Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 13 The Tree of Life (seeking investment!)

Salomon had a dream in which he dreamed of a huge tree growing in a calm ocean with two giant snakes twined around it.

He saw a huge ring made of crystal inlaid at the bottom of the tree trunk in front of him, with four-color streamers of orange, olive, reddish brown and black on it.

Not only that, when his sight gradually rose, the rings on both sides of the trunk also lit up with various colors, but it seemed that as the height climbed, his sight became more and more blurred.

He could barely see the ring at the highest point, which was cast from diamond, with wings wrapped around it, shining with white light.

He lowered his head again and saw the reflection of the giant tree buried deep in the mist. Salomon couldn't see the reflection clearly, he could only vaguely see that the image of the rings of the giant tree in the reflection was quite different. Looking carefully, those rings together with the branches constituted five parts, which were different from the giant tree's rings. The upper ring corresponds to the pentagram formed by the branches.

He heard a whisper whisper in his ear, a voice that would speak to him of the keys of the kingdom of spirits.

But before Salomon listened carefully, he found himself far away from the ocean.

"Are you awake? But now you still need to rest." The peaceful voice reached Salomon's ears, and only then did he realize that he had woken up from his dream.

When Salomon barely opened his eyes tiredly, he saw the Venerable sitting beside him. The flames made of mana were gone, and his lips were no longer chapped.

He only remembered that he put on all the rings and erupted with amazing magic power, but he had no memory of what happened after that.

He turned his eyes and found that he was in the main part of Karma Taj, the bedroom that belonged to him. After all, Karma Taj is the only dead otaku, and the bedroom of an otaku is always a bit different, and there is no game console in other rooms.

He just wanted to raise his hand, but found that he didn't have the strength to do it at all. He wanted to speak, but he couldn't.

"You were too reckless this time, but the result was good. In the end, you still tamed the Ring of Emperor Weissand. Don't worry, the king is fine, and he didn't tell the story. Everyone else thought you were killed by the black wizard." Attacked." Seeing that Salomon had something to say, the Venerable tapped his head lightly with a folding fan.

"I wanted to wait for your soul to become stronger before letting you wear the ring, but I didn't expect you to do it first. But it's good, now you can practice the magic of Emperor Weishan." Venerable Say, "Okay, I also fed that snake for you, so you can rest assured that you can rest for a while."

Salomon blinked quickly and struggled to say something, but the ancient one ignored him, but fixed the quilt with magic, making sure that only his head was exposed from the quilt.

Seeing this, Salomon had no choice but to give up struggling, and closed his eyes resignedly. Anyway, the quilt is quite warm, forget it, let it be like this, the seal of the quilt monster is too strong, let's sleep for a while...

Not long after the Supreme Mage left Salomon's bedroom, another person sneakily opened the carved wooden door of the bedroom and walked in lightly, like a dancing bear.

When he stepped on the creaking wooden floor, his weight gave away his identity.

"Hey, Junior Brother Salomon, you scared me to death. You have been sleeping for several days without even drinking any water." A chubby figure appeared in front of Salomon's eyes, bringing Salomon back from Pulled out from deep sleep.

He said, "I just saw His Holiness going out, so I knew you were fine.

Tell me, what's going on? Could it be that His Holiness will not let me talk about this? "

Salomon opened his eyes and looked at Master Xiao Wang with joy in his eyes. He blinked twice quickly, but Master Xiao Wang nodded, and he patted his chest, "I understand what you mean, don't worry, I won't say anything."

What do you understand? I don't mean that!

Salomon blinked twice again, and made a muffled grunt.

"Let me go..."

Master Xiao Wang moved closer, and he ignored Salomon, but talked on his own. And through Master Xiao Wang's broken thoughts, Salomon finally clarified what happened after he put on the ring.

When the magic storm tore the ghost into pieces and turned over somersaults of Master Xiao Wang, the Trinity Visandi appeared in front of Salomon.

They are high above, three powerful magic entities surround Salomon, and a huge amount of magic power wraps him layer by layer like a surging tide.

Immediately afterwards, the orange-red flames made of magic power spread outward like the anger of Emperor Weishan.

The asphalt pavement softened and blistered, and the trees on the side of the road were instantly ignited. The expanding hot air set off a gust of wind, engulfing the dust and burning ashes. The huge energy smashed the stone walls of the abandoned buildings, and everything around them melted into flames. Unknown sticky.

Master Xiao Wang has already got down on his stomach. As a member of Kama Taj, how could he fail to recognize the Trinity Emperor Weishan.

Damn it! Damn it! What kind of mission did His Holiness give Salomon! What the hell are those rings! Why is it related to Weishandi? It seems that those rings must have blasphemed Emperor Weishan!

Master Wang kept cursing in his heart.

At that time, he already thought that Salomon was doomed. In such a high temperature, if he did not cast protective magic, the only end would be to be burned by the flames.

Master Xiao Wang felt that he could only see Salomon's scorched black hair and brittle bones in the end.

He had always liked Salomon, and unlike the other kids in Karma Taj, Salomon was never noisy. But now Salomon is dead - he doesn't care about being sad, he just wants to find a safe place to hide.

Kama Taj's planetary defense system must be able to detect the magic fluctuations here, he can only wait for his fellow disciples to finish, and he has also figured out how to shoulder the responsibility of this disaster.

But when the holy shroud on Salomon's body was torn off, the uncontrollable magical power subsided suddenly.

It was difficult for Mage Wang to describe the scene he saw at that time. He saw Salomon's body emitting extremely dazzling light in the flames. When Master Xiao Wang saw the light, he felt that he saw countless profound and complicated knowledge.

It seems that the three-in-one Weishandi began to communicate with each other. Master Xiao Wang could not understand what they said at all, and could only vaguely distinguish a few words, which are the two commonly used words in mysticism, "angel" and "demon". . When he heard other words, it felt like a flood of information was being stuffed into his brain unfiltered, making him dizzy.

"In the end, I didn't remember anything, just two words." Afterwards, Master Xiao Wang said with lingering fear, "Be sure to tell me before you do such a terrible thing next time. Don't look at me like that, I Definitely run first."

"His soul is strong enough." Compared with the other two magical entities whose gender and shape are not fixed, Agamotto, who served as the first generation supreme mage, has a much better attitude towards humans.

When Salomon put on the ring, the former supreme mage took the initiative to excuse Salomon, "And he is the disciple of the current supreme mage, you know what that means!"

"But he's a thief!" Hogos with the head of a tiger roared, "If it wasn't for Gu Yi, he wouldn't have found the ring!"

Agamotto looked at his mother, Oshutu, the source of white magic, but Oshutu said nothing. So Agamotto said, "Our ring must be used by someone, isn't it?"

"Then why didn't he sign the contract?"

"You know our contractual restrictions, and if he takes off the ring, he loses our magic power. Maybe it's a good thing, we can..."

Suddenly, the huge magical power disappeared, and the phantom of Emperor Weishan disappeared. Master Xiao Wang raised his head tremblingly. If it wasn't for the residual hot air around, the still burning buildings and the melted scorched road, he would have thought that what he experienced just now was an illusion.

He wiped away his tears and sweat, wore a protective spell, and stepped on the softened ground towards Salomon at the center of the disaster. He only wanted to bring Salomon back...

But when he got closer, he saw that Salomon's withered and charred chest was still heaving slightly.

Ecstasy overwhelmed him at once.

As long as he is not dead, the supreme mage can definitely save him! If not, then there is the Eye of Agamotto! That is a magic weapon that can reverse time!

"Then the Venerable opened a portal to bring us back. No one else saw you during the whole process." Master Xiao Wang whispered, "The Venerable repaired your body with magic. Don't worry, tell me, I will I promise not to say anything."

Salomon blinked his eyes and tried his best to express himself. He managed to utter a few vague words. But Master Xiao Wang didn't understand at all.

"go out……"

"Why do you keep blinking?" he asked.

Street boy! I haven't been to the bathroom for days! Let me out, you bastard!

Ask for investment! ! ! !

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