Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1097 Chapter 1093 CIA Mission (First Update)

Sharon Carter had been waiting for a long time at a remote bridge underpass in the countryside outside Berlin.

From a distance, she saw Steve Rogers slowly driving up in a dilapidated car. The car could barely accommodate anyone except the driver's seat, let alone two adult men. The other two passengers were awkwardly crowded together. Although it was unclear what they were saying, Sharon Carter was sure that they were complaining about each other. After arriving at the destination, Sam, who was sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't wait to open the door and jump out, breathing in the fresh air. "You told me that you knew some people, but you didn't tell me that I also knew this person." Sam Wilson put his hands on his hips and looked at Sharon Carter standing in front of him, "I didn't expect that you would help us, Carter. Ma’am, aren’t you from the CIA?”

"Although I am affiliated with the CIA, it does not mean that I will stand by and watch. What's more, the CIA is not monolithic. Factional struggles over black gold occur every day. Even if the Langley headquarters is attacked by Hydra, the bureaucrats cannot unite. Get up. If you want to hear it, I can also tell you the dirty things the CIA has done, which will make sure you can't sleep at night." Sharon Carter opened the trunk of the car, "Your Birdman suit and Captain's shield, I can only help so much.”

"Not the Birdman costume," protested Sam Wilson.

"That's enough." Steve Rogers picked up the shield and tried to regain his touch.

In fact, Sharon Carter contacted him first, otherwise he would never have known that Peggy Carter's niece would actually help them steal equipment. As for where the contact information came from, only Natasha Romanoff could Gave it to her. When the Vienna bombing occurred, it was Sharon Carter who gave Steve clues about Bucky. Now she has betrayed the CIA. The price of doing so will definitely not be as easy as she said. She may not know They will also be wanted and assassinated.

"I owe you another favor."

"I remember it all." She pointed to Bucky who was still sitting in the back seat with her chin, "solve your own troubles first."

Steve Rogers nodded and returned to the car.

Sharon Carter was not the only person who contacted him. Even Natasha Romanoff, who had signed the Sokovia Accords, told him a shocking news through a secret communication channel. A modified Quinjet fighter belonging to SHIELD has been transported into Germany. As long as they go south along Route 9, passing through the Fleming Nature Park and Bitterfeld-Wolfen, and turning onto Route 14 near Leipzig, they can reach Halle Airport. It only takes two hours. After arriving at Halle Airport, they can climb in through the fence near the airport. Someone will pick them up at the airport, and they can find the transportation they need in the hangar to leave Germany.

What's more important is that the Quinjet has a permission code to enter Latovinia's defense airspace and can land at Latovinia's military airport. After boarding the Quinjet, he only had to head southeast, pass through the Czech Republic and Austria and enter the airspace of Latvinia, and he would be able to get rid of the German Air Force and the U.S. Air Force that were chasing them. No European country now has the courage to invade Latvinia, because the whole world knows how powerful the emperor of Latvinia is, and the tragedy on Wall Street is a warning to all European countries.

Bucky told him that the fake doctor's destination was the Winter Soldiers in Siberia.

No matter what the fake doctor is trying to do, Steve Rogers intends to stop him and get to the bottom of the Vienna bombing to clear Bucky's name. As long as the owner of Latovinia is willing to help, they can reach Siberia smoothly even though they are half a world away, maybe even faster - as long as he can agree to stay in Latovinia after this matter is over and help If the government maintains order, fights crime, and strives for a peaceful and peaceful life for the Latvian people, the master of Latvonia will not refuse such a small thing as sending the three of them to Siberia. And Steve Rogers believes that there is probably no place in the world that is more suitable for Bucky to stay than Latvinia. He knows that even if Bucky is cleared of his crimes, he is still the Winter Soldier who holds the secrets of Hydra. Only there can he Only in this way can he escape the pursuit of those who want him to reveal his secrets, and stay away from terrible interrogations and torture.

Steve Rogers thanked Natasha Romanoff from the bottom of his heart for her help, then started the car and drove towards Route 9.

"Will the person who picks us up be Clint?" Sam Wilson asked worriedly as Steve Rogers told the entire escape plan. "Agent Romanoff told me that she has brought over the manpower I found. Now I am a little worried about whether that guy can help. You know, Clint is very strict."

"That's because you don't understand him..."

Sharon Carter stood there and watched the three people leave. After the shabby car drove onto the highway and disappeared from sight, she took out her prepaid mobile phone and dialed a number. The person who answered the phone was a legal consulting company in Germany. Sharon Carter gave her client information, and the operator transferred the call to a secret route. Then she got a long string of numbers. After memorizing the numbers, she hung up the phone, pulled out the SIM card, broke off the phone, and drove away from the passage under the bridge. She told Sam Wilson about the factions within the CIA. The struggle is not just talk. In fact, she has been performing tasks given by the CIA, including stealing the equipment and the means required to perform the tasks, all from the CIA. However, she does not know who her supervisor is, nor where this task comes from, but She was certain that such a mission would not be registered for inquiry.

There are countless similar black operations within the CIA. They are usually directly issued by senior officials and then handed over through secret channels to completely unaware agents, who then manipulate informants to complete the mission. All links are single-line connections, and the strictest confidentiality measures are used to limit any possible leaks. All tasks are untraceable. No one except the person who issued the task knows what purpose those tasks can achieve when combined. Now she has received the next step of her mission. As long as she decodes it according to the established procedures, she can get the specific mission information - but she skillfully starts decrypting it in her brain, without the need for paper, pen and computer. She's off on a mission to Southeast Asia, where her next step is to build a criminal syndicate.

After receiving the news, Tony Stark immediately set off with his men.

Although the German police department and Secretary of State Ross were unhappy, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also sent protests, the German intelligence agencies still completed their work very rigorously. Not only did they move all the cargo on the passenger plane to the command center, but they also promised to provide appropriate intelligence and material support. However, Tony Stark always felt that the Germans wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible before agreeing, otherwise they would normally Calling those supplies would take at least a full day of NATO and German bureaucrats' time. Along the way, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes was asking about Steve Rogers, repeatedly confirming whether they really wanted to fight Captain America - World War II veteran Steve Rogers is the idol of almost all American soldiers, and many right-wing conservative voters pay attention Everyone likes him, and he is also the best spokesperson for American patriotism. Maybe Generation Z doesn’t have many ideas, but for patriotic soldiers born in the 1980s and 1990s, the thought of confronting Steve Rogers always makes people feel guilty and makes them feel that they have done something wrong. Rhodes The school is no exception.

"If possible, we just need to intercept them." Tony Stark sat in the passenger seat of the Hummer and vowed, "As long as they don't resist, we will not have a conflict."

"But I don't think they will be captured without mercy." Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes said honestly. He followed the leading vehicle in front of the convoy and drove all the way to Leipzig, a city south of Berlin. Now they were thirty kilometers away from Berlin, and the mighty convoy along the way attracted the attention of many Berlin citizens. "I've never heard of anyone Steve Rogers surrendered to, ever."

"This time is different, Roddy." Stark shook his head. Due to the hearing held by Congress, his steel suit and Rhodes' armor had to abide by the agreement when entering the country and were temporarily placed under the custody of the US military stationed in Europe. Although they were under guard, the distance between the two pieces of armor and them was no more than a hundred meters, and they were now in the troop transport truck behind them. "The Secretary of State will be present in person. Rogers will feel unprecedented pressure this time, which is different from the battlefield. Secretary of State Ross promised to add some safeguards to the agreement. No matter what Bucky Barnes does, he will be in a Spend the rest of his life in a quiet sanatorium instead of prison. He knows what to do, and believe me, he's not stupid."

"I'm not that optimistic." Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes said with a gloomy face, "I suggest you be mentally prepared."

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