Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1099 Chapter 1095 The King and the Giant (Part 1) (First update)

The situation at Halle Airport was quite chaotic. On one side were passengers who were evacuated from the terminal and did not forget to take out their mobile phones to take videos and broadcast live. The German military and police departments and airlines were so busy that they were sweating profusely. On the other side is the conflict between "superhumans" caused by the "Sokovia Accords". The former had considerable controversy over the way passengers were evacuated, which resulted in only the most basic order being maintained during the entire evacuation process. Passengers who wanted to understand the situation almost overwhelmed the airline staff.

At first, the airline refused to agree to the German police's request to evacuate passengers who had boarded the plane. However, as time went by, not only administrative staff arrived at the negotiation site, but a large group of soldiers with live ammunition walked in with orders from the US military stationed in Germany. office. Airline managers had to agree to postpone the flight and have the pilot park the fully loaded plane in a corner of the tarmac and arrange a pick-up as quickly as possible.

Just as soon as possible.

The entire airline had almost no extra manpower to organize an evacuation. After getting off the plane, many passengers could only stay where they were, waiting for the vehicle that would arrive at an unknown time, and say goodbye to their luggage. The situation on the tarmac and hangar that caused the flight delay is not much better now. A conflict broke out between the team led by Steve Rogers and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes and Natasha Romanoff led by Tony Stark.

Although Steve Rogers' team has the numerical advantage, even if Tony Stark and Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes do not use lethal weapons for the time being, the firepower of the two powered armors of Iron Man and War Machine is enough to temporarily avoid the edge. Due to the friendship they fought side by side in the past, Steve Rogers' team always showed mercy when facing Tony Stark's team, especially Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton. The people pretended to fight for a while and then began to exchange information.

But this is destined to be a three-party melee that cannot be resolved peacefully. One side wants to protect Bucky Barnes and find an opportunity to leave Germany. The other side wants to capture Bucky Barnes and also wants to take advantage of it. Take away all the opponents of the Sokovia Accords. The last party wants to capture or kill Bucky Barnes here, leave Germany with the honor of avenging his father, and return to Wakanda. Inherit the throne. The King's Guard led by Prince T'Challa of Wakanda also joined the battle. This eleven-man team had the most powerful combat power in the game. The King's Guard led by T'Challa as the forward stabbed quickly like a sharp spear Breaking the stalemate, he pounced directly on Bucky Barnes.

The King's Guards should have died for protecting the monarch, but their negligence led to the tragic death of the previous king. This is an unforgivable sin for these women who have dedicated their lives to the King of Wakanda. Now that the prince who is about to succeed to the throne has given them the opportunity to atone for their sins, the king's guards will naturally not let go of this battle where they can die generously. Each king's guard holding a vibranium spear holds the hope of fighting against the previous king who died unexpectedly. Fighting bravely with guilt, they instilled bitter regret into their arms and swung the weapons with all their strength, regardless of their own safety.

Tony Stark originally wanted to stop T'Challa, who was serving as the spearhead to break the formation, but the King's Guards who followed him closely stabbed him with sharp weapons without hesitation. The sharp spear tip made of vibranium relied on Brutal force stabbed a large, sparking hole in Tony Stark's breastplate. If his brakes hadn't been sensitive enough to pull him off the ground, he would have been skewered on a vibranium spear like a fish on a harpoon, and that's not the way Tony Stark wanted to die.

This fearless fighting style scared away Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, who was a soldier. He watched in disbelief as the woman in Wakandan combat uniform rushed towards the warning bullets. He was anxious. Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes failed to immediately draw out the non-lethal electric shock weapon on his back, and instead allowed the fire control program to automatically turn the muzzle. Even though the bullet penetrated his body, the king's guard still threw his spear with all his strength. The shining spear tip penetrated Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes' leg armor and pierced out from the back of his thigh.

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes immediately fell to his knees, relying on the support of the power armor and the spear piercing his leg to prevent him from lying on the ground. Diagnosis of his injuries revealed that one of his arteries had been severed and his leg bones had been severely damaged. The emergency spraying of hemostatic drugs on the life support system, compressing the wound, and the analgesic drugs injected into the blood vessels made his brain slow to react. The body of a King's Guard with a large hole in the chest and abdomen shot by a machine gun fell in front of him. The part of his brain that was still functioning could not believe what he was seeing. It was not that he had never killed someone before, but he had never killed a stranger for such a ridiculous reason. Whether it was physical or psychological, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes still lost his ability to fight.

This was the first drop of blood shed in the battle, and the situation began to spiral out of control from then on.

Without a word, T'Challa sped past Tony Stark and pounced on Bucky Barnes with astonishing fury. Steve Rogers had to stop, turn around and raise his shield to resist the claws of the Black Panther suit. The vibranium claws scratched four shallow scratches on the shield made of vibranium alloy. The sound of the friction between metals was so harsh that one couldn't help but tremble. Then T'Challa kicked the shield , but Steve Rogers was not affected (at this time, T'Challa had not yet performed the Heart-Shaped Grass Ceremony, so he could only rely on the power brought by the Black Panther suit), but instead took the opportunity to slam the shield into T'Challa.

Bucky Barnes on the side also stopped, using his metal arm and a 9mm pistol gifted by Sharon Carter to fight against the King's Guards who followed. Falcon Sam Wilson was in perfect harmony at low altitude. Passing by, the King's Guard becomes a distraction as Bucky Barnes fights. However, they still tried to avoid causing fatal injuries, so Bucky Barnes always aimed at the legs that made the opponent lose mobility.

Scott Lang, who was originally not optimistic, had an extraordinary performance in this battle. His sudden reduction in size allowed him to easily break through the encirclement of the King's Guards and appear wherever he was needed. But after all, Scott Lang was a civilian without combat skills. When he regained his shape again, the two king's guards who had been prepared for a long time seized the opportunity to slam the spear shaft into his arm.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of broken bones, Scott Lang found with cold sweat on his face that his arms were bent at a strange angle. The severe pain that rushed into his brain made him completely lose his ability to think, and he collapsed on the ground and wailed. , even the strength to press the button is gone. After solving this small trouble, the two members of the King's Guard did not hesitate to join the other sisters in the battle and continued to surround Bucky Barnes.

No matter how Steve Rogers' team resisted, the King's Guards who had the numerical advantage still closed in the encirclement in an orderly manner, even though they had made some King's Guards lose their fighting ability, but Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson faced each other at the same time. There are still no less than three people in the king's guard, and they must always be careful of vibranium spears that may pierce the body. Just when Bucky's head was covered with blood from the heavy blow from the spear tail, and he was dizzy and might fall to the ground at any time, the red and gold Iron Man slammed through the encirclement of the King's Guards. The mini-missile in the shoulder magazine was sent into the King's Guards.

This time, the King's Guards, who were a little calmer, pulled up the fabric on their shoulders, blocking the blue electromagnetic shield in front of them, deflecting the flying metal fragments and concrete fragments. At the same time, a ticking arrow penetrated the smoke rising into the sky and accurately hit T'Challa's chest and abdomen. As soon as the arrow touched the Black Panther suit, it caused a violent explosion and a powerful impact. Push him away from Steve Rogers' shield - now the Avengers have to temporarily join forces to fight the Wakandans, because no one will allow Bucky Barnes to be taken away by the Wakandans ——Seeing that the future king was frustrated, the King's Guard gave up on surrounding Bucky Barnes and immediately rushed out of the smoke to stand in front of T'Challa, separating him from the Avengers. Even if they cannot join the future King's Guard of T'Challa, they will never allow the future King to be injured. They value T'Challa's life safety more than avenging the previous king.

"Stop, T'Challa!" Looking at Scott Lang who was dragged behind by Natasha Romanoff, Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes who was moved aside by Falcon, and the bodies of the fallen King's Guards, he always remained alert and Aiming the arrow at the Wakandan "Hawkeye" Clint Barton and the injured King's Guard who fell to the ground bleeding, Steve Rogers was anxious and angry. "Enough blood has been shed today!" He lowered his shield, which was full of scratches. "Some people have already lost their lives. Why should we continue to fight?"

"The blood of sinners has not yet been spilled." T'Challa stood up, his voice low, "You don't understand the determination of the Wakandans, Steve Rogers, we are warriors, and we will eventually die on the battlefield on the grassland. If If your friend still has honor, let him duel with me instead of hiding behind you like a coward!"

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