guards to help her resist the indescribable whispers and temptations of the outer dimension.

"Leave it to me." Bayonetta motioned to Salomon to put Milia on the bed, and then carefully covered her with a quilt.

"You can't show that you don't like children, dear witch." Salomon teased, "I think you are very skilled and like her very much."

"It's true that I don't like children." Bayonetta lowered her voice and said angrily, "But I won't throw the child ten meters high and repeat it twenty times!"

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