Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1064 Chapter 1060 The Second Battle of New York·Part 2 (Second update)

Friday immediately raised his left arm to lock the target and fire a recoil particle beam, but Supiluliumas blocked the attack with his thick shoulder armor and quickly approached. The electric halberd was raised from bottom to top and accurately hit the mechanical structure at the connection between the right arm and the torso of the Hulkbuster armor. The disintegrating force field from Asgard on the halberd blade cut through the drive shaft made of high-strength metal at the atomic level like a hot knife cutting through butter, and the heavy high-explosive armor-piercing bomb that followed immediately shattered the live wires. and other electronic components, interrupting Friday's intention to punch with his right arm.

Thanks to a completely different drive mode from that of genetically modified warriors, the thick power armor did not hinder Supiluliumas' flexibility of movement at all. While he pulled the trigger to fire the large-caliber bomb at close range to destroy the mechanical transmission structure, he changed his grip and moved sideways to the left side of Tony Stark, passing under Friday's left arm that was trying to attack with a fist, and dodged. After that punch that broke through the air.

The monarch told Tony Stark to the Guards, and he bluntly said that although the power armor was quite exquisite in design and seemed to be fully functional, it could not achieve the ultimate in any aspect. Although it uses an operating system driven by a mixture of force feedback and artificial intelligence, Tony Stark's armor is completely unable to adapt to high-speed combat due to ordinary people's neural reaction speed, muscle contraction and relaxation speed, and joint angles; in order to obtain long-range firepower, The recoil particle beams and micro-missiles in the palm of the hand have to be subject to the destructive capacity limitations caused by the miniaturization of weapons; in order to accommodate the thrusters, they have to find ways to compress the space in the power armor to install other necessary equipment, and regardless of the thrusters No matter how powerful it is and how perfect its aerodynamic design is, the acceleration has to be reduced to a level that ordinary people can tolerate; in order to obtain the best flexibility and easy deployment at any time, the mechanical structure has many unnecessary features. Weaknesses, these weaknesses are quite fatal for professional combatants, and the biggest problem is Tony Stark himself. No matter how smart he is, he is always a weak mortal.

Supiluliumas was faster than the genetically modified warrior. Friday controlled the Hulkbuster armor to turn around and swing his arms sideways, trying to hurt him with the high-voltage electric shock device under the protective armor plate of his left arm, but he was still beaten. The Praetorian Guards hid. Although the Hulkbuster armor is mechanical, it is still designed as a humanoid with joints in order to accommodate Tony Stark. For the Praetorian Guards who are familiar with all martial arts skills in the world, ergonomics is a compulsory course. Friday's move is for Too rigid and predictable for Suppiluliumas. Even though the database called by Friday integrated many close combat skills, Friday's low-level intelligence did not understand the psychological tactics in close combat at all. Supiluliumas deliberately made many fake moves to test Friday. For the degree of protection of different parts, we can use this to find out the weaknesses of the Hulkbuster armor.

To others, this behavior is no less than dancing on a blade, but to the Praetorian Guards, the Hulkbuster armor is not too dangerous. After obtaining the information he wanted, Supiluliumas used feints to lure Friday into punching, while he continued to use the halberd in his hand to cut through the back and leg armor of the Hulkbuster armor with ease. board, orderly destroying the thrusters, cutting off the energy pipelines of its distributed power supply reactors, leading Tony Stark to his inevitable death, like a fierce song filled with the noise of metal friction, electric sparks, engine oil and sweat. dance. He didn't even spend much effort before he got a chance to remove the other arm of the Hulkbuster Armor in the same way again, paralyzing the weapon systems of both arms of the Hulkbuster Armor. Hulk's calming gas was completely useless.

The support supply platform suspended in the air immediately launched two pieces of replacement armor after noticing the damage to the aircraft body. However, the assault transport boat controlling the nearby airspace fired missiles to shoot it down. The drones and assault transport boats that noticed the role of the floating platform immediately changed their targets, gave up fighting the Steel Legion, and instead opened fire on the floating platform equipped with armor modules.

In the five seconds it took Friday to barely engage the Praetorian Guards with his distorted, sparking mechanical arm, the suspended platform was shot down directly by powerful firepower. Friday's logical judgment seemed to finally realize that the combat capability of a target unit could not be judged by its armor function, so it chose to immediately distance itself from the Guards, intending to use long-range firepower to consume the Guards. However, it had just started its thrusters and had not had time to fly out of the first floor. Supiluliumas, who noticed its intention, suddenly jumped up with the combined power of muscles and machinery, and in the blink of an eye, it was bigger than the Hulkbuster armor. Jumping even higher, the powered-off halberd slashed hard into the wide helmet of the Hulkbuster armor and fired several shots.

Friday took the initiative to close the originally open steel suit visor, because its mission was to do its best to protect the safety of its owner. Tony Stark looked at the sharp blade piercing the helmet in shock. The large-caliber bolt gun fired at close range unleashed an intuitive violence that shattered the Hulkbuster's armored helmet. The shattered metal fragments and metal jets hit like raindrops. On the visor of the steel suit, thunderous gunfire and white-hot muzzle flash bombarded his face. The feeling of being face to face with death made him unable to react or make a decision for a moment.

Friday immediately adjusted the power of the thrusters on both sides. Before the explosive bomb completely destroyed the steel suit helmet, it rotated at high speed and used centrifugal force to throw Supiluliumas out. However, Tony Stark did not see Supiluli. The scene of Umas being smashed into the United Nations Headquarters building, smashing the concrete between the floors and then falling from a height of twenty stories. On the contrary, Friday's rapid rotation into the air made him even more uncomfortable as he was already suffering from a concussion. In the end, he couldn't help but vomited in the steel suit.

"Sir?" After detecting Tony Stark's physical condition, Friday immediately took off and tried to escape from the war zone. It can now only communicate with Tony Stark through the Iron Suit's HUD, and inject Stark with potions if its master is unable to make a decision. "Are you okay?" Tony Stark looked dizzy and didn't know what he was thinking when he saw that the Hulkbuster armor had been destroyed on his head and arms. "You need prompt medical attention."

Friday made a calm decision, turned around and flew towards the hospital. It also proactively contacted bodyguards Happy Hogan and Pepper Potts, asking them to prepare everything they could use. With the evacuation of the Hulkbuster armor, the almost completely damaged Steel Legion (many of which had their main parts damaged due to the blockage of the Immortal City, with only a few armor parts still flying) broke away from the remaining parts of the Immortal City. Countless suicide drone swarms and assault transport boats also retreated to the United Nations headquarters building after chasing half of the city and continued their mission.

The news reporters who had been watching from a distance in a news helicopter were like sharks smelling blood, and asked the pilot to follow the flight path of the Hulkbuster armor. Ten minutes later, the news that Iron Man Tony Stark was seriously injured and hospitalized made the headlines on the Internet. I don’t know if there was a template written in advance or if the reporters were still writing non-stop on the news helicopter. News that was part speculation and part observation was pouring out, and social media was filled with photos of doctors and firefighters lifting Tony Stark out of the Hulkbuster suit as he lay on the ground. There are some extremely powerful reporters trying to bribe doctors to obtain details about Tony Stark. Some even plan to bypass Happy Hogan's vigilance and sneak in through methods including climbing through windows and pretending to be medical personnel. Shot directly from the ward of Tony Stark, who is seriously injured and dying.

"We saw the famous neurosurgeon Stephen Strange enter the operating room. Dr. Strange, can you tell us a little bit about Tony Stark? Is his life in danger?"

"Strange, I heard that you once performed a secret operation on Tony Stark..."

"Miss Potts, do you hope Tony Stark can recover? I mean, although you are not married yet, you seem to be the biggest beneficiary in Tony Stark's will..."

Happy Hogan angrily pushed away a reporter who asked a rude question to prevent those pesky flies from shoving a microphone into the mouth of Pepper Potts who had just gotten out of the car. Pepper Potts looked anxious and hurriedly walked into the hospital with her bag in hand. Under Happy's guidance, she entered and waited outside the intensive care unit. "He's still being treated," Happy said frustratedly, "He has a lot of injuries."

Pepper Potts almost fainted when she saw the pages of medical records. She couldn't accept the feeling of cold hands and feet, numb nose, and fear. Although many people would envy the fact that their partner is a superhero, for Pepper Potts, what she yearns for is not the kind of vigorous life. Tony Stark has long promised her to live in a clean place. Settle somewhere to get away from this dangerous job. Before she walked in, all she could think about was Tony Stark lying on the hospital bed, with various instruments and tubes connected to his body. The air was full of the smell of disinfectant, and the piercing screams of life-detection instruments occupied her brain. All the space is breathtaking. "What's going on?" She clenched her cold palms and crumpled the medical records. "Why did he start a fight with the army?"

Happy took a deep breath and told what happened in the simplest possible language. Pepper Potts looked at New York City Police Commissioner George Stacey on the bench outside the ward with an unfriendly expression. The NYPD Commissioner had greeted her awkwardly before, but she was preoccupied with Tony Stark and ignored her. Greetings from George Stacey.

"Watch the news quickly?" Happy said suddenly.

"What's wrong?"

"That giant robot is coming this way!"

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