Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 12 Emperor Weishan Appears

Three missiles dragging blue energy tail flames hit the newly exposed ghosts, knocking them back a few inches, but this kind of attack not only failed to completely lose their shape, but ignited their anger. They shattered glass and yanked yellow, crumbling leaves from the tops of trees with screams inaudible.

How much magic a person can use in a day is fixed, because everyone's mental power is limited, and casting spells requires enough mental power to support it, just like consuming physical strength, the exhausted spirit also needs enough rest to recover. Today's Salomon is very close to this limit.

But mages always have a solution - after seeing that the magic missiles couldn't do much, he immediately pulled Wang who was panting against the wall and turned around and ran away. I don't think anyone can accuse Salomon of fleeing without a fight. Isn't it common to run away if you can't fight? But unfortunately, these ghosts don't want to let Salomon out of their sight. The heirloom of the White family is still in Salomon's pocket.

"I...I can run by myself!" Panting Wang, although he couldn't see, he still tried his best to stretch his tired legs and run forward. He had read in the book what happened to people possessed by ghosts, and the ghosts chasing them were obviously very powerful evil spirits. He wanted to know now why His Holiness asked Salomon to recover these ghost things. This was obviously not something they could deal with, and he didn't expect to have the same luck as last time.

Now he misses the soft chair in the coffee shop, allowing him to sit comfortably on it and eat some delicious snacks, instead of being covered in mud, his legs are weak and his breathing is difficult.

Now the two are running away in a wasteland in the suburbs. None of them thought that they would be so miserable one day. To say that they ran away with their heads in their hands is already flattering them. Anyone who sees their dusty mess will think that they are running for their lives.

While running, Salomon took out a piece of parchment from his waist pocket and tore it open. The silver magic particles adhered to his body and disappeared soon after. He took out another piece of parchment, and cast the same spell on the king. After doing these things, he immediately slowed down, walked forward a few steps, turned back, and put his hands together.

"Go!" Seeing that Salomon had stopped, Master Xiao Wang also stopped, his face was covered with anxiety, and now he just wanted to find a public phone to call Karma Taj for help, "Do you want to What are you going to do!"

"Fight! Senior Brother Wang, now they can no longer possess themselves, we can do a big fight." Salomon's palms burst into orange-red sparks. Dancing and transforming between.

"What? Are you crazy?" Master Xiao Wang's eyes widened.

"Your Majesty's decree, only we will know about this operation, and we cannot ask for assistance." Salomon said.

The three rings can control the magic power of Weishandi, and he must not let other people in Karma Taj know about this. The function of the rings can be said to be a blasphemy against Weishandi. If some diehards in Kama Taj knew about this, the Supreme Master’s plan to get rid of Visandi’s worship would come to naught.

Salomon absolutely supports the plan of the supreme mage. The suzerain is not a god, and the magister and the suzerain are just a transactional relationship. The pride of the mage, he can't bear to have a "god" riding on his head all the time, if the venerable has not explained to him, his own magic power cannot be compared with the endless magic power of Weishandi, He is more willing to use his own vitality to refine magic power.

He squinted his eyes to look at the ghosts rushing towards them madly, and continued to wave his fingers. The magic beam formed by Visandi's magic power became more and more dense in his hand, and the arc of sparking magic power formed between Salomon's palms. . This is his most powerful magic flame shaping spell so far. I don't know whether these ghosts are strengthened by magic or because they are too numerous. From Salomon's perspective, pink light is shining around these ghosts. That should be the power that keeps them alive, but their feet are It is covered with black mist.

"The thief...return..." Seeing that Salomon stopped, they also issued an ultimatum, ""

When they gathered together, the black mist under their feet became more and more condensed, and the temperature dropped accordingly. On the street where there had just been a light rain, the accumulated water condensed into white thin ice.

"F*uck off!" Salomon threw out the chain of magic power, and the scorching positive energy magic power kept jumping among the ghosts, making a screeching sound like a hot soldering iron, and countless ghosts immediately They stopped and howled miserably.

"Death..." They rushed over, but what greeted them was a machete materialized by magic power. Although Salomon was not very proficient in Bajiquan, he still knew how to use a knife. He slammed the machete made of sparks at a ghost, and a crack was cut in the body made of negative energy, but other ghosts followed and knocked him over several times.

Just when those ghosts were about to pounce, a palm slammed one of the ghosts to the ground. Master Xiao Wang was finally able to see the face of the ghost clearly after using the secret method. When he saw that Salomon was about to suffer, he couldn't sit still anymore, so he blessed the protection spell that the Venerable Master sorted out from other magic books. , A tiger pounce rescued Salomon.

"What shall we do now?" Master Xiao Wang asked eagerly after dragging Salomon out, his face was about to wrinkle into a ball. Since His Holiness did not want others to know about their actions, it was up to them to settle this matter.

"I..." Salomon didn't know what to do for a moment, these ghosts were already the most powerful enemies he had encountered so far. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath of the cold air, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already made up his mind.

"Help me resist for a while, and I can deal with them." Salomon said, and put his hand into his pocket. When he touched the other two rings, the originally cold rings became warm.

Master Xiao Wang nodded seriously. Now the ghosts can no longer possess him. The magic he has learned is enough to block those ghosts for a while. Salomon took his hand out of his pocket, and he opened his palm, and the orange and pink gemstones on the other two rings gave off a light that made it difficult to divert attention. He took another deep breath and quickly put the other two rings on the middle finger and ring finger of his right hand.

In an instant, the warm metal became hot, sticking to his fingers like red-hot metal, and Salomon couldn't help screaming.

"Salomon!" Master Xiao Wang hurriedly turned his head. He saw Salomon kneeling on the ground, surrounded by a flame of magic power. The corners of his robe were already burnt yellow, and his long black curly hair was also burnt and twisted. The terrifying high temperature expanded the air, Blow Master Xiao Wang a few steps back.

The ghosts were even more chaotic. The huge amount of magic power easily crushed their bodies, and the skeletons made of spirit bodies disintegrated in the air and turned into the purest magic power.

"Stay away from me!" Salomon yelled, but no one could hear his voice clearly, because the high temperature had already made his throat and tongue extremely dry, and the hot air scalded his lungs. After saying a word, he couldn't help retching, spitting out some thick crimson liquid, but soon his throat would become extremely dry again, like rubbing sandpaper, Salomon could only utter Vague words that no one can understand. At this time, the skin on his hands was already blistered, the blood that flowed out instantly dried up, and the sweat dripping from his forehead was also evaporated in an instant, his lips were tight, dry and peeling. Immediately afterwards, the high temperature further intensified, and Salomon wailed again. Part of his skin began to be blackened and carbonized, and the asphalt ground under his feet had even melted and softened. Severe dehydration and high temperature caused Salomon's consciousness to fall into chaos. Master Wang saw that his skin had become extremely burnt yellow, layer after layer of skin became dry and fragile, and then fell off, revealing the blood flow below. Bloodless, bright red muscle tissue.

But even so, Salomon raised his head subconsciously. Although he could no longer see anything clearly, he knew that in the void where ordinary people could not see, where the magic power gathered, three faces appeared.

A tiger, a male and a female.

Hogos, Agamotto and Oshutu.

"F*uck you, Visandi." Salomon raised his hand, he felt he could hear the friction of dry bones and muscles, but he couldn't say what he wanted to say, because his vocal cords had already Covered with dried blood, his tongue was stuck to his jaw with blood, and he couldn't speak a word at all.

With his last strength, Salomon unbuttoned the cloth of the holy relic.

ps: Well, well, I will update, you should also invest!

Investment + recommendation ticket = more updates!

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