Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1137 Wakanda Civil War (First update)

During the First Latvinian Expansion War, the average number of Hell Knights assigned to each southeastern European country was 300.

The three hundred Hell Knights also had to share the task of attacking several military bases, annihilating urban rebels and even mountain guerrillas. Even so, they still brought the emperor the crown of victory within a limited time, and the emperor did not begrudge them. of praise and honor. Now, a total of more than 700 warriors have been sent to deal with the Wakanda civil war. Malcolm always feels that this is too much. The Hell Knights filled with ten Pegasus-type assault transports can completely capture Wakanda. The whole territory, not just limited to the capital Golden City.

At the beginning of the war, there were still some resistance forces. In order to quickly clear these firepower points, the ammunition and fuel transported from the Tianjian Space Station were consumed rapidly. This does not include the ammunition and fuel consumption of the mortal troops of the First Secret Regiment of Finbul Winter who subsequently entered the city to carry out suppressive activities. The army affiliated to the intelligence department has its own independent logistics system, even if we ignore those who behave strangely and obviously In the First Secret Regiment of Finbull Winter, which secretly performs espionage missions, Legion Commander Malcolm has a headache after seeing the data fed back by the command armored vehicle.

He believed that the Hell Knights were not sufficiently prepared for this war.

If half of the heavily armed Hell Knights carried in the horse-type assault transport craft and a heavy armored personnel carrier carried in the cargo bay were replaced with ammunition and fuel, then they would be able to capture the Golden City before dawn the next day. Hell Knights are experimenters of many tactics, from rapid strikes to area annihilation, from siege to stealth infiltration, from psychological operations to information interference, all in their tactical code. The five hundred superhuman warriors who entered the city were like knives cutting through grease, using a variety of tactics to break through the temporary defenses built by those warriors who were still loyal to the new king En Jadaka in a short period of time.

Capturing urbanized areas such as the Golden City Business District is one of the specialized tactics of the Hell Knights. Whether it is security warfare or large-scale bombing, the Hell Knights are good at it, but the emperor and the former ruler of Wakanda reached an agreement The agreement was to fight quickly and reduce casualties. Malcolm could only ask the Hell Knights to comply with the order and reduce the use of frightening tactics - some individual tactics of genetically modified warriors aimed at using fear to force the enemy. Surrender, in this war such tactics are only allowed to be used on a small scale and against specific targets - the tallest Wakandans can only get the lower edge of the Hell Knight's shoulder armor. These demigod-like giant warriors and When the enemy comes into close contact, the morale of many Wakandans who originally thought of fighting to the death will collapse, let alone those who have witnessed their close combat.

This symptom is called "transhuman phobia" in Latvinia. When faced with such an unstoppable war machine, the fear deep in human genes for those giant beasts in the upper reaches of the food chain will be reawakened. If there is no firmness It is difficult for the will to resist this instinct. In response to this phenomenon, the psychologists within the legion have developed a set of tactics specifically for mortals, aiming to cause extreme fear to the enemy and thereby render them incapacitated at the tactical command level. The current Golden City Business District is the experimental site for this tactic.

In the golden city lined with skyscrapers, the Hell Knights' tactical advantages and transformation advantages are more fully displayed. The Hell Knight wearing a jet propeller started the engine, dragging a long blazing tail flame, flying from the ground to high altitude, and then slammed into the enemy's fire stronghold established in the tall building. The street fighting advantages of clean and precise shooting, cruel and bloody close combat, sturdy powered armor and superhuman strength allow them to clear out the fire points hidden in the house in the shortest possible time. Pulse weapons and live ammunition weapons are in power armor. The sword bounced off harmlessly, and the chain sword let out a frightening roar and then swung down, cutting the enemy in front of the Hell Knight into two pieces. The roar of the bolter was accompanied by the shells of large-caliber ammunition raining down on the ground. The crisp sound composes the concerto of death.

Wakanda has enjoyed peace for too long. When the fear of war looms over their heads, many Wakandans are at a loss because there is no relevant learning in their lives. When the Hell Knights advanced all the way and pushed the front line to about 20 kilometers near the palace, they benefited from the early virus implantation of the communication system by members of the War Dogs organization and the brainwashing cycle carried out after the Hell Knights occupied the communication center. Broadcast, most Wakandans know this is a feud confined to the royal family.

Most of the Wakandans chose to stay behind closed doors or stay in their workplaces, which created conditions for a quick victory for the Hell Knights. Although the genetically modified warriors are very satisfied with the convenience of this kind of combat, they also despise the weakness of the Wakandan people. Even in the wars they have experienced, the Wakandan people's fighting will is not firm, or even inferior to Fanatic belief in the Middle East, those lunatics at least had the guts to shoot at the Hell Knights with imitation AK-47s with smooth rifling.

"There are no candidates, brother." the adjutant said when reporting to the legion commander. "Civilization has worn away their will. They are too weak to pass the test. Their limbs have become soft because of the convenience of life. They Their minds have become indecisive due to civilization. It is impossible to find any candidates here. The sound of the chain sword can make them terrified. Compared with those talents selected on the battlefield, the Wakandans have no talent as warriors. potential."

The battle to capture the noble mansion is similar to the battle to capture the trading area of ​​the Golden City, even easier.

The new king En Jadaka has been in power for less than two days, and it is almost impossible to say how loyal those nobles are. The Hell Knight easily killed the guards of the nobles and pointed dozens of bolt guns at their heads. The nobles who had surrendered to the new king unsurprisingly surrendered and re-swore allegiance to Princess Shuri. After that, the Hell Knights regained more and more important facilities without bloodshed, until they completely controlled the entire city and summoned a group of surrendered noble private troops to maintain order in the Wakanda war zone, so that the Hell Knights could Being able to free up his hands to attack the palace.

"Our soldiers have sneaked into the palace to rescue your mother. If you are willing, we can destroy this building after the mission is completed. The rocket launchers at the rear are all equipped with melta warheads, even if the skeleton of this building is made of vibranium. It will be melted, and we don't mind dropping some thermobaric bombs and fuel bombs." Malcolm lowered his head and said to Princess Su Rui, who could barely reach the armor plate on his chest, "Unless you want us to go in and kill En Jia. Capture him in Dhaka and let them hang him, or you need his intact body to be paraded to reawaken the common people's awareness of the majesty of the royal authority."

"No need, just surround me like this." Princess Su Rui raised her face that lost all color, "The throne needs to be taken back with one's own hands."

"Who? When?"

"He's on his way here." Princess Su Rui clenched her hands. She didn't know how T'Challa would feel seeing what Wakanda looked like now, but she figured it would be worth it. She didn't know where this idea came from, and at some point she even thought that if her brother was unwilling to take back the throne, she would take heart-shaped grass by herself and challenge En Jadaka. "Soon." Princess Su Rui exhaled a long breath. In the ruins of the building that was full of scorched smell, the smell of burnt flesh and steel filled her nose. "I want to reach another agreement with you, Legion long."

"What agreement?" After hearing Princess Su Rui's request, Malcolm immediately had a new understanding of the woman in front of him. "Okay, I agree." He glanced at the Wakandan troops who had been summoned behind him. Those people had now surrendered to Princess Shuri. The Legion Commander said, "You have to know, this means that Wakanda will have to pay more than just a seat of industrial aristocracy."

"I know." Princess Shu Rui said, "But without the throne, the Golden Tribe has nothing."

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