Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1082 Chapter 1078 The Just Cause (Second Update)

After lunch, Salomon left the penthouse with the Mind Stone. Wanda Maximoff's mood improved significantly. After a day of rest, she would arrive in the Eternal City through the portal with a genetic code lock set in the apartment. . It is a bit difficult for her to use the teleportation spell. In order to avoid terrible teleportation accidents, the teleportation gates she uses are all installed by Salomon himself. Wanda Maximoff also joked that if the destination is immortality, The city's fireplace is more like the Harry Potter series. As for Pietro Maximov, he promised to go to the Eternal City to work tomorrow with his blood relatives. Tonight, he will return to the Avengers base to pack his belongings, and then perform low-level security missions with those who do it (he can only perform this kind of mission now, because his training is not over yet, and he can only cooperate with the local police to arrest criminals) The agents drink and throw a low-key farewell party.

Wanda repeatedly asked him not to reveal his destination. Although Pietro agreed, Wanda was always a little worried. She firmly believed that her brother would drink, cause trouble and leak information. It was not until Pietro brought out his past experiences in Sokovia and repeatedly stated that his past performance was quite reliable that Wanda relaxed a little and let Pietro go. Join the orgy he wants.

"This is the Mind Stone." Salomon showed the trophy to his adoptive mother.

From the beginning to the end, the Avengers or Vision are not the main goals. Whether it is to recover the Mind Stone or destroy the Mind Stone, they can completely destroy the long-cherished wish of the dark tyrant Thanos. Salomon has been stabilized in this upcoming war. victory. Now that this gem of the mind has been obtained, it is not so much an energy source as a key with the highest authority in the universe. Through this gem, you can peek into the mysteries of the universe. Just some ether particles can make the alchemy technology of the Immortal City advance by leaps and bounds. Salomon wants to use this gem as a means of stabilizing the combat psykers who join the army, or to use the Asgardian Enchantress as a means of stabilizing those who join the army. The combination of ongoing tasks increases the chance of success for one of the most important plans in the future.

Athena curiously picked up the Mind Stone and put it in the sun to watch.

The Olympus Protoss has never come into contact with such a cosmic treasure, but for Athena, the Mind Stone is not particularly necessary. She is very satisfied with her current life. She also knows what the consequences will be if she possesses the Mind Stone. At the same time, she also has a glimpse of the importance of this stone in the future world. Perhaps the future of the entire human race will be maintained on this stone. . She now had to admit that what the Supreme Mage said made sense. Her adopted son was a person who would do whatever it took to achieve his goals under various education methods. If she really had a conflict with him because of this mind gem, Salomon would very likely No mercy. She threw the Mind Stone back into the lockbox with a flick of her finger, and sat down on the sofa covered with thick bearskin angrily.

"There's a yogurt in the refrigerator. It's a gift for the Sorcerer Supreme."

Salomon didn't understand why his adoptive mother's mood became so bad, and even his gifts couldn't make her happy. That bear skin was a gift he gave to Athena. It was one of the black bears he hunted with a throwing spear. Apart from that, he did not use any hot weapons, because only in order to perfectly demonstrate the martial arts taught to him by Athena - of course, The remaining bear samples were added to the biological gene bank of the Eternal City, and were rapidly cloned through genetic modification and artificial wombs. The baby bears living in the Oxfordshire manor were the preliminary products of the biological laboratory and had higher IQ and greater power. There are genes from plants and animals in the biological gene bank. Its main purpose is to quickly restore the ecological environment. It is one of the tens of thousands of sub-projects in the terraforming project. There are some quite crazy creations among them, and those baby bears have a talent for making trouble. Far superior to similar ones.

He said, only half jokingly, "Do I have one too? I feel like I've been having some indigestion lately."

Athena rolled her eyes and pointed to the refrigerator.

"The supermarkets in New York City are half empty now because of the mess you caused. If it weren't for the fresh goat's milk flown in by Hecate, you wouldn't be able to eat these things." She said, "You have to find a way to solve the orphanage. It’s a food supply problem, otherwise we’ll see!”

"Don't worry, I still have a few New York ports available. Make a list and someone will deliver it to your door tomorrow. I will tell those people to leave their guns outside the orphanage and pick a few that look like they don't have tattoos. The kinder guys are moving things so they won't scare those children." Salomon said while digging into the yogurt. "Wilson Fisk became more and more courageous after sending Vanessa abroad, but he still Fortunately, he is still very obedient and has a good relationship with the New York State congressman. From his mouth, I can know the current situation of the American trading environment and the plans of the American elite. So far, Wilson Fisk seems to be quite useful."

"He won't stay under others for long, he's ambitious."

"It doesn't matter, it's a replaceable position anyway. A bolter shell can solve the problem." Salomon licked the spoon. It didn't look like he was talking about one person's life and death or the living standards of thousands of people. Like a eater who concentrates on enjoying delicious food. "Wilson Fisk also knows this. He knows that he cannot rely on Vanessa's friendship with you, so he is trying to become an irreplaceable person. I appreciate his efforts, but it is a pity that the path he took is not good for me. It's not that important to me. No matter how ambitious I am, I can't deviate from objective laws. Even if I don't kill him, there will be people who want his life the moment he loses his effect on the upper class. The essence of the gang is the toilet of the upper class elite. Vested interests do the dirty work.”

Athena put her hand on his shoulder and said tentatively, "Bring order to New York, Salomon. People are dying every day."

"This is not something you can usually say." Salomon turned around and came face to face with Athena. "The root cause of social disorder does not lie with me, but with whether American elites and capital want to continue trading on Wall Street. Plasma cannons can destroy Wall Street, but they cannot destroy online trading. As long as American capital does not believe that the trading environment is safe, If the elite wants to stop the outflow of funds, then New York society will not be able to restore calm for a day. Wall Street, which has lost its value, is irrelevant to them. They can find other places to trade. How did you get blinded by this simple performance? "

"This is just testing your determination." Athena lay back down again and said nonchalantly, "You are in a bad situation now, aren't you? Why not choose the simplest way to solve the problem, but waste time and effort to gradually destroy those things? How about replacing the order established by the elite with its own order?”

"Although I look down on mainstream evangelicals in the United States and the prosperity gospel on TV, I know that those people have the strongest belief in defending the country. Liberals are just a piece of loose sand. Those people advocate extreme freedom and are hostile to vested interests. While protecting vested interests. There is not much difference between conservatives and liberals. Liberals also believe that wealth represents wisdom and virtue. The only difference is that conservative voters really believe in the American dream and they are willing to defend this ideal. Therefore, conservatives Retired military and police officers make up the majority of voters. If I do not destroy the American dream from the basic cultural and practical levels, then the great ideal of "Unified Truth" that unites mankind under the same community of destiny cannot be implemented. I am here The material and spiritual levels are fighting against Europe, the United States, and even the entire world at the same time. I must prove that "Unified Truth" is the path for future mankind. Although it is only a staged theory, it is enough to push the human race into the sea of ​​stars. .”

"so what?"

"So I will actively promote Protestant broadcast theology and evangelicalism in the United States. After all, the higher you climb, the harder you will fall. Only when Americans find that neither the Democratic Party nor the Republican Party can represent the United States, they will remember that they have another Choice, another strong enough choice." Salomon said with a smile, "I have not forgotten the Cambridge Five. It is my goal to unite mankind into a community with a shared future. They will believe that this is the most just cause in the world. , because the invasion of the alien fleet is imminent, the community of human destiny will become a racial consensus. This is what I created, a tool that can temporarily free Latvinia from the laws of objective reality. In fact, some people have already thought so, and the intelligence department is working on Reach out to a few professors at Yale.”

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