Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1136 Assault on the Golden City (Second update)

When the Satellite Control Center of the War Dogs organization located on the outskirts of the Golden City was flooded by a sudden explosion, the Wakandans living in the Golden City knew nothing. In the next twenty minutes, assassinations, kidnappings, and explosions followed one after another. Some nobles encountered landmines disguised as trash cans while riding the hovercraft, or pulse weapons fired into a piece of coke. Some nobles were disguised in their residences. The former War Dog member who became a servant pointed a gun at his head. After receiving the news, the War Dog organization immediately rushed from the palace to the crime scene, but when they arrived, they found that the instigator had disappeared.

The royal army and the royal air force maintained an eerie silence during this period. It was not until the new king En Jadaka summoned the headquarters staff and marshals to the palace that the Wakanda army began a reluctant blockade. However, this does not make the situation better. The enemy seems to be very familiar with Wakanda's important military facilities. By now, it was clear where the attack came from, but even if the new king En Jadaka wanted to issue an external broadcast, announcing to the whole of Wakanda that the attack came from members of the former royal family, he could not do it.

The new king, who has just been in power for two days, has not yet fully controlled all the forces in Wakanda. Some nobles and members of the War Dogs organization who were originally in a swaying state seemed to know some secrets and began to cooperate with the actions of the former royal family-communications, electricity, and seawater filtration plants. As facilities were attacked one after another, virus codes that were difficult to remove were implanted into the control systems of these facilities like chronic diseases attached to the body. Even the palace suffered power and water outages.

At the same time, the tribe stationed at the border discovered a speeding hovercar, and the person who got off the car was the most unexpected person for them. Princess Shuri, who was surrounded by former members of the War Dogs organization, first gave a speech to the disguised scouts of the border tribe, and then some dense black dots appeared from the horizon, some armored vehicles that were obviously not Wakanda. And the aircraft rushed towards the border.

"This is a royal dispute, and there is no need for anyone else to die. I don't want to see you die, so don't betray my kindness. Just accept it and stay silent, and I promise that whoever wins will not hold you accountable. You I didn’t break my oath to my father.”

"You will regret this, Princess Shuri." The scout leader of the border tribe said fiercely, "This has nothing to do with the border tribe's oath to the throne. No foreign armed forces have ever set foot on the land of Wakanda, even you Neither can my father’s allies.”

"If we don't do this, more people will step into Wakanda in the future, and the war brought by those people will not be limited to the throne." Princess Shuri said without changing her face. In response to these words, a rocket was launched from the armored personnel carrier, trailing flames and a deafening whistling sound, and fell straight towards the observation post set up by the border tribes. The high temperature of the stellar flare erupted by the plasma warhead directly vaporized the small vibranium alloy fortress used for protection, and ignited a fire that was difficult to extinguish. "This is just a warning, there will be no next time." The War Dog Organization and Dora Milaje pointed their spears at the border tribes to prevent them from rushing to capture Shu Rui. "Stand back, my friend, unless you wish to start a war with us."

The armored vehicle stopped before reaching the remains of the border tribe outpost, its tracks leaving two traces of rolling mud on the grass. The company commander, wearing a blood-red Roman vertical crown and holding a giant double-edged ax, strode out of the front ramp hatch that was smashed on the ground, followed by an escort armed with bolters and giant swords. The first company commander walked up to Princess Su Rui and took off his helmet. Only then did the border tribe see the granite-like face of Princess Su Rui's so-called ally, with an uncontrollable desire to kill engraved on it. "Get out, or die." The executioner picked up the giant ax with both hands, and his voice was as low as coming from hell. "I recommend the second option because I want to warm up."

The first person died of ignorance and arrogance.

The wide roads in the capital of Wakanda allow the Armored Group of Hell Knights to drive into the Golden City without any hindrance. Responsible for protecting the security of the capital is a team of armed agents from the War Dogs organization promoted by the new king. They tried to use a hovercraft to intercept the Hell Knights' armored cluster, but the laser cannon on the armored personnel carrier opened fire without hesitation, burning the war dog organization's hovercraft and its passengers into a ball of fire. The follow-up troops used crawler tracks to Crush the pile of blackened metal flat.

The Hell Knights attacking the Golden City were divided into two groups. The Hell Knights driving interceptors and assault transport boats rushed to the Golden City's airports at the other end of the city and the city center, strangling the Wakanda Air Force's fighter jets that had not yet taken off. In the hangar. The roar of the engine passed over the city like a lingering nightmare. The anti-aircraft missiles launched by the armored personnel carriers were like the rising sun. A small number of Talon aircraft that had taken off and were lucky enough to escape the anti-aircraft missiles were counting. Surrounded by Vulture interceptors twice their size, they made an emergency landing on the outskirts of the Golden City. During this period, there were several firefights. The forward-swept Vulture interceptor piloted by the Hell Knight and the Talon fighter of Wakanda suffered losses from each other. However, while the performance of the aircraft was almost the same, the body was stronger and more responsive. The Hell Knights still had the upper hand, and the flames of the aircraft explosion fell like meteors from the sky above the Golden City that had just been covered in night.

At the same time, another group of Hell Knights equipped with armored personnel carriers and suspended speed attack boats followed the plan and took control of the roads, tunnels, bridges and other facilities leading to the palace in the shortest possible time, clearing obstacles for subsequent troops to enter the city. . Some places can be passed directly without fighting at all, and some places require rockets to be launched from outside the city to carry out targeted attacks. However, the former are the majority, and the vast majority of the latter choose to give up after seeing the situation clearly. He was taken to the rear and became a prisoner of war by members of the War Dogs organization loyal to Princess Shuri.

After occupying key arteries, the Hell Knights followed the intelligence guidance provided by the War Dogs organization and dispatched teams to drive armored vehicles and suspended fast-attack airships to key facilities such as communication radio stations and nuclear power plants. Without destroying important equipment, they relied on their solid armor and extraordinary combat capabilities to expel and kill the members of the War Dogs organization at a jaw-dropping speed - in order to attract surrenders and reduce the sacrifice of innocent people, Hellfire Each of the Knight's attack squads brought with them former members of the Dogs of War who carried Princess Shuri's orders. Before the attack began, the Hell Knights would play the scene of issuing a pardon. Some people, after hearing Princess Shuri's declaration of surrender on the radio, had to make a choice under the pressure of the Hell Knights' chainswords and bolters. surrendered. But not everyone is willing to surrender. Some old war dogs who have served three generations of kings believe that Princess Su Rui's behavior is betraying the country. These highly prestigious old guys gathered a group of helpers to fight against the Hell Knights in public places. .

The main mission of the assault team led by the first company commander "Executioner" Aparisha is to completely strangle those resistance forces.

He wandered through the burning streets of the Golden City, panicked civilians running past him and his team in panic, and the Hell Knights turning a blind eye to them. Until they met the old war dogs calling for them to duel on the general communication channel. The Executioner ordered the guards to pack the War Dog members who were accompanying the army into armored vehicles, and then led the first company of Hell Knights to strangle those mortals who had the courage to resist. Wakanda's pulse weapons and plasma weapons gave up their lethality in pursuit of rapid fire, and could only leave hot pits on the Hell Knights' insulated ceramic composite metal armor plates. The Hell Knights held their shields against them. The hail of bullets closed the distance, and they used the melee weapons in their hands to cut and slaughter the old war dogs on the burning streets.

All human soldiers in the world are weak compared to the Hell Knights, and the oncoming anti-tank rockets are as slow as crawling snails. The executioner swung the heavy ax like an evil tiger that broke into a herd of sheep. The azure force field wrapped around the ax blade was enhanced by his genetic modification and the mechanical power of the power armor. He wielded the ax with ease. The vibranium alloy weapons and protective gear of the old war dog were cut open. When the War Dog members accompanying the army were finally allowed to leave the armored vehicle, the sight before them even made those War Dog members who had experienced small-scale wars uncontrollably feel nauseated, especially the foul-smelling plasma covering the executioner's armor. And the stinky flesh and blood that pollutes the originally white fur shawl is even more unbearable for these ordinary people.

These war dogs wanted to protest, but many people lost their courage when they saw the executioner who exuded bloodthirsty air.

Fifty battle brothers piloting Vulture aircraft and assault transport boats provided sufficient fire support to the five hundred Hell Knights entering the city, and one hundred and twenty fire fighters who protected artillery armored vehicles, main battle tanks and self-propelled artillery outside the city. The Hell Knights entered the city with the front troops already under control of the situation. Just three hours later, Wakanda's main facilities were completely destroyed. The originally beautiful golden city was now shrouded in violent fires and thick black smoke, and the main road leading to the palace gate was unobstructed.

Legion Commander Malcolm stepped out of the car and faced the open palace door.

Ten kilometers behind him was a self-propelled artillery cluster. The main battle tanks of the Hell Knights ran over the corpses of the rebels and completely surrounded the main road about one kilometer near the palace. They escorted the black-faced hovercraft to the front of the palace. The depressed Princess Su Rui came to the legion commander's side with the help of members of the War Dogs organization.

"Is this the price I have to pay?"

Malcolm shook his head, "No, you were never the one to pay the price."

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