Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1102 Chapter 1098 Immortality Serum and Red Hulk (Second Update)

The so-called "immortal serum" actually refers to a mixture of adrenocortical hormones and more than 30 other natural hormones. It specifically refers to serum containing many kinds of hormones extracted from children. It is generally used for subcutaneous injection and epidermal application. To achieve the effect of removing wrinkles and maintaining youthfulness - serum filling can indeed temporarily suppress wrinkles, even autologous serum and synthetic hormones can do this. Coupled with a large number of modern medical beauty technologies, it is not difficult to maintain a youthful appearance. The so-called "immortality serum" cannot achieve the so-called immortality and eternal youth.

This is the scientific conclusion given by the biogenetic laboratory in the Eternal City. The United States also conducted similar experiments in the 1970s. However, this does not prevent European and American politicians and celebrities from believing in this and flocking to it. .

Dr. Whitehall, who now has only one brain left, also confirmed the existence of the so-called "immortality serum" to the Immortal City through a machine equipped with synaptic pulses. Dr. Whitehall even provided the start-up capital for a pharmaceutical company long ago. It was obtained by selling the "immortal serum". The experiment in the 1970s was also conducted by him in cooperation with the laboratory of the Ivy League University in the United States.

On that list for purchasing the serum, the Immortal City intelligence department saw a large number of politicians and celebrities who are still active on television today, covering the entire world, and the main members are mostly Freemasons. Even Disney, which is most keen on inserting Masonic elements into animations, is among them. Today’s Democratic president and vice president, the Democratic candidate for the next presidential election, Hillary Clinton of the Clinton family, etc. - especially the latter, The Eternal City's old enemy in combating human trafficking, a supplier of sacrifices to cults and pedophiles, has close ties with Epstein and owns a broadcasting company that is ostensibly responsible for rescuing abducted children, but is actually engaged in abducting and trafficking children. of "Haiti Children's Refuge Company".

The Eternal City often finds that among the human trafficking victims rescued from Europe and the United States, many young victims and even infants will encounter inhuman abuse, because those politicians and rich people need those children to be in a state of extreme fear to secrete large amounts of adrenal glands Corticosteroids and other substances, most of which are children in Eastern Europe and Latin American countries. Young victims of human trafficking are often found when the Sisterhood and the First Secret Order of Fimbull Winter rescue these young victims from underground military bases built by the U.S. military and private estates of politicians. There are traces of blood being drawn, and the Immortal City has also found equipment such as centrifuges for separating serum and refrigerators for storing serum, which are used to make serum medicines for some customers who need serum filling.

Many young victims died because of the abuse and large amounts of blood drawn. Some children were even injected with sedatives and then hung up like animals and mutilated alive. The cruelty of those who committed this crime was Can't even be called a human being.

As a politician who has fully moved closer to the Democratic Party, Salomon has no doubt that Secretary of State Ross has also been exposed to this evil drug. No one will believe that a general who was forced to retire due to a serious safety incident and may even be sentenced by a military court could actually Being able to climb back to the top of power in such a short period of time is even more prominent than before. It is very likely that Ross used his power and research institutions when he was a soldier to carry out projects related to "immortality serum" or similar projects. After all, many Steve weapons were used in the "Super Soldier Project" that was underway at that time. Rogers' serum product, the "Immortality Serum", is not impressive at all in the huge project. Ross is likely to be ordered to transform and strengthen the "Immortality Serum".

Due to his prompts, Secretary of State Ross inevitably recalled the memory of the "serum". This principle is similar to "Don't think about the pink elephant" and is the best way to obtain information using surface thinking detection spells. Salomon got the answer he wanted from Secretary of State Ross' superficial memory. Although the details were somewhat different from his speculation, it was certain that Ross was indeed ordered to improve certain serum products in order to reduce the number of super soldier serums. side effects and production difficulty.

After Captain America reappeared, the project that was originally halted was restarted again. Many people have illusions about the immortality project, and Ross is still the main person in charge.

Just as Salomon was concentrating on searching Secretary of State Ross's surface memory, he gradually found that he could no longer hold Ross's neck. He felt that his palm was being slowly opened. When his attention returned to the real world, he found that the skin of the person under his palm was turning red - that was not due to suffocation or poor blood circulation. not reddish-purple, but an extremely bright and dangerous deep red. He could feel that the trachea under his palm was trying its best to open up so that his lungs could absorb air. The force trying to pry his fingers away was getting stronger, as if what he was holding was not an old guy who was about to suffocate but a boxer. . At the same time, he also felt that the weight of Secretary Ross was increasing, and he had to continuously exert force to maintain the position of holding Ross' throat.

In a few seconds, the Rose he held in his hand turned into a huge red piece of meat that kept roaring. Rose's gray hair also gradually turned into black hair, and the striped suit became crumpled due to the violent dragging. Growing muscles and bones stretch and tear. In the blink of an eye, Ross' size expanded several times until he was similar to the Hulk. Even so, Salomon still raised his arms and grabbed his throat tightly.

Ross clenched his palm into a fist and hit Salomon's elbow hard. Then he swung his other fist and slammed the thick black shoulder armor, forcing Salomon to let go and move towards The left staggered back a few steps. Just when Ross was about to smash open Salomon's head with his headbutt, the giant sword that Salomon had been holding in his hand viciously stabbed out from bottom to top, passed through Ross's ribs and penetrated straight into his. The heart and lungs, the electric sword body scorched the muscles and internal organs, and then the giant sword was pulled horizontally, exposing the deformed organs in the chest and abdomen of the Red Hulk to the air, and the crimson blood full of supernatural power was like It splashed onto the ground like a fountain.

The huge pain made Red Hulk even more crazy.

Ross opened his mouth and let out a deafening roar. Along with the roar, a large amount of red and black blood and lung fragments spewed out from his throat. The half-crippled Ross punched Salomon's shoulder armor again, throwing him and his sword out like a baseball. The black-armored giant crashed into the convoy like a rapidly passing black shadow. In the wreckage whose middle section was detonated by a Javelin missile. Red Hulk followed and jumped into the burning wreckage, using his giant palm to dig out the black-armored giant's landing point in the black smoke of burning gasoline.

But before he could find the whereabouts of the black-armored giant, a bomb detonated on his head.

The warhead of the standard 75-caliber high-intensity armor-piercing pistol explosive bullet pierced Red Hulk's scalp, and the mass reaction and secondary explosive warhead easily exploded Red Hulk's skull. The sudden heavy blow to his brain caused Ross to fall into a brief trance, and the rapidly healing wound was allowing him to recover. But he didn't have this time. Silver-white mist suddenly appeared behind the sluggish Ross, and then a giant wearing black power armor and holding a giant sword suddenly appeared behind him, and the sonic boom caused by air replacement blew away Gasoline was burning around him.

The giant sword passed through the thick black smoke and flames, and split Rose's mutated spine with force. The black-armored giant raised his leg and kicked Rose into the hot metal and fire. Ross and his body were inevitably stained with burning gasoline, but the temperature control system of the power armor was working hard to regulate the problems inside the fully enclosed power armor. The internal circulation air and filtration system also prevented him from inhaling toxic gases. The air and the heat-insulating armor layer keep a lot of heat out. Compared with the ease of the black-armored giant, Ross has to endure the high temperature. His skin is covered with metal cuts and scorch marks caused by the high temperature. Every time he takes a breath of air, he will inhale a lot of failed energy. The gasoline is completely burned, and the lungs that have not yet healed are constantly dying from the hot air and toxic chemicals.

Although Ross' body tried to cough up the fetid black clots, it was to no avail because his spine was severed and he could not stand up at all. The black-armored giant stalked up to catch up, not forgetting to cut off the joints of Rose's legs. He stepped on Red Hulk's back, flipped the giant sword, aimed at the neck wrapped in abnormally developed muscles, and stabbed it hard. The sharp sword penetrated the human body and the blackened metal below until it penetrated deep into the ground, like a vampire being crucified. The wooden stake nailed Ross firmly to the ground.

After doing all this, the black-armored giant stood up, stepped on the Red Hulk's arm joints with his combat boots, pressed the giant sword tightly with one hand, and took out the bolt pistol from his waist with the other hand, pointing towards The still roaring and struggling head emptied the magazine. It wasn't until the display on the pistol showed that the remaining ammunition was 0 that the black-armored giant stopped shooting. He drew out his giant sword, grabbed Red Hulk's deformed leg that had stopped healing with one hand, and held the head that had been cut off by the giant sword and blown into pieces by the bomb with the other hand, and dragged the huge crimson body out of the sea of ​​fire.

The next moment, a golden-red figure flew over from the direction of the airport, then hit the ground several times, and finally stopped near the bodies of the black-armored giant and the red Hulk. Tony Stark raised his head and opened his mask dazedly.

"It's only been three minutes!" He stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes. Along with his question, there was a roar coming from the direction of the airport. "Who can explain to me what the hell is going on! What is this red thing!"

"Rose." The black-armored giant said in a gloomy tone, "This is my purpose and has nothing to do with you."

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