Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1081 Chapter 1077 Fatalism (first update)

All human natural sciences today are human interpretations of nature, which is a theory based on intuition. For example, a meteorite will create a big crater when it falls on the ground, and light will be refracted when it enters the water from the air. These are all theories that follow intuition and cause-and-effect relationships. However, quantum mechanics, a microphysical theory, has some naturally counter-intuitive and anti-causal theories. In these theories, cause and effect do not advance in linear time. For example, a meteorite will smash into the pit, and light will automatically choose when it enters the water. the shortest path. This is like a kind of fatalism, a discussion about free will, a speculation about whether there is an invisible creator in this world, just like the self-exile of Orpheus, who killed his father and married his mother, after learning the prophecy, but still Unable to change the fate that comes.

Most of the ancient Greek prophetic tragedies are stories of resistance to prophecy but the fulfillment of prophecy. When a person learns of his future destiny, he chooses to resist, but he does not know that even his resistance is part of his destiny. If you can stand on the river bank of time and look down, jump out of the three-dimensional view of time and space into the four-dimensional view of time and space, and see everything that happened from birth to death, it is difficult to say that this will not make people fall into the whirlpool of nihilism. Because this river of fate already includes all possibilities, including your actions to resist fate. Everything you do is meaningless. Free will does not exist. All actions are just fulfilling the tasks given by fate.

But for some, this pessimistic fatalism won't make a difference.

When a person can see all his possibilities at a certain point in time, he can make a different choice to completely change his destiny. This river of destiny breaks and the person gains free will. The established destiny has no influence on him. It's just a reference for the future. Salomon saw clearly several possibilities for his future. He clearly knew that he did not have free will because he could still see the river of fate. There could only be one of the two - since he could still predict the future, That proves that the long river of destiny still exists. But he never believed in established destiny, even if destiny encompassed all possibilities in the world, because he realized that this river of destiny would continue to extend, and he used the glimpsed destiny as a reference for the future from beginning to end. It is a means of obtaining knowledge of linear time in the real world.

"I saw that we would have several children in the future. Destiny told me to do it now," said Wanda Maximoff. She was wrapped in a bath towel and stood with her bare feet on the wet tiles. Her hair was still dripping with water, and the sunlight penetrated the window and illuminated the mist slowly emanating from her body. However, her expression did not show joy, but was full of worry and confusion. "I saw them conjoined, broken, divided and mutilated. Is this because I didn't look carefully enough?"

"No, Wanda, you didn't see enough." Salomon stretched out his hand, carefully held her wet arms and took her out of the bathroom. "What you see is correct. I will create children with some of our talents. But they will not be born from your womb, but will be created by technology and magic, and will be cultivated by mechanical wombs. Their souls, bodies, personalities and... The talents are carefully designed and distributed, and they will be one of the most perfect supreme alchemical works in my life. They will be my best assistants, and they will help me complete the final plan of human ascension, so that all human beings can The destiny after getting rid of the curtain has free will, and I will be the last human being in this universe who does not have free will."

"Then will you love them?"

"I don't know." Salomon said honestly. "I might think of them as a product, but I might also think of them as my own children. I don't know. There are very few things in this world that I don't know. , but I really don’t know how I will view them in the future. I will have a journey beyond dimensions, and they will be born after that journey, but I don’t know what will happen to me after that journey, because I haven't seen enough." He said, fingering the silver key with an arabesque pattern under his clothes. This is a predetermined destiny. He is destined to make this transaction and transform himself at the same time. This is not because he does not want to change his destiny, but because he has chosen this destiny. This is the only way to realize his ideal. Only in this way can he complete the stigmata and confront the gods with twisted thoughts. He steps on it without hesitation, no matter what price he will pay, even if the end of the road is... His end.

"Can you promise me that you will love them in the future?" Wanda raised her head and looked into his eyes and asked.

"I can't, Wanda." Salomon saw water droplets still hanging on her eyelashes, "I can't be sure of what will happen in the future. I have never had descendants. I have seen the future, so I don't know anything. .”

"Then what should I do?" The red-haired witch seemed to sense the teacher's embarrassment. This rare display made him giggle. She found it very interesting and tried to wet Salomon's shirt. "Will this change the established destiny?"

"I don't think so."

Pietro Maximov squinted his eyes first and looked to the left, then to the right, always turning a blind eye to the food on the plate in front of him. Wanda stamped her foot angrily, and Pietro felt as if his toe had hit the corner of the table. Terrible pain spread throughout his body from bottom to top. Even so, he still endured the pain and tried to smile, but he was tight. The clinging utensils and the cold sweat on his forehead showed how much pain he was in. He asked Wanda what happened in his mind, because he was sure that Wanda could hear his thoughts, but Wanda didn't respond at all, and he couldn't tell anything from the red face of his blood relative.

"Say something," he said through gritted teeth, "I'm not used to no one talking at the dinner table."

"There's nothing to say, Pietro." Salomon poured a glass of red wine for Wanda and himself. This was one of the bottles in the wine cabinet that he filled up for Wanda when she moved in. It goes well with the grilled lamb chops made by the invisible servant. So far, there are still many expensive wines stored in the wine cabinet. For Salomon, wine is a daily drink, but Wanda is not as dependent on wine as someone like Salomon who received ancient Greek education, so The wine cabinet is still full. "We should talk about your next plans. Tony Stark is about to leave for Germany with the Secretary of State. The Avengers are about to disband. You should leave there as soon as possible to avoid being monitored by the US government. I don't want to send Someone go save you, Pietro, I hope you don’t worry Wanda.”

"Don't try to change the subject, teacher." Pietro pointed at Salomon with his dining knife, a look of seeing through everything on his face. "Don't forget how fast I am, no one can catch me."

"Your speed is at most several times the speed of sound. It's still very easy to kill you." Salomon put a mobile phone produced by the Immortal City on the table. Only now did Pietro touch his pocket in horror, because the phone belonged to him. "And it doesn't have to be faster than you to kill you. There are many ways to kill, and not all of them rely on speed."

"How did you do that?" Pietro took back his phone angrily, "Okay, it doesn't count just now! This time I will be more vigilant..."

"Ordinary people cannot be vigilant all the time. Pietro, you have never belonged to the Avengers organization. You and Wanda have always been victims of the world police thinking of the Avengers. . Now that your sister has joined this organization that ends the war between humans, why don’t you join too?”

"But you started a war!"

"If criticism is useful, why do you need weapons? I know you want to do good, but our enemies will not sit back and let us do this. Everything you do is to make up for the crimes they have committed, not to end it completely. Crime. Why not bear the pain to remove the tumor and exchange temporary pain for future peace?" Salomon winked at Wanda, and then started a debate with Pietro. It has to be said that Pietro, who had lacked philosophy, history and political education since childhood, was completely unable to resist Salomon's speech of uniting mankind under a community of destiny. The knowledge he learned in the castle was no match for those who were more knowledgeable. Salomon. Pietro had to agree that he would move out of the Avengers base as soon as possible and go live in Latvinia. At this time, he had forgotten his original idea in just three minutes, until Salomon picked up his plate and put it in When he was in the pool, he suddenly remembered that this was not what he wanted to ask.

"That's not what I want to ask..."

"Have you finished eating? Let me take it away for you!" Wanda also stood up from her seat, with a smile on her face and tried to take away the food that she had only eaten a few bites from in front of him. Pietro sighed and slumped in his chair. He felt that he couldn't outsmart his teacher, and the pride and self-esteem he had developed in the Avengers regarding his superpowers had completely disappeared.

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