Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 116 The Merlin School (Second update! Please subscribe!)

Nick Fury did not hide his purpose from Salomon, he wanted to put Salomon under his nose. He promised that as long as Salomon enters the Aegis Academy, he will get unimaginable resources, whether it is technology or magic, as long as Salomon asks, he will definitely do it.

The purpose of doing this is not only to monitor Salomon, a dangerous target, but also for the magic and "alien technology" in Salomon's hands. His previous suggestion to send someone to Karma Taj was ruthlessly rejected, so he only I can figure out a way from Salomon.

So he was ridiculed by the mystic.

Salomon believes that a university without a seminary, a castle, a major in classical literature, or even a Soviet spy is not a good university at all. SHIELD Academy is at best a vocational technical school. Moreover, Salomon will not tell Nick Fury what he went to Asgard to facilitate.

"I trust very few people, counting on one hand." He said, "But our purpose is the same, wouldn't it be better to cooperate?"

"Then don't talk nonsense." Salomon stood up with a sneer, "You can't give me anything, this is not cooperation, but asking. Magic has a price, and so does prying magic. Maybe you are irreplaceable, but Not the others. Next time you make such a suggestion, I'll cut off your 'finger'."

After speaking, Salomon opened the portal and walked out of the office. He's running low on his vacation balance and is in a rush because he hasn't finished his homework yet! Not only is the schoolwork at Eton College quite difficult, but life is extremely strict. Just yesterday, the dormitory supervisor sent him a text message asking Salomon to give his height data so that he can customize a new uniform—for adolescent males For me, one holiday is enough to grow five inches taller, and the housemaster will never allow students to wear ill-fitting uniforms to school!

By the time Salomon walked out of the campus again, more than a month had passed, and Christmas was approaching. Even Eton College will be closed in the face of the upcoming Christmas. After Salomon returned to Karma Taj, he immediately enjoyed the free air and extremely flexible work and rest time. He also experimented with some newly learned magic spells. After a simple birthday, he plans to go to Japan, preparing to participate in a jihad called "Winter Comiket".

Eton College not only failed to get rid of Salomon's home smell, but it became more serious. As long as no one sees it in private (or when he is with Beyonetti), Salomon will quickly become a homeboy and become a nerd. Become a mysterious creature wrapped in a blanket and eating snacks.

But before he could participate in the jihad, he was captured by several mystic masters. Among them are Wu Guiyue, the guardian of the Hong Kong Temple, Master Xiao Wang and Master Hamil.

"It's Chinese New Year, and everyone will get together (Chinese New Year, everyone will get together)." Wu Guiyue tilted Salomon's head with the Wantai stick in his hand, "Don't think about going to the Japanese land. The ghosts are celebrating Christmas, and the shops are closed. You go to Chinatown to buy something, turmeric powder, rum, and soy oil. Xiao Wang will go with you, go back quickly, my daughter will come, what do you do? The big brother has to take care of him (don’t even think about going to the Japanese territory, foreigners celebrate Christmas, the store is closed, you go to Chinatown to buy turmeric powder, sweet wine and soy sauce. Xiao Wang will go with you, go quickly, I The daughter is back too. You, the older brother, have to take care of her)."

"I've prepared a gift!" Salomon is now able to take over the spell proficiently. Although the pronunciation is not standard, it is passable. "You don't have (without yours)," said he. "That's for Alice (that's for Alice). Isn't the Supreme a holiday?"

"Halloween is over long ago." Master Hamel said, "If you have filial piety, you can go to accompany the Supreme in the evening (go to accompany the Supreme in the evening)."

"I have others to accompany (I have others to accompany)." Salomon retorted.

"You are so salty at such a young age (you are so lustful at such a young age)." Wu Guiyue obviously knew about the witch, she said, "Tell them to celebrate the New Year together. Hey, Alice will not be happy (call them all together) Get up and come here. It's just that Alice won't be happy)."

"Your daughter, I am fifteen years old (your daughter is so young, I am already fifteen years old)." Salomon rolled his eyes.

"I know." Wu Guiyue waved her hand, signaling Salomon to leave quickly. Master Xiao Wang took Salomon and ran out. His father was here, which made him a little scared. When they passed through the portal and came to New York's Chinatown, they found that a dragon dance performance was being held here. Various scraps of paper were continuously sprinkled from the air, covering the entire street, and the sound of gongs, drums and suonas was non-stop . This is just a small celebration on New Year's Day. On the day of the Spring Festival, the celebration in Chinatown will be even more grand.

"Don't refute their words." Master Xiao Wang couldn't help complaining, "My father deducted my salary in order to make me lose weight."

"But why haven't you lost any weight?" Salomon patted Master Wang's chubby stomach, "Don't you still have money to buy something to eat?"

"I cook all the food in the Hong Kong Temple." Master Xiao Wang spread his hands with an innocent face, "Is there anything wrong with tasting the food while cooking?"

"I don't think the day will come when you can control your salary by yourself." Salomon wiped his hands in disgust, "Let's go shopping now. I have to pick up Beunita and Joan of Arc to St. New Year's Eve."

Master Xiao Wang was very familiar with Chinatown in New York. He led Salomon through the crowd and walked towards the small supermarket next to the dragon dance team. But as soon as they got out of the crowd, Salomon and Master Wang heard an exclamation, and a person fell from upstairs and fell into the cardboard boxes piled up with ribbons. The man stood up immediately, seemingly unscathed. It's just that he was dressed very strangely, with a Qing Dynasty hairstyle, fiercely hanging eyes, and a metal skirt.

The people around thought it was some kind of performance, and applauded one after another. Salomon and Master Wang also applauded, while pushing towards the next crowd. But within two steps, Salomon stopped, and so did Master Xiao Wang. Even though there are all kinds of noises from the outside world, there is a louder sound reverberating in the etheric plane, a wave of magic power is being set off. For the caster, this sound is even noisier than the Suona that is close at hand.

"Magic!" Salomon turned around and looked at the place he had just passed. The place was already filled with crowds again, but he and Master Xiao Wang still noticed that the wave of magic power in the etheric plane started from there. "Is anyone else coming to Chinatown today?" Salomon raised his voice and asked Master Wang, "Or, is there any magician living here?"

"I don't know!" Master Xiao Wang shook his head. He decided to stay and take a look, because it is also one of Kama Taj's responsibilities to avoid the secret of magic being known to the public. He didn't know which wild magician was casting spells in public. If things were as he expected, then he and Salomon would have to subdue that wild magician.

"There!" Salomon pointed to the dragon dance not far away. The original conspicuous red cloth has turned into dark scales, and the dragon head made of wood has also been transformed into flesh and blood at this moment, and the flesh and blood continue to spread downwards. The feet of the dragon dancer are also covered with scales, turning into another kind of The creature's claws, and two small wings extended from the creature's back.

This is a strange looking dragon, with the head of an eastern dragon and the body of a western dragon, it looks short and fat. When it let out its first roar, everyone was running for their lives in panic. Master Xiao Wang pulled Salomon upstream and ran towards the strange dragon. This is a sudden magical accident, and the mystics of Karma Taj are obliged to deal with it. But before they got close, a gust of wind blew from behind them, blowing up all the colored ribbons on the ground, and the whole street was suddenly filled with a sea of ​​colored ribbons. And this strong wind doesn't seem to dissipate, but keeps revolving around the monster.

"There is more than one magician here, he blocked the monster's vision." Salomon put on the hood of the mystic robe to prevent his hair from getting colored ribbons and dust, "Go and see the one in the back, the one in the front is me Come deal with it."

"Okay." Master Xiao Wang nodded, turned around and ran upstairs along the fire escape. The magician had already exposed his position when he cast the spell. Although the magician blocked the monster's vision and covered the escape of ordinary people, but Master Xiao Wang couldn't guarantee that he was friendly.

The wave of ether caused by the deformed dragon is still pouring in, the position of the original caster has been blurred, and Salomon can only move forward with memory and sense of direction. The sound of gongs and drums had stopped, and Salomon could only hear the sound of cracking bricks and stones, and the roar of the strange dragon.

"Balthazar!" He heard someone shout the name, and a new wave of ether appeared, only this time much smaller. But before Salomon took a few steps forward, a violent explosion sounded.

"You skipped step one!" someone echoed the voice.

"That's right, you skipped reporting to Karma Taj, wild mage!" Salomon walked out, and the man with the hairstyle of the Qing Dynasty was in front of him. As soon as he saw Salomon, he immediately put on a hostile posture, and the symbol of Karma Taj made him very nervous.

"You! And you!" Salomon pointed to the weird man in front of him, and the man with short gray hair and wearing a black windbreaker behind him, "Come with me, Kama Taj wants to ask you. Oh man, trying to break Karma Taj's laws?"

"Can we talk about this later?" The man in the black trench coat shouted, "I have acquaintances in Karma Taj!"

"No." Master Xiao Wang appeared behind him, with sparks wrapped around his hands.

The man with the hairstyle of the Qing Dynasty waved his hands, and the brass dragon sculpture on his belt began to writhe and crawl. The strange dragon rushed out from the window above Salomon's head, accompanied by broken glass and bricks, and headed downward. The mystic slammed it down hard. However, before the wild magician could check the situation, he was knocked down by the force field of the battering ram from the sky, and then Salomon jumped down and anesthetized him with his fist.

Lost step + battering ram, plus a fist at the end, this set of vertical strike combination skills is quite easy to use.

Due to losing the control of the caster, the monster dragon began to go berserk, and it began to climb towards the residential building desperately, which was its original goal. Salomon placed his hand on the man's belt, and cast "dispelling magic" on the bronze dragon. Soon, the brass dragon stopped moving, and even the strange dragon turned back into a A dragon dance made of wood and cloth.

Just when those dragon dancers were about to fall, the magician in black leather cast a spell to catch them and let them land slowly. But at this moment, the gust of wind gradually dissipated, and Salomon dragged the weird man's feet through the falling ribbons and walked towards Master Xiao Wang.

"Let's go." Master Xiao Wang said to the man in the black trench coat, "Follow us back to Karma Taj. The temple deacon will give you a fair trial."

"We haven't bought anything yet. Although I have the consciousness of being the protagonist, when things really come to my door, I feel troublesome." Salomon glanced at the man who was being dragged by him in disgust. Man, "Who is he, who are you, and why are you here?"

"He is Sun Long, a black wizard. He was originally locked up by me, but he was released by other magicians." The man in black leather made a gesture, "My name is Balthazar, level 777 of Merlin School Magician. I am quite familiar with the supreme mage...if the ancient one is not dead."

Please recommend tickets and monthly tickets! ! If you want a third update, I will try my best.

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