Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1108 Chapter 1104 Two Conversations (Second Update)

The Praetorian Guard raised his halberd in front of her, and when the time came, she received permission. You need to be mentally prepared to get close to the Emperor of Latvinia, otherwise you will easily be shocked by witnessing his perfection and brilliance. She tried hard to suppress her heartbeat and the urge to get closer from the bottom of her heart, and leaned forward to whisper in the monarch's ear.

"My lord, they have arrived."

"It seems that our conversation today can only end here. Managing a country is not a simple matter. It is a pity that I cannot spend all my time on such a relaxed conversation." The Emperor of Latovinia said briefly He said with a regretful tone, and his audience also expressed regretful emotions. He gave a few more instructions, then sent T'Challa to the entrance of the living room, and asked the service staff to guide them into the guest room prepared for the Wakandans in the surface royal city.

"Only Steve Rogers, I want to talk to him first. Then Natasha Romanoff, she is too involved, she must continue to cooperate." After the Wakandan left, his attitude was Replaced with a thoughtful feel. "I don't have time to meet everyone, so only a few of them were able to talk to me. As for the rest... I think you can handle it, Diana. By the way, tell Gideon Malik, it's time for the U.S. stock market to open , if he hadn’t been lazy, our acquisition work would have been completed.”

"Do you know how to make the dead speak? Different civilizations have different interpretations of the dead. Different from the cultural attitudes towards death, the different acceptance of death in different cultures will make people look at the dead from different perspectives. In modern times When science really entered people's lives, the fear and uncertainty of new things, as well as the historical background of Christian culture, made European and American people once again embrace a large number of superstitious ideas. It was also at that time that séances began to spread widely. Even some celebrities of the time believed it, such as Conan Doyle and his wife."

The emperor of Latvinia was talking in his seat. "Without exception, all psychics are liars, because séance is an extremely dangerous technology. The fact that those psychics can stay alive and enter the upper class proves that they are not in danger of their lives because of psychics, and for Lato For Vinya, séance is a very rigorous science. Although the process of achieving it is quite dangerous, by searching for echoes of the past by going deep into the quantum realm where there is no concept of time, you can gain the ability to make the dead speak. Do you want the dead to speak? ?, Steve Rogers?”

Steve Rogers was uncomfortable with the small talk at the end of the conversation. It was difficult for him to keep up with the thinking speed of the owner of this place. It was as if the person in front of him was having many conversations and thinking about hundreds of different things at the same time. He didn't understand why the Emperor of Latvinia would ask this question after he got the answer that Hulk was healed and comforted.

"Why should I do this?"

"Because Tony Stark called my number."

"I don't understand." Steve Rogers shook his head, determined not to understand what he couldn't understand. He didn't know what it was like to be a smart person, but seeing Tony Stark and Bruce Banner communicating was enough to give him a headache. "So are you agreeing to our request, or do you want to hand us over?"

"If the fake doctor you are talking about wants to go from Germany to Siberia, it will take a long time to follow the regular route. I can get you there before the estimated time, so... yes, I can Let you use the teleportation room, you know what the conditions are, this is strategic level equipment."

"I will appear in front of the media and I will assist the military and police departments in enforcing your order."

"A title, an honor, you will be able to use that shield soon." The emperor of Latvinia raised his glass and greeted Steve Rogers on the other side of the long table. Steve Rogers found that his old friend seemed particularly lazy, but his body language remained alert, as creepy as a lurking beast. "As for whether you want to make the deceased speak, you will get an answer. Lady Diana, let the servant lead Captain Rogers to the guest room. I want to meet James Buchanan Barnes next. Don't worry, I won't Embarrass your little sweetheart. I have to talk to my asylum seeker, otherwise how do I know if I should pay the price of facing financial sanctions for him?"

Bucky Barnes was certain that this was not the room Steve Rogers and he were describing.

He didn't understand why he saw a completely different scene than others even though he walked into the same door. It's not the large living room described by Steve Rogers, nor the luxurious living room described by Natasha Romanoff, but a factory filled with iron-black machinery, made of steel and engine oil. The concrete floor of the factory is covered with sand and dust, and cables wrapped in insulating rubber are placed randomly in the corners. In the center of the factory is a huge throne composed of steel bars, gears, and cables. The dim industrial lights can only illuminate the bottom of the throne.

"Hello, is anyone here?" He clenched his metal fists, increased his vigilance, and walked lightly closer to the corner that was not illuminated. This place reminded him of the place where Alexander Pierce brainwashed him. It was also filled with the smell of steel and machinery. This feeling made him extremely uncomfortable. He hovered cautiously on the edge of the shadows, ready for any possible attack.

"Talk to me." The voice was barely above a whisper, but every word conveyed the authority of the speaker.

Like a cold wind blowing on the back of his neck and spine, the blood faded from Bucky Barnes's face, and shivers swept through his body.

He was sure that there was no one on the throne before, but now there was a tall figure shrouded in shadow sitting there. He could barely see clearly that the man was wearing pitch black armor. The robe clung to the surface of the power armor like flowing night. The carefully carved golden eagle was inlaid on the shoulder armor that was shrouded in the robe but exposed by the cold wind. Dense scratches cover the surface of the armor, proving that this is not a decoration but an armor that has experienced fierce battles. A familiar two-handed giant sword was leaning against the throne, and a large-caliber firearm with chemical propellant smoke emitting from the muzzle was placed on the leg armor.

Bucky Barnes stepped forward.

With the help of the bright white moonlight that shone into the factory, he discovered that the person on the throne was wearing a black hood. Outside the black fabric was a gold laurel leaf crown. The person wearing this crown had eyes like a total solar eclipse. , the hair covered by the hood reflects white light in the moonlight. He couldn't resist the will conveyed by those eyes, which was a more painful experience than the brainwashing Alexander Pierce performed for him.

"Talk to me."

This time it was an order.

"What the hell!" Stephanie Malik looked angry. "The White House actually said that all the things it had done were done by Hydra? Okay, I admit that some things were done by Hydra. But it's not entirely our fault! I mean, the conservatives and radicals of Hydra in the past were just a bunch of punks. There has never been a soil in this world more suitable for Hydra to survive than the United States. After all, there is no Which country can blatantly accept bribes and bribe officials. Hydra is just a kind of... elite thought, an interpretation of order and centralization. There is no place more suitable for elites to take power than a place like the United States, which has a monopoly on education and justice. We are not the military-industrial complex, we are not Jewish, we are not even Freemasons, Moloch cults and pedophiles. Those politicians have the audacity to say that these are all the bad things done by Hydra, as if Hydra is pushing them to commit corruption. bribery!"

"I don't understand why you are complaining to me about this matter. This matter is beyond my scope of authority." Hammurabi lowered his head and watched Stephanie walking around. He did not understand at all why the Winter Soldier's testimony It would annoy her so much. "If you don't have any questions, we should put those Winter Soldiers back, and Heinrich Zemo will help us eliminate the last trouble." He looked at the soldiers who had awakened from the freezing process and A servitor who is transcribing archived testimony, "Their testimony will be compared with that of James Buchanan Barnes so we can decide whether to kill him."

"thanks for your cooperation."

Bucky Barnes opened his eyes dizzily. The dim warm light made him feel like he had just slept. He did not see clearly what the person on the other end of the long table looked like, and he could not even remember his voice. "You look tired, drink this glass of wine and get some rest. You'll be in good hands, and I promise you'll wake up tomorrow as refreshed as if you've been taken care of by your mother all night."

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