Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1066 Chapter 1062 One or a hundred (second update)

"This is meaningless, Hammurabi." Salomon was surrounded by the Praetorian Guards, Sisters, Hell Knights and representatives of various countries and walked out of the United Nations headquarters building. Pegasus turned into a point of light and disappeared from the real level. , only Phoenix, who kept releasing heat, accompanied him. After the previous battle, fragments of Hulkbuster armor, burning wreckage, dripping engine oil, and broken glass filled the square. The Veronica prison system, which was melted with a large hole by solder core warheads and fusion weapons, still stands. There, the parts of the Iron Legion shattered by explosive bombs were everywhere, and every ray of air was full of the breath of war. No one in this world has ever brought war to the United States. Now this record has been broken. They should be afraid, they should regain their humility, they should see clearly the lies given to them by politicians, and muster the courage to fight for justice and the human race. And fight.

Of course, he did not hope that a war machine parade could awaken their consciousness that had been soaked in ignorance for hundreds of years. Cleaning away the rot requires time and blood, and a thorough bone scraping to cure the poison. Latovinia and the Eternal City For the time being, there is no power to invest in a comprehensive cleansing of North America. The local operations plus the operations in the Middle East and West Africa have almost exhausted the existing administrative personnel. Populations plundered from war-torn areas cannot complete such delicate work. Many people cannot change their minds in a short time even after installing thinking plug-ins. Some even regard themselves as slaves, even if the Eternal City gives Deprived of food, medical care and education, they still see themselves as slaves because their lives were far worse in the past than they are now.

"If I want, I can use thousands of means at any time in my life to make everyone praise me forever, because I am the end of human evolution, I am a life form and soul that are carefully designed to be perfect, and the world It is impossible for any life to surpass me. But these are also meaningless. I have never regarded any human country as an enemy, and I have never been happy because they surrendered."

"They deserve to bow to you, my lord." Hammurabi asked puzzledly, "I can't think of a reason why they wouldn't. Anyone with a brain can see that your cause is to save mankind. "

"The reason I created you and Latovinia is because..." The voice that could have been heard by everyone only sounded in Hammurabi's mind. In the eyes of others, the monarch who was always the focus of attention suddenly Silence fell. At the same time, some vague memories were stuffed into Hammurabi's mind, and he very naturally accepted the huge amount of information that the ordinary human brain could not process. It was an image rather than an actual scene, a materialization of the words expressed to him by the monarch. On a distant planet at the edge of the galaxy, his monarch discovers his own nature and comes to terms with it, and Hammurabi witnesses that difficult spiritual journey from another perspective.

"...It's because human beings need guidance, human beings need laws and even imprisonment. Only by imprisoning their barbaric nature can they escape the fate behind the curtain. This is my ideal, but idealism is evil, even if it is idealism with a legitimate name. It will go against the wishes of others. But the lack of ideals will only let the barbaric nature break free and create more horrific atrocities. This is not a simple question of right and wrong, but a question that requires trade-offs and calculations. Sometimes a hundred people A person exchanged for death has a greater effect on mankind. The reason why I invited Steve Rogers is to prevent the tyranny we implement in the name of ideals from harming them and harming those mortals. What we want to give them is Justice, a dissenter can keep everyone sane and help ordinary people involved in our cause not get carried away by power."

Although that long memory was as vague as a dream and faded quickly, Hammurabi still gained enough knowledge and secrets from it. The Praetorian Guards are imitations of the monarch's reflection from body to soul using mysterious genetic alchemy. He created them, and they naturally accepted their own essence. Even if it is just a blurry reflection, it is still the end point of human evolution and a perfect creation. However, Hammurabi believes that the monarch is definitely not as simple as the end point of human evolution, but some kind of more complex and mysterious genetic miracle, creating the Praetorian Guard. The genetic alchemy used was completely incapable of creating another monarch.

Colonel Rhodes nervously crossed the New York skyline, and various air condition information flashed across the HUD projection screen.

There were reports from ground radar stations, surveillance drones, and reports from the New York City Police Department. He greedily browsed through all the information, trying to tease out a way to break the situation. When he finished his mission on Air Force One and escorted the president into the shelter, he received this long-awaited mission. His speed from Washington to New York is comparable to that of F22, but his movements are much faster than that of F22, allowing the president to make decisions faster.

The situation now is far worse than the Battle of New York in 2012, because the enemy is humans rather than aliens. The decision to drop a nuclear bomb on Manhattan during the Battle of New York was not a ridiculous move. If New York fell, the White House would never let the world see the weakness of the United States. In the same way, the White House will not sit back and watch the enemy seize the financial center of the United States. As for the consequences of dropping a nuclear bomb, it is far better than having the enemy plunder wealth. There are bankers with authority everywhere, but those bankers in New York must not surrender to the enemy, the spokespersons of the military-industrial complex must not reveal secrets, and the major shareholders in the United States must not sit back and watch someone rob their money.

With a guarantee, the president can boldly stop losses in time. No one will hold him accountable. Instead, the media will be mobilized to portray him as a strong leader. As for the citizens of New York who died under the nuclear bomb, there is naturally a mourning process. Their lives are an excuse for the world to unite with the same hatred and fight against Latvinia. The dead cannot speak anyway.

As for Secretary of State Ross, who lobbied for the Sokovia Accords within the White House, he was scolded. If the Sokovia Accords were announced to the Avengers a week later, then now Captain America, Black Widow, Falcon and others It should be in New York, where they can solve the problem at the lowest cost, instead of having to cut off their flesh and blood like they do now. Of course, those behind-the-scenes calculations were not something Colonel Rhodes could have imagined. He had never studied politics or economics. He was anxious because he wanted to save millions of citizens in New York, and he also saw Tony Stark being seriously injured and hospitalized on the news. If the president decides to drop a nuclear bomb, then he must find a way to take away Tony Stark and his friends and family before the bomb arrives, and a better solution is to deal with the source of the problem, those at the United Nations Headquarters.

Although the footage of Tony Stark fighting one of them was filmed by a news helicopter and uploaded to the Internet, Colonel Rhodes was still confident that he could solve the problem because Tony Stark was a civilian with no tactical literacy. Even if he has advanced technology, it will be difficult to use it to its fullest effect. So when he swooped down towards the United Nations headquarters, he temporarily shut down the satellite link for uploading information, intending to solve the problem first and delay the president's launch of a nuclear bomb.

Salomon looked curiously at the blazing white tail flame that was dragging rapidly across the sky dimmed by the light.

Even though he was far away, he could still see Colonel Rhodes' inner activities. Colonel Rhodes repeatedly called Vision, hoping to get the mechanical synthesizer to help, but he failed to get a response despite repeated calls. Salomon slowly took off his own large-caliber bolt pistol from the magnetic belt of the power armor, and seemingly casually fired a shot at Colonel Rhodes, who was at least three kilometers away, almost killing him. Ordinary people around him were deafened. In the surprised eyes of others (especially the American representative, who had long known that Colonel Rhodes would come), the white flame that meant hope to the American representative suddenly fell and finally fell into the East River. , the other helpers who were supposed to appear were completely missing.

The Avengers base is empty at the moment. The agents (undercovers) who originally worked here left the place under the persuasion of Maria Hill and destroyed many confidential information. The Vision, which should have appeared when Tony Stark faced the Praetorian Guards, is still here. It received a call from Colonel Rhodes but was unable to respond because of its false shallow soul. Going through unimaginable pain.

"Will I feel pain?" Vision looked inside curiously while resisting attacks from two different directions. The first is the attack from the Internet world. Although it is a simple and direct DOSS attack, the number and frequency of this attack far exceed the total computing power of all computers in the world. As far as it knows, there is no supercomputer center in the world. Have this ability. At the same time, a large amount of toxic and abandoned code began to crowd out its basic functions. All the communication satellites it tried to connect to lost their links. The combination of all factors resulted in it being unable to use any power in the online world. It opened its eyes and said hello in a calm tone, "Hello, Miss Maximov."

"Stop talking." Wanda stretched out her hand, scarlet energy lingering on her palm and Vision's forehead. The snake bone staff made of steel released a dazzling red light, and the whole room was filled with supernatural power. Various strange phenomena continued to occur, such as objects moving without external force, whispers coming from nowhere, Unnaturally low temperatures and a distorted scene of light and shadow. But no one would care about these scenes, not even Vision, who was firmly controlled in place, nor Wanda Maximoff. "It will be over soon."

"I'm curious." Vision's tone was still gentle, "You were involved in the incident in Latvinia, weren't you? Why?"

"Because this is correct, you are a robot, your logic can come up with the answer." Wanda said coldly, "It is easy to make a choice between one and a hundred."

"I can come up with the answer, Miss Maximov. But the question is, who is the person who is going to be sacrificed? Has anyone asked the opinion of the person who is going to be sacrificed?"

Tomorrow, I will definitely ask for leave tomorrow and don’t write a word!

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