Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1098 Chapter 1094 Project Gamma (Second update)

The convoy stopped three kilometers away from Halle Airport on the outskirts of Leipzig. A large number of U.S. troops stationed in Europe with live ammunition disembarked from the troop transport trucks. Tony Stark and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes got out of the car to receive their equipment. They watched as this group of soldiers deployed some anti-aircraft cannons and other heavy firepower around the airport, completely blocking the traffic on Route 14 from Berlin to Leipzig. They even saw rockets and Stinger missiles. "If I were you, I would remember not to fly here." Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes lowered his voice, "I suspect Secretary of State Ross will also take action against us."

"You are too pessimistic, Roddy." Although Tony Stark still frowned, he still comforted his friend in a cheerful and relaxed tone. "Secretary of State Ross needs us. He is doing this just to put pressure on Steve. Look, he is right there!" He pointed to the high-end bulletproof car at the end of the motorcade and said, "If you have any questions, we can ask them now. Ask him, but I think he wants us to move quickly because the informant claims that Steve Rogers has now entered the airport. I don't know why he went to the airport. Did he think he could get on a plane and leave Germany? He Don't you know you're wanted? Do you know anything, Agent Romanoff?"

Natasha Romanoff passed by him and stopped.

"If you still maintain this distrustful attitude, Stark, it means that I should be as distrustful of the agreement as Steve." She glanced at Tony Stark and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, "I'm going to prepare the weapons. Come on, hurry up. We don’t know Steve’s plan yet, but it will definitely cause us trouble.”

"You're going too far, Tony." Rod said, "You shouldn't do this to her."

"I know that I will apologize to her after this incident is over." Tony Stark sighed, "I am under a lot of psychological pressure. I don't want things to come to this point at all... They don't understand, I just want to protect them. The Avengers should have an official identity long ago. This is not the era of SHIELD. The Avengers must use legal methods and do legal things. We cannot become criminals!"


"Is this our new member? Is he okay?"

"I gave him some coffee." Clint pointed at Scott Lang, who had just woken up. This guy was asking what city he was in not long ago. This is the helper that Sam Wilson entrusted Natasha Romanoff to contact. Clint used SHIELD channels and smuggling methods to send Scott Lang to Germany without letting anyone else know about it - —As for why Sam knew him, it must be mentioned that Scott Lang tried to use Pym particles to invade the Avengers base and was discovered. After Sam Wilson drove him away (or so he said), he went to great lengths to find out about Scott Lang's abilities through acquaintances. When he made the request, Scott Lang agreed without thinking.

"Did he tell you who our opponent was?" Steve asked.

"It seems like a few...perverted killers?"

"That sums it up well." Steve Rogers nodded, "Our actions are completely illegal. If you are with us, you will also be wanted."

Scott Lang shrugged, "This kind of thing is not new."

A few people chatted for a while, until Clint Barton saw the approaching convoy on the other side of the road through the camera. Natasha Romanoff knew very well that she would encounter information control, and she could not risk exposure by informing others, so she told Clint to pay close attention to the junction of Route 9 and Route 14. When the US military stationed in Europe and the German police appeared, it showed that time was running out - this was already the fastest speed of the low-key broken car. During the 173-kilometer journey, they avoided all obstacles and They tried to avoid appearing in front of ordinary people, which also caused them to spend far more time than they imagined. The time Natasha Romanoff set aside for them to escape was completely insufficient. The sound of announcements echoing in the airport is the best proof. The tower must have received instructions and no planes are allowed to take off.

"Let's get ready," Steve Rogers said. "It's time for us to go."

As Steve Rogers and his crew ran across the tarmac toward the hangar, a mini-missile fell from the sky and exploded in front of them. Captain Rogers immediately raised his shield to resist the dust and impact. After the smoke cleared, the red and gold Iron Man and the black and silver War Machine landed side by side in front of them. "Wow!" Tony Stark's armor separated the helmet and retracted it to the inner layer of the chest armor. "It's strange that you can meet familiar people at the airport." He turned to Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, "Don't you find it strange?"

"Tony, listen to me," Steve Rogers said, "that psychiatrist, he's the mastermind behind all this."

"That's another thing, Captain." Tony Stark pointed to Bucky next to Rogers, "The problem now is him. Regardless of whether he is innocent or not, he has to go with us and wait for the results of the investigation. If The matter in Vienna has nothing to do with him, so he only needs to be tried for his past actions, such as those he killed twelve hours ago."

"You've got the wrong guy," Steve Rogers repeated. "Bucky is innocent."

"Then let him receive treatment." Tony Stark said impatiently. "As long as it can be proven that he is a mental patient, he will not be subject to criminal punishment, and he can even stay in a high-end nursing home for the rest of his life. This has been This is the best offer I can offer, Rogers. The Secretary of State will not let a person who once worked for Hydra live a comfortable life. Don't resist, come with us, it's still late! Even if you don't want to sign " Sokovia Accords, you have to think about your friends too, don’t you?”

"Stark! Damn it, Stark!" Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes suddenly heard Ross's voice on the communicator. "There is a firefight on Highway 9, and unknown armed forces break through the defense line!" Along with the sound of Cheetah twin-mounted anti-aircraft guns firing that can also be heard at the airport, Ross yelled on the channel, "Hurry up and take down Rogers and come to help! The other party It’s a low-flying aircraft!”

"Is that one of yours? Do you have helpers?" Tony Stark immediately put on his helmet, and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes also put on his mask, getting ready for battle. Stark looked at the man standing next to Steve Rogers, as if trying to find the person who should be here but wasn't. However, Steve Rogers just shook his head in confusion, and even Natasha Romanoff, standing behind Tony Starr, didn't understand what was happening. Until they saw an aircraft with excellent aerodynamic design effortlessly dragging a blue tail flame and flying into the airport at low altitude. A man wearing a black close-fitting suit and a group of bald women holding spears hovered from low altitude. After jumping out of the aircraft, they found out who was the one who broke through the defense line.

"Your Majesty the King." Steve Rogers nodded to T'Challa, and T'Challa responded politely. The aircraft left soon after the passengers arrived. Although aircraft using vibranium as armor can withstand attacks from Stinger missiles and anti-aircraft guns, the precision parts inside the aircraft cannot withstand the tremors and noise caused by continuous strikes.

"I said, there is still half of the King's Guard," he said to Natasha Romanoff, "Now I have brought them here, and they are going to bring my father's murderer back to Wakanda." Tucker, you can't stop us, you know Wakanda's technological strength. As for you..."

He glanced at Clint Barton.

"It's just a disagreement," Natasha Romanoff said. "That's what happens."

"That's impossible, Your Majesty," Tony Stark said. "Bucky Barnes must go to America."

"Call out the drone surveillance and let me see who broke through at low altitude." Secretary of State Ross issued an order to his subordinates. He wiped his sweat with a handkerchief while waiting for the officer to switch the screen to his tablet. He saw in the footage captured by the drone, the logos used to identify Tony Stark and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes collided with the logo identifying Steve Rogers.

However, things did not turn out as one-sided as he expected. Steve Rogers and his helpers were still struggling with Stark, which made Ross gradually lose patience. He even suspected that this was all Stark's performance. In order to find an excuse to let Captain Rogers and the Winter Soldier go.

"Wakandas?" Secretary of State Ross heard the conclusion given by the officer, "How could the Wakandans have the ability to build such an aircraft? Who cares, Stark, hurry up!" He urged again and again, but Tony Stark's reply made Rose more and more impatient, "If you don't solve the problem, let the army solve it! Don't worry about the Wakandan, if he gets in your way, fight him too! I don't care about any diplomatic matters, just follow orders, Stark!"

The Secretary of State hung up the call angrily, then took out a small medicine bottle and poured himself a pill. "Fuck! Execute Project Gamma!" He waved his hand impatiently and ordered the heavily guarded application truck at the end of the convoy to drive in front of him. "Put him directly into the airport. I will defeat Steve Rogers as quickly as possible!"

"But, sir... this will cause considerable damage, and we cannot reach a consensus with the German side."

"I don't care! Start heating up and inject adrenaline!" Ross said, "The future is a world of super soldiers, and the products of my plan must be put to use!"

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