Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1144: Foreign relatives interfere in politics (second update)

"In other words, this time I noticed that the people in the manor are all public officials. It won't be of any use if I peel off their skins and send them as warnings." Salomon whipped the cream at an alarming speed. In this short time , he truthfully told Bayonetta the information about Hammurabi. There is no hiding it. This is a promise he has kept since he and the witch lived together. However, in most cases, the witch does not care about his career. Bayonetta cares about this small family.

The skinning he said was not a metaphor, but a completely literal meaning - when he was wiping out gangs and drug cartels in the small towns near the manor, he alone took a crowbar to find the gang leader in the nearby city, and then used the gun he carried with him to Hunting Knife demonstrated his skinning skills in front of the gangsters whose legs he had broken.

He knew more than just this method of intimidation. Athena gave him all the knowledge he needed. He also had a lot of knowledge about how to use torture, a method that played many roles in history, and was familiar with the system of the Spanish Inquisition. The torture was also understood. Limited by factors such as environment and time (meaning he was in a hurry to get home for dinner), he was unable to demonstrate more advanced methods to the drug dealers. From then on, there was no longer any instability in the nearby town.

Although European and American drug traffickers are brutal in themselves, their methods are somewhat naive compared to cartel groups in Latin America such as Mexico. Almost all guerrillas operating in Latin America received training from the Immortal City, and the part about intimidation in the manual was written by Salomon himself. As an intimidation tactic that could scare Mexican drug dealers crazy, these young gangsters from a small British town were so scared that they peed their pants at one glance. They told them everything they wanted to know, for fear that they would be like the guy lying in bed later. People on the ground and above the neck who had lost their skin were still gasping for breath.

After the sisterhood catches those who try to spy on the manor, similar methods will be performed again, but this time there are no environment and time constraints. Only this time it was interrogation rather than intimidation. If it was really an agent of the CIA or MI6, intimidation methods would not stop the officials sitting behind the desk from stopping their actions.

"I will ask Stephanie Malik for CIA authority and let Victoria Hand's intelligence analysts look for relevant information. No one will disturb the manor again. Oh... the time is up." He pointed out the window. Bayonetta saw Hammurabi walking from the garden path to the manor accompanied by the sisterhood, "I will be back for dinner today, and I believe it won't take long to sign that contract."

"Next time I take her shopping in a small town, I will bring a lot of weapons." Bayonetta did not put down the egg beater in her hand. She turned to look at Salomon who was using a silicone spatula to copy the mixture. "The kind with great power, do you understand?"

"I don't have time." As the first words he said to T'Challa, Salomon was not polite at all. "My wife is threatening to blow up the whole town if I don't get rid of some prowling guys soon," he said. "Let's get this over with and get to the parade as soon as possible. We have a lot of business ahead of us, don't we?" ?”

Although Wakanda's craftsmen restored the palace, the damage caused by the war was not completely eliminated.

There is a faint smell of burning in the air, because the palace courtyard that was completely burnt by chemical fuels and flames has just been cleaned of all the scorch marks and replaced with soil. The ashes of the plants planted in the courtyard are still piled aside, and the armored vehicles are still there. The damage caused to the palace wall by heavy explosive bombs, plasma and laser cannons could not be completely repaired in such a short period of time. On the way into the palace from the tarmac, Salomon saw and smelled many traces and smells of the war. What was even worse was the cries of those dying before ordinary people could hardly hear them. It took the Wakandans a long time to Shovel up those who died of negative pressure and high temperature. The pain of these people before death passes through the curtain of reality and continues to echo in the sea of ​​souls.

This is nothing to Kama Taj's mystic, in a few days these wails behind the curtain of reality will disappear, and there will be no need to stage The Conjuring trilogy. What really troubled Constantine was the attitude of the Wakandan nobles and the Wakandan people towards Latvinia. Although the descendants of the nobles were eventually rescued, they were very dissatisfied with the Hell Knight's handling of the matter. The Wakandans Also because the Hell Knights were so disgusted with their involvement in the civil war and the damage they caused to the city, the Emperor of Latovinia came here to solve the problem.

During the meeting to discuss some details of the contract before the negotiations began, former Queen Ramonda wanted to use this as a basis to reduce the rights of the industrial aristocracy obtained by Latovinia. But the Emperor of Latvinia completely ignored the woman, and Constantine stated that he would only talk to the person in charge of Wakanda, the current Black Panther. "I don't care what Wakanda and the Wakanda nobles think." The Latvian Emperor told T'Challa, "You asked the Hell Knights to intervene in the coup to seize the throne for you. Not only did we do it, but we also followed Wakanda's instructions. The royal family's request is to minimize casualties. Don't put the blame on the Latvians now. There is no good thing in this world without paying a price. Any compensation and rights given up that Latveria is required to make due to this incident are Extremely unreasonable request.”

"We will open up Wakanda." Before T'Challa could speak, the former Queen Ramonda spoke. Even though Constantine said that the only person who could speak was Black Panther T'Challa, Queen Ramonda said that this was an internal matter within Wakanda and that no one else had the right to interfere. "We will open up Wakanda, and then Wakanda's allies will be more than just Latovinia." She repeated, "We are very grateful to Latovinia for everything they have done for my son, but the reality is different from ours. The assumption is completely opposite. If Latvinia does not explain its previous behavior, the people of Wakanda will not be satisfied."

The Emperor of Latvinia glanced at T'Challa, who was sitting silently on the throne, and then exchanged glances with Constantine.

The situation in Wakanda today has repeated itself many times in history, with many monarchs facing matrilineal families that interfered in politics after inheriting the throne. Queen Mother Ramonda doesn't care about the people of Wakanda at all. She is the daughter of a noble family born in Dora Milaje. The division of class is far higher than that of nationality, not to mention having the fourth, fifth and twelfth The nobles of the Golden Tribe of dynasty blood—because Princess Shuri had revealed many truths to the people of Wakanda on TV, Queen Mother Ramonda wanted to find a person in charge for the Hell Knights to capture the Golden City, and this person in charge It can't be the Golden Tribe, it can only be Latovinia who supports them.

"I once told the previous Black Panther En Jadaka that the most important thing in war is logistics, and he also promised me that he would not let Wakanda launch a war with the whole world." The Emperor of Latvonia admitted in words This fact alone made the Queen Mother Ramonda very angry. "Wakanda will definitely attract greedy eyes after it opens up. Wakanda has vibranium, a unique resource on earth, and its political status in the international community can be compared with Saudi Arabia. I don't mind you using vibranium to satisfy you. Noble greed, I'm just telling you, Wakanda will never gain true respect without going through a war to control vibranium production."

"We are not afraid of war." Queen Mother Ramonda said, "Wakanda has more technology than the outside world for more than a thousand years."

"Is this how you deceive yourself? The purpose of war is to gain benefits. Wakanda can win on the frontal battlefield, but it can only win a tragic victory with scars. After the war blockade, how long can Wakanda's food last? ? How to resettle the African refugees who are flocking to Wakanda? Regarding these, do you have enough plans and reserves? Don’t you have an expectation in your heart how bad the people’s livelihood in Wakanda will be after the war?” Emperor Tovinia looked at T'Challa and Princess Shuri sitting at the other end of the long table. "I don't want to say anything disrespectful to anyone, but I think the real people in power in Wakanda will make wise decisions. I have always advocated unity, because Latveria and Wakanda are in similar situations, and for the sake of the future we should not Lose any ally. I'll wait in the wing for twenty minutes and tell me your answer."

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