Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1095 Chapter 1091 Time limit for arrest (first update)

Clint Barton drove the car down the Ullef Trail and stopped in an open space near a chemical factory called Biogen Co., Ltd., observing the abandoned warehouse not far away from a high position, trying to figure out the target site in advance. . He asked his friend in the back seat if he needed help, but Natasha Romanoff shook her head. "He's still our friend, at least for now." She carefully checked the stun device on her wrist in the back seat, then opened the door and got out. "I have to find out what he really thinks. He definitely doesn't just want to divide the Avengers. He never does simple things, and all his plans will play out many years later."

"Sounds like a villain in comics. I quite like him. Although we don't communicate much, I always think he is easy to get along with." Clint Barton shook his head and said half-jokingly. "If you need help, call me. I will occupy the sniper point. Even if I can't hurt him, I can create time for you to escape."

"You are no match for him." Natasha Romanoff rolled her eyes in amusement. Clint Barton's intelligence is out of touch. He has no idea what kind of person Salomon is now, and Natasha Romanoff did not tell him that the Emperor of Latvinia on TV is Salomon. No one dares to reveal his true identity. Everyone who knows him knows that this is his red line. What's more, Salomon's identity may not be true. All documents related to his true identity have long been destroyed. "Don't forget, he is a magician."

"I forgot about it!" Clint Barton still didn't change his smile. He wanted to do his best to make the atmosphere of this meeting more relaxed, at least to make Natasha Romanoff more relaxed. "As long as his magic isn't as difficult to deal with as Loki."

"The aircraft you want is ready. It must be said that it is not an easy task for the Eternal City to bypass German air defense forces and send an unregistered armed aircraft into the airport under such a tense international situation. , even the previous attacks on NATO air defense forces did not affect Germany. Doing so is very risky, so please be sure to fulfill your agreement."

The speaker stood under the shadow, like a deeper and deeper black shadow lingering under the eaves and in the shadow of reality. At first, Natasha Romanoff did not find any trace of him at the agreed place, and even Clint Barton, who had a pair of "Eagle Eyes", could not find him until he came out of the shadows and spoke, as if this man wearing a The black cloaked figure is an extension of darkness rather than a living person.

"I will let Steve and Sam go to Latvinia for asylum, I promised you." Natasha Romanoff took a step forward and approached the black-armored giant in front of her. The heavy sound of the mechanical respirator continued to sound, and the thick black cloak and pitch-black armor were continuously absorbing heat. As soon as Natasha Romanov approached, she could feel the heat wave in the air. "I'm afraid this was all your plan, right? Including the fake psychiatrist who manipulated the Winter Soldier and Sharon Carter who took advantage of the chaos to steal the shield and wingsuit? I already know the fate of the Joint Command task force. Only you have the ability to massacre such a heavily armed force in such a short period of time, and everything that happened today has something to do with you."

"It's rare for someone to find clues in such a short period of time, so I infer that you don't have any evidence."

The black-armored giant took off his hood and helmet, and his tied black hair fell like a waterfall. His eyes are as dark and deep as his hair, and you can't help but stare at them for a long time and then fall into them.

He did not remind Natasha Romanov of the error in his words, because the investigation in the command center had not yet begun, and no one would find out that the corpses did not match the number of the task force - he did not kill everyone Of the members of the task force, only those who persisted in resisting survived, and the bodies all belonged to the surrendered soldiers. Perhaps this is a rather unbelievable thing for ordinary people, but he only needs brave people to join his ranks of genetically modified warriors, just as he did before when selecting soldiers on the battlefields of the Middle East.

"And you didn't bring a recording device. If you wanted to catch me, why didn't you bring a small recording device? I know you've been wanting to do that."

"Because Steve Rogers has no choice. There are not many places in the world that can provide him with asylum, and Latvinia is one of them. I don't know Wakanda, so I can't make the decision to let them go to Wakanda." Da's decision, I only know that Latvinia has the ability to fight against the United States." Natasha Romanoff had a complicated expression, and it could be seen that she was very concerned about the members of the Avengers. "All your past predictions have come true, including the attitude of the White House and the Pentagon." she said. "Is there anything else you don't want me to know, Salomon? I have turned off the communicator, don't worry, everyone else Our conversation will not be heard.”

The black-armored giant shrugged incredulously, but this action looked a little funny after wearing heavy power armor.

"Like Vision?" Natasha Romanoff approached again until Salomon lowered his head and could see the top of her head. She raised her head and stared into his eyes, "Where is Vision, Salomon? Tony Stark told me that Vision was missing, but I know how obedient that robot was. Tony Stark left him The order was to stay at the Avengers base, but Maria Hill failed to find him. There are not many people who have the ability to fight Vision, and you are one of them. Where is he now, and is he still alive?"

"Dead, completely dead." After hearing this answer, Natasha Romanov's face was full of disbelief. "It shouldn't have that gem and then be unable to protect it. This is its original sin. The universe is a cruel place. The existence of Vision is equivalent to constantly showing off the treasure in its hand to the universe. I know it is innocent, but I don't care about its life or death, nor do I care about its ostentation, but if the gem it cannot protect falls into the hands of the enemy, it will seriously endanger the safety of the human race. What's more, it is the most powerful thing created by mankind relying on that gem. Powerful artificial intelligence, as long as it thinks, all mechanical equipment in the world will be unsafe. Science and machinery are the only hope for mankind. Even without that gem, it cannot continue to live because it is just a gem. Manipulated weapons.”

"You are so cruel, Salomon. What on earth are you thinking!"

"This is the only way to go. One day we will all make sacrifices for mankind's adventure towards the stars and the sea. All I do is to ensure that mankind has the ability to take that step and successfully survive all the challenges that it will encounter and may encounter. Disaster." He seemed to have completely lost interest in the conversation and put the iron-black skull helmet back on. The scarlet lenses lit up like a pool of boiling blood, and the iron-black ferocious skull lowered its head, "Remember our agreement, Steve Rogers must arrive in Latovinia. This is of strategic significance to me."

The atmosphere in the command center where power was restored was extremely tense. German military officers, diplomats, American administrators, US military officers stationed in Europe and other representatives all gathered together. The encounters of the task force have been fed back to their desks, and medical staff in protective suits are methodically clearing the slaughterhouse-like corridor. Although the death of the task force is a very serious matter, the lives of soldiers are not valuable. The political significance of the task force far exceeds the lives of soldiers. The people sitting here care more about the Winter Soldier and Steve Rogers. destination.

"We did not recover his body from the river, and the body of the Winter Soldier was not found either." Secretary of State Ross sat on his seat with a cold face, tapping his fingers on a briefing issued by the German police. Until now, German police are still driving boats and sending divers to search for their traces in the Spree River. "Where is Steve Rogers? Where is Sam Wilson? Only James Barnes and Steve Rogers fell into the water, not Sam Wilson. He and the confiscated equipment were just removed from this facility. Gone. Stark, do you know what?"

"I don't know, Rose, you need me to repeat it as many times as you want." Tony Stark retorted without giving up. "I saw them fall on the tarmac with my own eyes at that time! If it hadn't been for that damn hearing Yes, I could have put on my suit and stopped this from happening! What could I have done then? I also stopped the helicopter's engine!"

"Listen, I don't want to go through another heart bypass surgery." Secretary of State Ross ignored the German military police representative's urge to explain the search report and moved his body to face Tony Stark. His nostrils were flaring and he was panting hard, looking like he was trying to control his anger. "I don't know if you are an accomplice, but I know you have the ability to find them." He said, "You will obtain surveillance rights in Berlin and be able to view any camera in Berlin and monitor every phone call and every text message of Berlin people. , browse every mobile phone and every computer in Berlin. If necessary, you have the right to monitor even Angela Merkel’s calls.”

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