Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 115 Recruitment

"Do you know Asgardians, Agent Victoria Hand?" Salomon ignored the pistol pointed at the back of his head behind him, and the tall woman with red hair, "You are fighting for humanity Is it?"

"Who are you?" Victoria Hand stepped forward and put the muzzle of a gun on the back of Salomon's head. She asked sharply, "Who told you this address? What is your purpose for coming here!"

"It seems that your agents have the same problems. When Nick Fury first met me, he also asked a lot of nonsense, which made me very annoyed." Salomon curled his lips helplessly. The reason why he came here was entirely to poach an excellent agent, because when Nick Fury dug a hole for him, Salomon discovered that it was extremely important to use S.H.I.E.L.D. to develop Kama Taj's secular power. unrealistic.

The number of people in Karma Taj is nothing compared to the number of people in the world, because there are very few people with magical talents, and even fewer people who can pass the test of Visandi. With this few people, they want to protect the entire earth. It is extremely difficult not to be threatened by magic. Today, the earth has such a stable life and is not threatened by the demon gods of outer dimensions, it is entirely because the supreme mage is still in charge of Kama Taj. However, as time goes by, the Supreme Mage will finally let go. At that time, Salomon needs a team, a team that can use magic weapons to deal with the black magic creatures inside the earth, so that Kama Taj Mystic Attention can be focused on dealing with extradimensional threats.

Strange's rookie chicken is also unreliable, only the ability to cause trouble is first-rate.

This team will be built on the basis of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield, and Salomon plans to find time to find out and receive the legacy of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield. He doesn't trust Nick Fury much anymore, even if he handed over the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield to Nick Fury, this guy will have his own tricks; Agent Coulson is very loyal to Nick Fury, never Salo Monte's choice; Maria Hill is even less likely, she is also Nick Fury's valued subordinate, and she is the supervisor sent by the World Security Council to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. Get out safely.

Only Victoria Hand, an eighth-level agent who would have died in the S.H.I.E.L.D. civil strife, was the outstanding talent chosen by Salomon. Salomon doesn't even have to worry about her loyalty, because as long as there is a contract, there is no need to worry about betrayal - he needs to find a law firm to help him draw up a contract, and a foolproof contract can solve all problems.

Victoria Hand blinked quickly, her hand steady and ready to fire.

"I know you have access to the archives on the Asgardians. Thor, the Destroyer... those characters who have come out of mythology have now entered reality. Ah, I shouldn't say that, I should It is said that this is the first time that modern humans have realized what the real world is like, and the advent of the Asgardians has awakened humans from their arrogance.” Salomon said with a smile, “Do you still want to Know more?"

Victoria Hand's heartbeat was steady. "What do you know?" she asked.


"what is your purpose?"

"How should I put it? When a person participates in a great cause, he will be invincible. These are the original words of Nick Fury, and you firmly believe in these words." Salomon stood up slowly , the clear moonlight splashed on him, from the silver chain button to the sacred cloth, from the jewel ring to the long black curly hair, all were covered with a hazy white light and shadow. He turned around slowly and looked across the sofa at Victoria Hand standing in the shadows.

"The fundamental principle of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s mission is protection, protecting one person from another human being, protecting Earthlings from aliens, these are some very broad jobs. But believe it or not, there has always been It is not S.H.I.E.L.D. that protects the earth, but us. In the past thousands of years, we have been protecting the independent development of earth civilization and not being threatened by enemies. The Asgardians are our allies. S.H.I.E.L.D. Totally powerless in the face of future threats, I invite you to join me."

"who are you!"

"Salomon Damonet, from Karma Taj, a magical institution dedicated to the protection of mankind. Our heritage comes from the most powerful magician in the world before the birth of human civilization (Agomoto). You will It's the second person in S.H.I.E.L.D. who knows my identity, the first being Nick Fury." Salomon clapped his hands, and the living room lights suddenly turned on. Victoria Hand was startled by the sudden light, and then she heard a tinkling sound.

With Salomon waving his fingers, hot steam rose from the kettle on the table, and the white porcelain teacup stretched out its small hand to pick up the small silver spoon beside it, knocking its head and jumping onto the table. The tea bag tore off its own wrapping paper, held up the sugar cube with a string, and danced up and down with the ding-dong sound of the white porcelain teacup. Finally, they stepped on the silver spoon and jumped into the cup full of tea. In the teacup of hot water, I took a comfortable bath in it, and let out a satisfied sigh.

This fairytale-like scene made Victoria Hand's eyes widen. Her first reaction was that she was poisoned. This was an ambush by the enemy, using something like hallucination-like gas.

"Magic, it's not a hallucinogen. It takes a lot more to make you hallucinate. There is no doubt, this is magic. My file is top secret, and even a tenth-level clearance cannot be viewed. I am not the first I went to Tricurve Wing headquarters once, and I observed you, and you are the one I am most satisfied with.” Salomon said, “Also, I have to apologize to you. I saw a tea bag under the table, Just make up your own mind."

Salomon walked over, sat down on the couch, picked up his teacup and drank. He didn't intend to recruit an agent with a few words, he just set a condition.

"I just came back from Asgard and brought you a gift. This is the top mead in Asgard. I hope you will be satisfied. Ms. Hand, this is an invitation." Salomon said , "When you are completely disappointed in S.H.I.E.L.D., you can contact me, no matter what you are at that time. If you are still alive, I will recruit you. If you are dead...then you owe me your life. "


"You actually recruited my agent!" Nick Fury yelled, "I plan to compensate you!"

"What do you think you can give me, Nick Fury. I don't need your things, and the last time I took your diamonds was just because they were raw materials." Salomon closed his eyes and put his feet up in the office on the table. He waved his hand impatiently, signaling Nick Fury to stop talking nonsense, he was suffering from a headache.

The excitement brought by Beunita was so great that he didn't even dare to spend the night in the apartment. Beunita's evaluation was "poor kissing skills of a shy boy", but Salomon didn't think so either. How proficient is Bayonetta. But even back in Karma Taj's bedroom, under the influence of adolescent hormones, he still didn't get a good night's sleep. He didn't fall asleep until he took the medicine (the panacea), and the last bottle of the medicine failed, and the mead in Asgard became stronger.

Victoria Hand reporting the incident to Nick Fury was completely expected by Salomon, as Ms. Hand was a loyal person before the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. The strong woman asked Nick Fury to disclose Salomon's information to her, but because of Nick Fury's contract with Salomon, she got nothing - Nick Fury only told Victoria Hand that he was Supervisor of Salomon. If it weren't for this sentence, Ms. Hand would still be pestering.

"And this!" Nick Fury put out another thing, which was the mead that Salomon gave Ms. Hand, "You didn't say you went to Asgard! Why did you go there? "

"Do I still need to tell you when I go to Asgard, Nick Fury. That's Kama Taj's internal affairs, you'd better not reach out, don't forget our agreement, it has been written in the contract, when the time comes I will I don't care if the person in front of me is a SHIELD agent, they only have the option of death. I think you have seen it." Salomon was very impatient. His vacation is coming to an end, and the schedule for the remaining few days is full. It is impossible for him to give up the opportunity to go to Akihabara in order to communicate with Nick Fury.

"Let us negotiate, Salomon Damonette."

"Then fulfill the contract well, and don't think about taking advantage of loopholes." Salomon opened his eyes, "Exchange news about black magic creatures for magical support. We are just a transactional relationship."

"Are you holding grudges like this? I was on the plane to remind you to fulfill your obligations."

"Then you'd better not mention this matter." Salomon glared at him, "Otherwise I will get angry when I think about being plotted by you."

"Well, I did something wrong in that matter, I have apologized, and I promise to compensate you." Nick Fury said, "And..."

"And what?"

"I don't think you really want to recruit my agent, you just want to give me a small revenge, otherwise you won't find Agent Hand. But I have to say, your method is too immature. "Nick Fury said with a smile, "I think your intelligence ability is good, but I can teach you more. Regarding how to protect the world, I believe SHIELD is more experienced. You and I are the same kind of people, for Guard the unscrupulous people in this world. How about you quit Eton College and study at SHIELD Academy? In SHIELD Academy, you can study more systematically."

"Really, do you think that's all I did? Then you think so, I won't tell you more." Salomon shrugged, "And I'm not as bad as you said, right? I But the caster is not an agent. What's more... what is SHIELD Academy, can it be compared with Oxford University?"

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