Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1109 Chapter 1105 War of Public Opinion (First Update)

Everyone has a different image of the room and the Emperor of Latvinia, from Diana Lister's vision of a giant sitting on an alabaster throne to James Buchanan Barnes's vision of a black-armored man sitting on an iron throne. What the warrior and T'Challa see sitting in an office armchair and wearing a striped suit are not the truth, they are just different scenes made up of fragments of the real world and illusions affecting the brain.

The monarch in Hammurabi's eyes is sitting on the antique throne of the Duke of Latvinia, wearing a dark battle armor covered with battle scars, with a giant sword in both hands leaning on the leg armor, but the armor is stained with blood and gasoline carbon marks. He Gunsmoke's cloak had been taken off and thrown aside. Due to standard biological and chemical threat response procedures, this armor has been fully cleaned and disinfected. T'Challa will smell the smell of disinfectant because the liquid in the gaps of the armor has not yet dried.

"I think Ms. Stephanie Malik has one more thing to worry about. She has always liked this chair." Hammurabi said bluntly. The disinfectant liquid was corrosive, and when he saw the surface of the precious wooden throne turning white, he knew immediately that one of Stephanie Malick's favorite antiques was completely hopeless. "But I think the testimony of the Winter Soldier will keep her busy for a while. She also has to contact her old friends in the Republican Party and has no time to care about the chair."

"I have to go to the laboratory again." The Emperor of Latovinia stood up from his chair and stretched.

Hammurabi understood the situation, caught the fallen two-handed sword in time and inserted it into the scabbard on his waist. The tacit understanding was like a scene from a sitcom. After knocking Hulk into the mirror dimension, things didn't end there. Salomon knew the importance of Bruce Banner, so he tried not to use too rough methods to deal with him. In the end, he couldn't hold it back, because he had to fight with Bruce Banner. It is really dangerous for the crazy Hulk to fight in close combat. After giving up the extremely fast armed motorcycle, he can only compete with Hulk in physical strength. After his helmet was broken, Salomon had no intention of showing mercy. He settled the battle as quickly as possible and returned to the Royal City of Latvinia, which was just over an hour earlier than the Avengers escape team.

"The anatomy of Red Hulk is currently progressing smoothly. The research team found that the recovery speed of the limbs has slowed down significantly since Hulk lost all emotions due to the restraint torture device, both." Hammurabi took out the data pad and asked Monarch displays the research team's video and transcript of the Hulk's anatomy. After Hulk's transformation, there were many more organs in the body, and the muscle tissue and immune system had new structures. Just a cursory study made the research team gain a lot. These research teams that have not been exposed to the secrets of the Guards' transformation have no idea that there are similar samples in the biogenetic laboratory of the Eternal City. Now Hulk's muscle tissue was once one of the Guards' physical transformation plans. "They proposed to temporarily unbind Thaddeus Ross and Bruce Banner and allow their consciousness to return to observe the interaction between extradimensional energy and human cells."

"The wages we pay are not high enough for them to risk their lives for research, right?"

"You know, after those people on Mars installed so many biochemical plug-ins, their curiosity for knowledge has long been far greater than their concerns for life safety." Hammurabi shrugged. The scene in that laboratory is very strange now. Red Hulk Ross's head keeps growing, and the research team has to cut off a head every once in a while for safety reasons. However, the severed head is still active for a period of time. Coupled with Hulk's tenacious vitality and the impact of the separation of the body and head, the regrown head looks completely like a normal person and is quite rational. Sometimes those heads would even talk to the researchers. It was common for two different heads to talk to each other before. The scene was both scary and interesting. The black-armored interrogator was recording and provoking the relationship between the two heads, intending to use this as an entry point. Find out the information the monarch wants.

"I have no objection to this, but emergency procedures must be arranged, and I will arrange them. As you have guessed before, the US government has been exposed to extradimensional energy, and we must understand the progress of the Gamma Project and bear the responsibility for it. Some of the risks are worth it. The Hulk simply absorbing extradimensional energy is so dangerous. I can't imagine what kind of tragedy will happen after the US government removes the extradimensional entity. At that time, we can only use weapons of mass destruction to solve the problem. .”

"Let's make arrangements for tomorrow first." The Emperor of Latovinia nodded, "I don't hope there will be any problems tomorrow."

When Steve Rogers woke up the next day, he heard shocking news on the TV in the guest room.

Latvinia has published a large amount of black material about senior figures from both the Democratic and Republican parties in the United States, including but not limited to human trafficking, drug abuse, large-scale human experiments without the knowledge of volunteers, pedophilia, devil worship, and power-for-money transactions. and tax evasion, etc. The most horrific of them all is pedophilia, a crime that neither liberal voters in the Democratic Party nor evangelical voters in the Republican Party can tolerate. Latvian officials presented a series of evidence, including but not limited to vivisection of children, food sharing, human sacrifice, immortality serum and other inside stories. Latovinia made all the information public, and combined it with the information the sisterhood found from captured US military overseas military bases and CIA secret bases. Not only are the clues clear, everything can point to the White House, Congress, energy giants, media giants, financial institutions, etc. Everyone at the top of the giants and military-industrial complex, save for a handful of Hollywood stars and Silicon Valley upstarts, has escaped charges.

Previously, Wall Street had to suspend trading for a period of time due to attacks on the United States. Now the White House plans to formally declare war on Latvia and arrange economic sanctions. The Federal Reserve and Congress are finally ready to deal with the crazy decline of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. It was planned to reopen the market on the grounds that the trading environment was safe, but the sudden revelations caught everyone off guard - even if all Western media received the warning and kept silent about this moment, there are still many FBIs in the world who cannot Small media reach. In addition, Latovinia officially allows everyone to download those materials, and has carefully prepared multi-language versions to ensure that most people in the world can understand the true face of those European and American political elites and plutocrats, even if the FBI uses hackers There is no way to delete the data from the source, because everyone already has a copy of the data.

La Tovinia held a press conference and announced that the previous attacks on Wall Street and the Norfolk military port were aimed at the US government, which was fully infiltrated by the terrorist organization Hydra, and not against American civilians. At that time, Latovinia traced a case of human trafficking goods that were about to land at the Norfolk military port. After promptly evacuating the victims and taking away the evidence, Latovinia used ballistic missiles to destroy the sacrifices of the devil-worshipping cult. The place and the facility where the immortal serum was extracted - the victims who were "rescued" at the time were invited to tell what happened and then presented a series of detailed investigation evidence. Latvian officials said they would release more evidence later and also advocated that the United States People should not sacrifice their lives for those politicians who tell lies, but should stand on the side of justice and save the lives of innocent children.

"Do you want your children to suffer such torture?"

Whether the American people believe it or not, this threat is enough to have an effect. Latvinia's announcement has largely eliminated the hostility of the American people towards Latvinia, because all of Latvinia's actions show absolute hatred for the cruelty of children, which perfectly fits people's idea of ​​justice. Impeccable definition.

However, no one expected these revelations to make Americans lose confidence in their own government. They did not have correct theoretical guidance, and the only things they could do were attack government agencies, march on the streets, and smash, smash, loot, and burn. Within a few days, the people After venting your emotions, life goes on as usual. With the tacit agreement of the European and American media not to mention it and whitewash it, people will soon forget these things. The Latvian propaganda department believes that the storm caused by this press conference will not last more than a week, especially in the With many European and American media trying their best to block it, even if someone realizes the authenticity of the information, it will be regarded as a conspiracy theory to frame the United States under the trolls of social media.

Even so, the initiator still gets what he wants.

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