Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1057 Chapter 1053 Revelation (first update)

I looked and saw that the heavens were opened.

There is a white horse, and his rider is called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war in righteousness.

His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns, and had a name written on him that no one knew but himself.

He was clothed in clothes splattered with blood, and his name was the Word of God.

All the armies in heaven follow him, riding on white horses and clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

From his mouth comes a sharp sword to smite the nations. He will shepherd them with a rod of iron and tread the winepress of the wrath of Almighty God

On his garment and on his thigh was a name written: "King of kings and Lord of lords."


On the afternoon of the third day after the Vienna bombing, Salomon, who was using his tools to repair the power armor, received a message. The CIA task force failed, but eventually captured the target, and Tony Stark was officially involved in the incident. Romania is currently transferring the suspect to the German police, who will then hand him over to an agency in the country used to handle special events—actually a CIA office and prison, but in the name of a non-governmental organization— -The suspects are "Falcon" Sam, "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers and Wakanda Prince T'Challa. These men participated in the capture operation against the Winter Soldier and were captured by Colonel "War Machine" Lord in Romania. Another suspect, Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, will be held in special custody and closely monitored until the outcome is discussed.

"It's time to start." He said to Victoria Hand who was on standby on the communication channel. "Gather the troops to the north and south. We are going to war with NATO."

"Aren't you going to wait for the outcome of the regent's diplomacy?"

"The alliance has been forged, and the rest are all enemies." Salomon curled his lips, "Although this alliance is not strong yet."

Just as the TV was reporting news of the escape of Vienna bombing suspect Bucky Barnes and the disappearance of Avengers Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, the Latvian army was secretly gathering. On that day, Victor von Doom, who had been working nonstop for many days, returned to Latvinia and took over the air defense facilities and internal defense. The diplomats ended their journey early and were sent back to Vienna from the space station by an assault transport boat. Latvinia has notified the ambassadors of various countries to welcome him. After completing their missions, those assault transport crafts quickly returned to the space station to add fuel and overhaul their engines in preparation for operations 48 hours later.

The United Nations Security Council has actually passed a resolution. Victor von Doom's diplomatic activities allowed Latovinia to win some abstentions in the Security Council. However, the United States, Britain and France still passed a resolution with a majority vote, intending to remove Latovinia. The annexation of Silkaria by Vinia and the war in Transylvania were compared to the Srebrenica massacre, and claims that Latovinia had carried out "genocide" disadvantaged its international reputation. ——But this is just a prelude. The next proposal is for the United Nations Security Council to apply for NATO to intervene in Latovinia. Unless Latovinia gives up its outer space operations and signs the "United Nations Treaty and Principles on Outer Space", it will stop Threaten the global positioning system and actively abandon space military equipment.

This proposal is absolutely unacceptable to Latvinia. Now that the alien threat is right in front of us, there are still people who want to destroy human beings' outer space weapons for political purposes. But even the "allies" attracted by Victor von Doom agreed to this proposal and claimed that they could support Latvinia's joining the United Nations. The agreement can be modified with the times, as long as both parties jointly develop foreign countries. Just take the space and keep the peace. This is a legitimate concern, and it is also a backlash against Latovinia's behavior. Even countries that have become allies are beginning to worry about Latovinia's attack on their satellite systems. However, this worry is quite inappropriate for Latvinia, because the enemy of the future will not be human beings, but enemies in outer space.

Faced with this almost threatening proposal, Victor von Doom turned and left.

Both he and Salomon knew that within the current framework, Latovinia could never be a winner, plus most of Latovinia's military power was now located in space. In private talks before the vote, many delegates agreed to the proposal, and NATO troops in Europe had begun mobilizing even before the resolution.

Diplomats from countries that had become private allies informed Victor von Doom of the impending resolution with a hint of regret, offering support and promising to delay the meeting as long as possible. Of course, the so-called support requires real money and confidential technology in exchange, and it is not cheap.

So on the fifth day after the Vienna bombing, at 00:00 Latvinia time and 6:00 pm New York time, the United Nations Security Council voted very quickly to formally apply for NATO intervention in Latvinia. When the resolution was passed, The interstellar missile bay in space dropped the first missile. The space capsule interstellar missiles were aimed at Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia and other NATO member states in the Balkan Peninsula. The air defense forces, airports and command facilities in these countries all suffered violent blows at the first time. The Eternal City used the simplest A crude way to destroy its air military potential.

For those urban targets and naval fleets that have no spare power to attack and occupy, the Eternal City chooses to drop air burst electromagnetic bombs or send sky battleships, sky aircraft carriers, and sky destroyers to attack them, overloading them with electronic equipment or completely scuttling them. Paralysis - Targets include Bezmel Air Base in Yambol, Bulgaria, Plovdiv military base and airport, Aitos Logistics Center Air Base near the Black Sea; Mikhail Kogalniceanu Air Base in Romania , the 86th Air Force Base, etc. After the air defense forces of these countries were paralyzed, the Eternal City only sent less than two hundred genetically modified warriors to parachute into their government departments and military departments for beheading operations. At the same time, the hangar of Tianjian Space Station dispatched the largest number of void fighters at once and began to attack all geostationary orbit military observation satellites and high-orbit military communication satellites throughout Europe.

This time it was not deterrence, but destruction. An hour after the battle began, with the full cooperation of the Mars Foundry's information warfare department, the entire European communication system was paralyzed. Before the war began, Marbus had submitted a report on electronic warfare to the combat department, and the facts were developing in the direction he expected - all international long-distance calls and data transmissions had to be rerouted, and submarine cables and Land-based communication systems are overwhelmed, and hundreds of millions of Internet links have disappeared. Judging from social media, all Internet users in Western and Southern Europe have gone offline, with only a small number of users relying on intermittent networks to transmit data. Most mobile phones in Europe have become unusable. TVs, the Internet and even radios have fallen silent. Global positioning systems have completely failed to connect. Red-eye flights taking off from civilian airports and driving cars have found that the navigation has disappeared instantly, causing unrest. Less chaotic, countries with nuclear power plants have even found their own reactors stalling uncontrollably.

Under the cover of jamming bands and waste code viruses, two thousand genetically modified warriors located in southern Latvinia took assault transport boats and penetrated directly into Albania and Kosovo from under the noses of a small number of mobile air defense radars, and pounced directly on Massacres began at local U.S. military bases and biological laboratories. Three thousand genetically modified warriors in the north, led by Constantine, flew to the NATO forces in Poland on shuttles and assault transport boats. A combination of genetically modified warrior raids, cybernetic viruses, and assassins' decapitating strikes have kept the Latvian armies on their feet across Eastern Europe.

The collapse spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, and all areas including transportation, power grids, and finance began to fall into silence step by step. Traffic was stagnant, online transactions were interrupted, and power supply was unstable. Both people's livelihood and government departments were paralyzed in a short period of time, and they suffered The city hit by the information was in chaos, and the originally bright city fell into darkness, with only sporadic lights showing that this was not a wilderness. All devices capable of receiving the signal were hacked by the Eternal City's electronic warfare department, which broadcast notices on a loop and asked people to stay at home and not stay near military installations to avoid accidental damage, otherwise they would bear the consequences. However, these notices triggered a greater crisis. In such chaos, some idiots are actually organizing protests on the streets, especially those near the targets who are deeply influenced by neoliberalism, trying to rely on their own bodies to block the footsteps of genetically modified soldiers, armored vehicles and air-dropped war machines. The results of these people are self-evident. Those who did not run fast enough either became minced meat under the tracks of heavy armored tracked personnel carriers, or became forward twin-mounted explosive machine guns, twin-mounted laser cannons, and side-facing flamethrowers. Or a target for a coaxial heavy bolter machine gun.

These soldiers who need a weekend holiday and whose leisure activities are alcohol and drug abuse are best at public security warfare. They have no way of responding to the saturated air strikes and large-scale artillery attacks in the Eternal City. In addition, armored vehicles such as armored infantry fighting vehicles and tanks are as fragile as paper in the face of fusion weapons, bolters, anti-tank grenades and laser cannons. Missile systems have been paralyzed on a large scale, and air defense systems have been overwhelmed by electronic warfare and interstellar missile systems. Destroy, even if they have been prepared in advance, these NATO soldiers have no power to fight back when relying on the quality of individual soldiers.

The new era of warfare crushes modern armies from multiple dimensions. The goals in the Immortal City's combat plan are achieved one by one, and the genetically modified soldiers don't even have time to manage the prisoners.

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