Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1101 Chapter 1097 The King and the Giant (Part 2) (First update)

The unconscious Hulk did not immediately transform back into Bruce Banner. Hawkeye Clint Barton stopped Natasha Romanoff, who was looking worried and about to check the situation, and pointed at the Hulk's calves and arms that were shattered by the bomb, the soles of the feet that were cut off by the giant sword, and the ones that were broken off. wrist. These parts are recovering at a jaw-dropping speed. The snow-white and thick leg bones continue to extend. The pink new tissue is covered with pus and blood like scars wrapped around the ends of the limbs. The bone fragments are squeezed out of the body by the newly grown muscles.

During this period, the new tissue produced a large amount of pus. Due to Hulk's rapidly rising body temperature, these body fluids evaporated into a dirty, translucent dark yellow amniotic membrane on the body surface, which wrapped the brand new skin and tissues. Nightmarish movements of the body friction and falling off, like a snake shedding its skin.

"And the brain, his brain is also being repaired." Clint Barton reminded, "Hulk is about to wake up."

Normally, Hulk's coma would cause him to revert back to Bruce Banner, but not this time.

Hulk's healing speed seemed to have attracted the attention of the black-armored giant, but the black-armored giant still got on the heavily armed motorcycle, started the engine and drove towards the convoy of US troops stationed in Germany. It seems that Secretary Ross deserves more of his attention than the Hulk, who is about to heal and is likely to become a threat again.

He and Natasha Romanoff both knew the true identity of the black-armored giant, so they were not surprised that the Hulk was defeated so easily, but for others who knew the Hulk's performance in the Battle of New York, or knew more This seems a bit unbelievable to people who are young. Even Tony Stark is not sure that the Veronica Combat System with a total height of more than three meters can work 100% - there is a Veronica Combat System in the The mechanical structure of the impact fist is used to cause a concussion by slamming the Hulk's head and then knock him unconscious. It turned out that the fists of the black-armored giant who was less than three meters tall could also play the same role. This made Tony Stark very curious and asked if this was because there was something in the black-armored giant's power armor that could He has more powerful power output.

"Something's wrong, don't get close, Cortana." Clint Barton pulled up his bow again and aimed at Hulk's eyes. If necessary, he could shoot explosive arrows into Hulk's eyes and blow up Hulk's brain. . But because he didn't know what the consequences would be, and he wasn't sure whether Bruce Banner would survive after doing so, Clint Barton never tried it. However, Nick Fury still regarded it as a backup method and asked Clint Barton to find time to practice. "Hurry up and evacuate before Hulk wakes up, otherwise we will have to face the US troops stationed in Germany and Hulk at the same time."

"We can't leave him here, Clint, he is our friend." Steve Rogers frowned and said, "We didn't leave you when you were injured in Sokovia."

"Dr. Banner is, but the Hulk is not. Maybe the Hulk in the past was, but the current Hulk has no sense at all. The current Hulk is just a beast." Clint, the eagle eye, saw the situation clearly, but he There was no thought of blaming Steve Rogers because all of them knew what kind of person Steve Rogers was. Although he does not sound like a perfect evangelical sign like the "righteous man of God" as promoted by the news media, and even has some old-fashioned shortcomings and inappropriate cold humor, it is precisely because of his kindness and persistence. Only then will many people be willing to follow him. "We can leave first and then find a way to rescue Dr. Banner later," he said. "What's more, we don't have the means to subdue him. Giving it to Ross can at least calm down the Hulk and prevent him from harming civilians."

Steve Rogers could only nod in agreement, no longer insisting on that idea, but continued to wait here for Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes to bring the Quinjet here so that they could move the wounded to the plane. superior. During this time, T'Challa has been vigilantly guarding them, which greatly changed Steve Rogers' impression of him. He no longer regarded him as a madman bent on revenge regardless of blood and sacrifice.

When the black heavy motorcycle drove towards the convoy, the driver of the Humvee at the front of the convoy had to stop. Then all the soldiers with live ammunition on the military truck jumped out and pointed their guns at the black-armored giant striding towards them. . These trained soldiers skillfully occupied various shooting positions and surrounded the black-armored giant with their weapons. Twenty meters away from the fire interception net in front of the soldier convoy, the black-armored giant stopped. He ignored the dense muzzles in front of him and behind him that completely surrounded him. At meter the highest-ranking man he saw shouted, "Where is Ross? Let him come out to me."

"Who are you?" The officer stood behind the soldier with his gun raised, his arms akimbo. At the same time, the soldiers carrying FGM-148 Javelin missiles at the end of the convoy were also ready to launch. They firmly believed that this anti-tank missile that could penetrate 1,100 mm of static armor could pose a threat to power armor. "Now you still have a chance to surrender." The officer obeyed the instructions in the headset, "Put down your weapons and take off your armor, and we won't shoot!" After hearing this, the black-armored giant slowly stretched his hand behind him and held it. A giant sword bound to the magnetic assembly of the energy backpack. Seeing his actions, the officer walked out of the protective circle of soldiers, holding a pistol in his hand, and issued another stern warning. "Kneel on the ground, hands open! This is the last chance... What?"

Before the officer's final words were spoken, he felt himself floating up, as if a bright white light was shining directly into his eyes without feeling dazzling. His thoughts were stagnant, he didn't realize what was happening, and he also forgot who he was. He couldn't feel his body, but he didn't mind. He just wanted to be immersed in this floating feeling forever, as if he was in heaven - and then he felt a force pulling him down. , severe pain shot through his body like lightning, as if the flames of hell were burning every inch of his skin and muscles. He wanted to scream and struggle but still couldn't control his body until he felt his back hit something. More terrible pain rushed into his brain along with the sound of bones shattering, and then he couldn't see anymore. to anything.

No one could react. The US troops stationed in Germany watched in surprise as their commander was hit hard by a high-speed car in the blink of an eye, and his twisted body was thrown out like a rag doll. , and then fell heavily to the ground, broken bones and flesh splashing out like a fountain.

The black-armored giant stood in the officer's original position, with his open black robes like raven wings whipped up by the wind. He swung the giant sword with flashing lightning in the strong wind carrying sand and dust. The dust was embedded in the gaps in his armor, but this did not prevent him from cutting into pieces the people, vehicles and firearms in front of him. The soldier who chose to put down his weapon rolled away from him in a hurry, and was fortunate enough to see the terrifying figure of the black-armored giant in battle - for some reason, the anti-tank man at the end of the convoy completely ignored the life and death of his comrades in front, and after locking the target, he did not care. Hesitantly launched a Javelin missile. Due to the direct fire mode, the black-armored giant who was sprinting towards the end of the convoy happened to hit the Javelin missile warhead head-on. However, he raised his hand and fired with an astonishing reaction speed. The hit warhead instantly started working. The violent explosion and shock wave instantly swallowed up the black-armored giant, the military truck in the middle of the convoy, and the soldiers who had no time to escape. The wreckage of the truck was even lifted into the air.

The black-armored giant rushed out of the smoke and dust caused by the explosion with hot air, and the power armor was full of scratches. His speed became faster, and the huge firearm in his hand erupted with a thunderous sound, quickly killing several other soldiers who tried to launch Javelin missiles. In an instant, he rushed to the rear of the convoy and thrust the giant sword in his hand into the Humvee. into the hood of the car, then smashed the glass with his fist, reached out and grabbed a person from the driver's seat.

"Look at me, the coward who lets soldiers die!" Secretary of State Ross, who was originally tall, looked like a skinny little animal in the hands of the black-armored giant. Even so, Secretary of State Ross still had no look of horror on his face, as if the glass that cut his forehead and cheeks were just leaves blown off by the wind in autumn. "About your Gamma Project. How many monsters have you created?" The black-armored giant lifted him up in front of him and faced the iron-black skeleton. The scarlet eyepieces looked like blood about to drip. His tone was as if he was questioning a fool and needed to explain the cause and effect in detail. "Unless you are delirious due to injecting too much 'immortality serum', answer the question quickly and I can make your death easier."

Secretary of State Ross tried to spit at the black-armored giant, but was choked tightly by the black-armored giant.

"Now it seems you want to choose another ending."

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