Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1056 Chapter 1052 The current situation is turbulent (second update)

Of course, things were not that easy today. After Salomon returned to the Eternal City, Natasha Romanov, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately greeted him. She held up the phone, her face full of worry, and her mental state was worse than before. "Steve plans to capture the Winter Soldier himself. He thinks the Winter Soldier will stop because of him, and he is the best candidate to capture Barnes." She seemed to have been drained of strength, "Maybe this has already happened Yes, recent intel suggests that the Winter Soldier is in Vienna, Steve has gone there, and Tony Stark is planning to fly there on a private jet. But I'm not getting any intel here, Salomon, I don't know right now Where they are and what they want to do next!”

"You can leave through the elevator." The mystic mage yawned as if he hadn't woken up. He doesn't care at all about the Avengers' shit, it doesn't make any difference to the Immortals whether they sign the Sokovia Accords or not, and he's only trying to dissuade Tony Stark out of kindness. The Sokovia Accords are not the focus, Wakanda is. "You can go wherever you want. At least now you have eliminated the suspicion of being related to the Eternal City. No one will cause trouble for you because of this matter."

"How much support is there?"

"Conventional, only conventional weapons support." Salomon waved his hand and walked into the passage leading to the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This passage was guarded by veterans and newcomers of the sisterhood monastery, which were considered to be those new to the sisterhood. The girls’ first mission, the commander is Olla Meng, who is good at using heavy weapons. He specially prepared another style of combat armor for the girls. Olla also participated in a secret test not long ago. Today I heard that the monarch is going to return. She came back specially to join the guard work in the Eternal City. Salomon gave her a look of praise, and then said to Natasha Romanov, "I don't have time to pay attention to their grievances now, and I don't think there will be any serious consequences after their conflict."

"Do you think the conflict between the Avengers will not have serious consequences?" Natasha stood outside the door and shouted inside, "That's a super human! Don't look at it from your perspective, Salomon, use your ordinary perspective." See it from a human perspective!”

"The Avengers are just regular people in my opinion."

"So why did you let the King of Wakanda die in the explosion? I know you had the power to save him!"

Salomon's movement to close the door paused. "This trick won't work for me, Natasha, but your entry point is very sharp. It is undoubtedly wrong to use unfounded speculation to guide the entire action. If you want me to intervene, it's better to think of something more reasonable. Excuse." He closed the door and reached out to dial Victoria Hand's encrypted communication after performing a routine security check. "Give Helmut Zemo one last chance to call," he said. "We don't need a destabilizing factor."

Natasha Romanoff's intelligence was quite lagging behind. Steve Rogers did go to Vienna, but he left quickly. The person who contacted him was Sharon Carter, Peggy Carter's niece, who was sent by the CIA to One of the latent agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve Rogers recognized Sharon Carter at the funeral as the agent who had been spying on him in the apartment next door. After the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sharon Carter escaped very smoothly and resumed her identity as a CIA agent without any accountability. After that, her whereabouts were unknown. She did not reappear until Peggy Carter's funeral.

The information she handed over to Steve Rogers contained the exact location of the Winter Soldier. The conclusions given by the intelligence analysts in the Immortal City, combined with Natasha Romanoff's previous assassination operation against Bucky Barnes, all It shows that the CIA actually has the location of the Winter Soldier all along, and has delayed arresting it just to catch a bigger fish. Naturally, low-level intelligence analysts do not know about the intelligence network woven between the intelligence agency and the conservative Hydra, so the intelligence analyst who came to this conclusion was successfully promoted - but now a bombing has occurred, although with the "diplomat hostage" "The impact of the incident is somewhat different, but in order to give Wakanda and the international community an explanation, and to get rid of the guilt of not reporting the incident, the CIA plans to capture the Winter Soldier before anyone else. This is to prevent other intelligence agencies from coming into contact with Bucky Barnes and involving some information that is not suitable for other organizations to know. No one knows how many secrets of Hydra the Winter Soldier knows.

"This is also to prevent the Winter Soldier from telling us about our secret line in the CIA. No one knows whether he really knows it." Stephanie Malick suppressed sleepiness, but still couldn't help but yawn. "Many radicals who originally belonged to Alexander Pierce have defected to us. Those secret agents are in high positions, and we cannot find replacements for them in a short period of time. I know those people are a little disobedient, but they know their value and work well. Seriously, it won’t leave us the chance to discover their fungibility.”

"We will pay attention to Bucharest, Romania, where Prince T'Challa of Wakanda is about to arrive. The information we gave him is accurate and he can find the Winter Soldier." Victoria Hand said on the communication channel, "If it is possible, I think Having a CIA task force kill the Winter Soldier would solve a lot of troubles, but a lynching by a Wakandan prince would likely spark international disputes."

"I hope so." Stephanie yawned again and downed a large cup of espresso. "Intelligence analysts gave the arrival time of Steve Rogers about the same as the arrival time of the CIA task force, and perhaps we should expect the actions of Prince T'Challa of Wakandan. Now Princess Shuri has returned to Wakanda , my Lord is also going to attend the funeral of the King of Wakanda. Is it time to carry out the next phase of the battle? Eric Killmonger can't wait. He has obtained the head of the vibranium dealer Klaue and plans to take it away. If there was ever a time when there was a perfect time to stage a coup with a bunch of armed felons as sacrifices, it would be at the funeral of the King of Wakanda."

"No, wait until this matter is over." Salomon shook his head. "The dead are the most perfect. Eric Killmonger cannot condemn King T'Chaka at the funeral. Let him give a plan report- —I know he submitted, but that was just one of his tricks, we all know he has a mind of his own. Eric Killmonger is just a tool, I need to get him directly against T'Challa when his coup There is no loss to the Immortal City whether it succeeds or not, and the coup will only make Wakanda more dependent on the Immortal City."

"My lord, are you still tired of this?" Stephanie Malik asked. This question made Victoria Hand hold her breath on the other end of the communication channel. "T'Challa is your classmate, and this plan is very likely to kill him. If you can't bear it, let me execute this plan, and I will give you the results directly."

Salomon glanced at Stephanie, and the indifference in his eyes made her instantly energetic. It was only then that she realized what she had said. Before she could begin to explain, Salomon shook his head. "No, go on," he said, "We have to take Wakanda, no excuses. Let the producers record it, I have a war to prepare for."

This war is between NATO and Wakanda. The former is very likely to start a war with the European countries of NATO under the instigation of the United States. Even if Latvinia is now fully armed, it cannot resist this threat. The main way to solve the problem is to use the local missile launch system and air defense system, and then airdrop genetically modified warriors to destroy the active forces. The latter is just in case. Regardless of whether Eric Killmonger or T'Challa wins, once the news is revealed, it may pose a threat to the Immortal City and Latovinia. The danger in Wakanda is much higher than that in the United States, but Wakanda's weaknesses are also quite obvious.

"This is not against you." He said to the little black cat who raised his head from the bowl, "I treat everyone equally."

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