Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1096 Chapter 1092 The whole story (second update)

"This is a serious violation of the principles of international exchanges and has greatly harmed Germany's sovereignty..."

Secretary of State Ross completely ignored the German protests and continued to say to the somewhat helpless Tony Stark, "No matter what method you use, I need you to capture Steve Rogers and his accomplices. Now the German police have Checkpoints have been set up on the road leaving Berlin, and I will see the results in twenty-four hours, otherwise I can only let the US troops stationed in Germany enter Berlin and let the army solve this matter."

German representatives continued to protest, but all protests were ignored by Secretary of State Ross.

The German intelligence service has long known that the US National Security Agency is monitoring the phone calls and emails of European leaders, and has tacitly not informed the current Prime Minister of this matter, because almost all European security agencies, whether in the real world or the online world, have There is no way to defeat the United States. Much of the cyber security cooperation with the United States is based on the United States' cyber hegemony and large-scale surveillance and surveillance programs. The CIA can also operate freely in Europe and receive continuous support from European intelligence agencies.

Facts have proved that as long as one can tolerate the unscrupulous monitoring of the US security agencies, not only the German Federal Intelligence Service can monitor the phone calls of news media reporters, but also terrorist attacks planned by Middle Eastern refugees with ties to Middle Eastern terrorist organizations in the country will also be prevented.

As for who cultivated terrorist organizations, created displaced refugees, vigorously advocated hosting refugees, and opened refugee resettlement companies to make profits, the German intelligence agencies no longer bothered to care, and everyone knew it.

With the above support, Germany can continue to maintain stability, and ordinary people's antipathy towards refugees will be suppressed to a minimum. Even if the Prime Minister knows about it, he can only continue to tolerate it. What's more, the CIA still holds the Stasi's confidential documents, many of which involve current German politicians. In 1998, the CIA "accidentally" leaked a confidential Stasi document, causing a NATO general to A senior West German official who leaked secret intelligence to a former Eastern European country resigned. No one knows what kind of information the CIA still holds. Only the person involved knows the specific details.

Although the German intelligence agencies are not as bad as MI5 and MI6, when dealing with many external security issues, the German intelligence agencies are just dogs running in circles under the baton of the CIA. However, it is one thing to know, but another thing to say it blatantly. The German military, police and administrative representatives left the meeting angrily, seemingly intending to report the matter to the Prime Minister. Secretary of State Ross didn't even think of giving them a look. He continued to stare at Tony Stark like a tiger that preyed on others. When Tony Stark first met Ross, the old guy was a down-and-out veteran who got drunk in a bar and was abandoned by all his old friends. Now he seems to have regained his past majesty and has once again become the unscrupulous person who does things at all costs. general.

"Twenty-four hours." He repeated, then took out a bottle of medicine, poured himself one pill, and swallowed it without drinking water. After taking the medicine, Rose looked much better. "The White House and the Pentagon will know about the situation here soon, and I will convince them to give you twenty-four hours to prove your position. This is your last chance if you still hold on to your dream."

Berlin is a big city and not everywhere has surveillance cameras, so Tony Stark's job was troubled from the start. There are too many places to hide in this city. Even if the German police set up checkpoints on the road out of the city, ordered the army to block the border, and dispatched reconnaissance planes for round-the-clock reconnaissance, Tony Stark would not be able to search from house to house in a short time. Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. As for Natasha Romanoff, although he knew that she must have some information, no one could force her to tell it - Natasha Romanoff did know the locations of the fugitive suspects, and not only that, she also had control over the winter. The position of warrior James Barnes was even related to the movements of everyone on both sides, so when Rose lost her temper, she still sat aside and watched with cold eyes, observing everyone's reactions.

Although she signed the agreement, the agreement is now less binding than a parking ticket.

Steve and Sam placed the Winter Soldier in a warehouse next to a railway branch. This warehouse had not been used since the end of the Cold War, so there were only rusty machinery and graffiti scrawled on the walls. There was nothing, the dust on the ground could even cover the heels of my shoes. "Hey, Captain!" Sam called to Steve who was watching at the back door with a very nervous tone, "He's awake!"

After waking up, the Winter Soldier did not intend to run away, but looked around calmly, completely ignoring his metal arm that was suppressed by heavy objects. Steve had changed his clothes, and only the Winter Soldier was still wearing the same wet clothes when he fell into the water. "Steve." This was the first word the Winter Soldier said after waking up. "Steve!"

"Which Bucky am I talking to?"

"Your mother's name is Martha, and you used to put newspapers in your shoes." Bucky seemed to chuckle at the memory. "Do you want your new friends to know more about the stupid things you did in the past, Steve?" ?”

Steve Rogers laughed heartily, as if the shock of the crash and falling into the water had brought Bucky back to his senses and freed him from mind control. "You really can't see this in a museum." He glanced at Sam, "You definitely don't want to hear about Bucky taking me to the prom to find a girl to dance with. I was only this tall at that time." Steve used his hands He gestured at a height to show how thin he used to be.

But Sam still can't believe that the old Bucky is back. "We just let him go?" he asked doubtfully, "Someone has to be responsible for what happened there."

Bucky's smile stiffened, and finally disappeared completely. He heard the hint from Sam Wilson. "What have I done?" Anyone could hear some fear in his tone. "Tell me."

"Quite a few," was all Steve could answer.

"I knew this would happen," Bucky said in frustration. Steve felt sorry for him but didn't know how to comfort him. "The things instilled in Hydra's mind are still there, and he can activate the Winter Soldier just by speaking those instructions."

"who is he?"

"I don't know." Bucky's voice was almost desperate. "I have never met him. You know that the Vienna bombing had nothing to do with me."

Although Steve has been trying to calm Bucky's emotions, time is getting increasingly urgent, and the time for them to escape Berlin is getting closer. "A lot of people died in that explosion, and that doctor wanted to use this opportunity to frame you, and he did all this just to spend ten minutes with you. I need you to give me more information, Bucky, 'I don't know 'No way to solve the problem."

"I'm not the only Winter Soldier." Bucky Barnes took a deep breath and began to tell the whole story from the beginning. From a 1991 mission to retrieve additional "Super Soldier" serum samples from the trunk of a crashed car, to a series of brutal experiments at a Hydra base in Siberia. Then the Winter Soldier was born, and training continued for the next twenty years until one day everyone suddenly attacked the Guardsmen except Bucky.

"who are they?"

"The most elite Hydra death squad. Since the establishment of Hydra, that death squad has killed a lot of people." Bucky said, "This was before they were injected with the serum."

"Have they all become like you?"


"Can that doctor control them?"

"Pretty much." Bucky Barnes nodded, "He said he wanted to witness the fall of the Empire. With those people, he can do it. They can speak more than thirty languages ​​and come and go without a trace, they can Spying can carry out assassinations and even dismantle a country's organizational system."

When Sam heard this, he couldn't help but pull Steve aside. "This matter will be much easier to handle if we..."

"If we call Tony," Steve said, but that wasn't what Sam meant.

"He won't believe us, and even if he does, who knows whether the expert panel mentioned in the agreement and the old dog in the striped suit (referring to Secretary of State Ross) will let him help?"

"We can only rely on ourselves," Steve hesitated, "Maybe we can also find someone to help."

Sam nodded in agreement, "I know some people too."

"My Lord, we have obtained an excuse to participate in the incident openly. Steve Rogers has asked us for help." Hammurabi said on the communication channel, "Will we intervene at the official level?"

"Go ahead, I'm going to have Latovinia's air defenses ready when I intervene. I need a worry-free reason to strike."

"Received, the preset order is being issued. The estimated mobilization time is three hours. My lord, do you need any other weapons and equipment?" Hammurabi asked, "If the worst happens, I think you need a A lot of heavy firepower can solve the problem."

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