Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1065 Chapter 1061 War Machine (First Update)

What is happening at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan can be said to be the most eye-catching news in the world. Two giant war machines suddenly started moving, and the whole city seemed to hear the roar of steel when the huge machines landed. Except for the vertical avenues in Manhattan that are wide enough to barely allow a war machine to pass, the other horizontal streets are too narrow to accommodate this type of war machine. However, the images captured by news helicopters at this moment made New York citizens forget this obvious fact. fact. Some people have seen the war machine standing in front of the Hungarian Parliament Building on the news, but most people have no idea of ​​the proportions of that building and the war machine. At this moment, when these huge war machines in New York start to operate, When everyone can hear the thundering steel footsteps, the visceral fear of the huge object can easily steal all human attention.

Panic began to spread, and many people began to drive out of New York. Within a few minutes, several bridges leading to New Jersey and New York City were blocked by luxury or dilapidated private cars, with anxious horns and red taillights. Like a blocked river, it overflowed onto several main roads out of the city. Many people on the west side of Manhattan also began to flee, regardless of whether they would actually be affected. But not everyone wants to leave. When chaos occurs, there will always be people who want to take advantage of it. Even if their next fate is unknown whether it will be good or bad, they are still immersed in the satisfaction of having power and wealth at this moment. George Stacey expressed his condolences to Pepper Potts with an embarrassed expression, and then planned to dispatch all police officers still on duty to maintain order.

"Now is the time when we need the Avengers, Detective Carter." New York Police Commissioner George Stacey returned to the police station in a car with the assistance of his newly promoted right-hand man, Inspector Carter. He said this when he witnessed the chaos spreading on the streets to the wealthy areas from the passenger seat of the police car, "Although I don't like those people very much, but we need them now. We need confidence, Inspector Carter, this is far better than the order of reality." Much more important."

Colonel Rhodes contacted Pepper Potts urgently. Although Pepper's attention was now focused on Tony Stark who was being rescued in the ward, Happy Hogan did not dare to delay after seeing that the contact person was Colonel Rhodes. Colonel Rhodes claimed that his mission on Air Force One was over. The president had gone to the shelter and he needed to come to New York to perform his mission. "Move Tony to a safe place, Pepper." Colonel Rhodes said, "I can arrive in New York in about ten minutes, and you must stay safe until then. I know the current situation in New York, tell Happy that he can Shoot if necessary and tell Doctor Strange that the President ordered him to use all means to save Tony Stark and we cannot lose him."

"I will," Pepper Potts replied calmly, "but there's no safe place now."

Why, after the Battle of New York, did U.S. officials, both Democratic and Republican, acquiesce in the existence of the Avengers, regard them as official idols, and continue to win over the Avengers on various occasions? Why did U.S. officials turn a blind eye to the collateral damage caused by the Avengers during their missions before, but in the end it was the foundation established by Tony Stark that compensated the victims?

Excluding superficial factors such as Captain America Steve Rogers' ability to win over the votes of retired police officers and veterans in the Republican Party, and Iron Man Tony Stark's ability to win over left-wingers such as Silicon Valley elites and news media in the Democratic Party, the most important thing is One point is that the Avengers can give Americans confidence to make up for the weakness and delay shown by the U.S. government in response to alien invasion forces during the Battle of New York in 2012, and create a safe environment to stabilize financial markets—which of course includes the military industry. The complex wants to use this to exaggerate extraterrestrial threats and increase U.S. military spending to earn profits; the U.S. government wants to solve the unemployment problem through military manufacturing, and the United States needs an enemy to exaggerate threats and other secondary factors. Whether they are Democrats or Republicans, the ultimate goal of these people is to make money, not solve problems - this situation reached a new level after the Dark Elves invaded London in 2013, and Europe without a system of superheroes discovered an alien invasion. Solving the problem requires relying on the Asgardian Thor, so a large number of European assets began to move to the United States, and economic growth created the fastest growth since the 2008 financial crisis recession.

This is also one of the main reasons why Mycroft Holmes wants to win over Salomon. Having an official superhero means safety and stability. If he can't find Thor, who has been in Asgard all year round, he can only Go find another hero during the Dark Elf invasion. The most intelligent and responsible cabinet secretary in history hoped to find a lever to save the British economy. However, the fact was that Salomon was not interested in his proposal at all. All Europeans and Americans have forgotten that war is not a glamorous scene in movies, comics, and books. It is not two heroes confronting each other using various high-tech equipment under the scorching sun and in the eyes of ordinary people with admiration. War is flames, smoke, dust, The combination of ashes, carrion, sweat, excrement and coke is what mainstream European and American media will not report on the air raids, bombings, massacres and looting that occur in "subhuman" countries.

Salomon has studied the impact of the Vietnam War on the United States. Until the end of 1965, no Americans opposed the Vietnam War, just as in American society now, before the Iraq War came to an end, no Americans opposed the Iraq War. Before seeing the cruelty of the war, all Americans were optimistic about the war, because the sense of superiority in the hearts of all Americans made them think that intervention in foreign countries was correct, and the domestic economy also grew by leaps and bounds, delaying what should have been the 1967 emerging economic crisis. However, until the U.S. military was mired in the quagmire of the war, and the cruelty of the war was presented to Americans in a bloody way on television, the ever-increasing personal taxes and rising prices began to break this self-confidence and sense of superiority. Opposition to the Vietnam War The wave started to appear. It was also after 2008 that voices opposed to the war in Iraq began to emerge in the United States. It was like a repeat of the anti-war movement in 1966. However, due to the escalation of war methods and the loss of fewer young Americans in the Iraq War, this time the anti-war movement did not Not as big as before.

Now that Latvinia has begun the European war, this will inevitably cause a larger flight of European capital, and the destination of this capital is the United States. Although Latovinia showed the world how a Mach 26 hypersonic missile destroyed the Norfolk Naval Base, the news that happened on TV was too distant and far from the real pain. The U.S. capital market has not been hit. On the contrary, it may soar when the market opens tomorrow. The U.S. president may also issue a declaration of war, repeating the "turbulent era" of the U.S. economy during the Vietnam War, trying to use external conflicts to complete a rapid economic recovery.

There is nothing that can hit the U.S. economy more directly than directly hitting the self-confidence of Americans and the capital market. That's why Supiluliumas will simply and neatly get rid of the Hulkbuster armor. This is to tell the Americans Their superheroes are nothing. Strip away the false sense of security brought by pacifier music such as superhero culture, and the ugly reality is the life they need to face; that's why the war machines are honking their horns and cruising on the avenues of Manhattan, Heading to Wall Street in southern Manhattan is to tell the capital market that the United States is not the safest and that the demise of the Knights Templar may still be repeated in modern times. Any declaration of war issued by the President of the United States tomorrow will encounter the fiercest counterattack, and the United States does not have the ability to protect everything existing, including you.

Latovinia, which has a large number of armed satellites, void fighters, and interstellar missiles that can destroy almost all communication satellites, military reconnaissance satellites and other artificial satellites in the world, can also be called Become the uncrowned king on earth. Salomon is helping the world see this, warning everyone not to block Latvinia's path.

Imagine that the President of the United States delivers a five-minute speech in public. A hypersonic missile launched from an armed satellite only takes three minutes to hit the White House, and none of the existing anti-missile systems can intercept it, and this warhead happens to be It's a nuclear warhead. It doesn't even have to be that troublesome. Uninterceptable transmission technology can destroy a country's organizational capabilities. It is much cheaper than interstellar missiles, and the deterrent it creates is much more terrifying. This threat is fatal to any country and organization, not to mention that this weapon is in the hands of a person who cannot be bound by international order, time and power. Even if everyone wants to kill Salomon, they can only do it quietly. Plan rather than talk loudly.

But he was never happy about it, ever.

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