Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1145 Productivity Determinism (First Update)

"The media is now outside the palace. We should tell them to force Latvian people to agree to this decision through public pressure." Queen Mother Ramonda walked around the conference hall, looking confident. "I know Latovinia helped us, but the royal family must not bear the responsibility for the civil war. Now Enjadaka is dead, and the body was taken away by the rebels and fled into the Snake Valley, although we can throw the responsibility to him , but En Jadaka is of the blood of the royal family after all, and whether he or we take responsibility means that the image of the royal family is damaged."

"The focus of the negotiations now is not the royal family's reputation, but how Wakanda will face the world after it opens up! The Latvians are right. Their situation is very similar to Wakanda. We should unite to face the future. What's more, there is an alien fleet flying towards the earth!" Princess Su Rui sat on a chair next to the long table, her face full of indignation. "If you're worried about the royal family's reputation, it's too late, Mom. By the time I tell all the Wakandans about N'Jadaka and our father on television, the royal family's reputation will be irreparable."

"What right do you have to do this, Su Rui?" The Queen Mother was obviously unhappy. She didn't expect that her daughter, who had been silent all this time, would actually speak to the Latvian. "The reputation of the royal family is the result of the efforts of several generations of the family. It cannot be destroyed by you alone! If you had used your father's name to force the army and air force to launch a coup, we would not have these troubles now!"

"Because I don't want civilians to die in the civil war, because the army and air force are loyal to the throne, not the person sitting on the throne! If they agree to launch a coup, can we still trust them?" Su Rui also stood up from his seat. . She now finally understood why the Emperor of Latvinia commented that the Wakanda royal family lacked necessary education. Not every Wakanda had the opportunity to receive foreign education and learn experience and knowledge from the ever-changing world outside Wakanda. . In fact, only she and T'Challa have had the opportunity to receive education from the outside world since ancient times. What's worse is that the source of the foreign exchange funds to support their studies abroad has not been recorded.

In other words, it was money earned from smuggling vibranium, and the leader of the smuggling was their father T'Chaka. After that, there were some personnel changes in the War Dog organization, including the war dog who was undercover next to En Job and was left abroad. If the people of Wakanda know about this, it will be the real honor of the royal family. Damaged - Smuggling vibranium is an absolute taboo in Wakanda. No matter how wronged En Jadaka is or how great En Job's ideals are, as long as this is violated, the people of Wakanda will not consider it again. Other questions. Su Rui learned the news from the old war dog, and then tacitly concealed it and destroyed all evidence. She did not ask her mother if she knew about it. In any case, she did not intend to mention it in the future. Not a word about these things.

No one in the world cherishes the royal reputation more than she does, but she also knows how to use it.

"You have also seen what terrible killing machines those genetically modified warriors are. They will destroy everything in front of them. If I hadn't stopped them, they would have planned to destroy the palace that night and kill everyone hiding inside. That includes you." Princess Su Rui approached Queen Mother Ramonda with a sad and angry expression. "I asked the civilians to hide at home, avoid the war, and not to interfere with the Latvian people. I told them that the genetically modified warriors were not invaders, and the genetically modified warriors did not intentionally kill any unarmed civilians. Tell them the truth, and they will I am grateful to the royal family because I have allowed them to survive. Mom, you don’t care about them at all. All you care about is the reputation of the royal family!”

"Remember your identity, you are a member of the royal family!"

"At the same time, I am also a Wakandan, and I will not let you destroy Wakanda's future." Shu Rui looked at Dora Milaje and the war dog aside. These people followed her out of the border to bring back the Hell Knights, organizing and assisting the entire process of this civil war. She was confident that she could get these people on her side. But before things were irreversible, she still wanted to say a few words to her mother. "We will usher in a war. The Emperor of Latvinia is right. Wakanda cannot face a war launched by European and American countries alone. Although we can win the final victory, the result is that civilians will starve to death or Dying for any other reason is something I cannot accept."

"I'm not ruining the cooperation between Latovinia and Wakanda, Shuri. I just want Latovinians to step back and accept our terms to protect the honor of the royal family, that's all."

"This is enough, Mom!"

T'Challa, who had remained silent, suddenly spoke. "Take her away."

"Who, my lord?" Nakia asked.

"Everyone," T'Challa said, "I want to think about it by myself."

"We cannot terminate the contract because of such a stupid woman," Constantine said. This room was specially set up to receive Latvian people. It was inspected by the Guards to ensure that there was no eavesdropping equipment, and the fortress-type combat robots were always ready for battle. "Perhaps we should send someone to contact T'Challa directly and reach a deep cooperation agreement privately, bypassing Queen Mother Ramonda. In any case, T'Challa's legal power is the greatest, isn't it?"

"The stupid woman you are talking about is the Queen Mother of Wakanda. No matter how stupid she is, she has considerable political power and prestige in Wakanda just by virtue of her past as Dora Milaje and Queen. Not everyone Everyone can make rational decisions, and you will have an example to give the next time you say this to Hammurabi." The emperor of Latovinia, in a long robe, leaned lazily on the bench. While Constantine was frowning because of Queen Mother Ramonda's obstruction, he was sitting there drinking iced Coke. The marble floor was very smooth and did not look like a battlefield trampled by the Hell Knights. The corpses that had left traces here were all cleaned up without any trace.

"Never bypass her to contact T'Challa or Shuri. All official contacts with Wakanda, as long as T'Challa is present, Queen Mother Ramonda must also be present. Even if she is not present, we must require her to be present before we start. Negotiate, just use the excuse that we need to negotiate with the entire royal family of Wakanda."

Constantine thought about it and found that this plan was very vicious.

They had previously discovered that the political situation in Wakanda was very similar to that of many monarchs who had just succeeded to the throne in history. After the monarch succeeded to the throne, it meant a dispute to take back power from the matrilineal family that had previously been the regent. But in Wakanda, The winner of this dispute has been determined, and the Black Panther Temple, as the highest religious authority and legal principle, has sided with T'Challa. The more eager Queen Mother Ramonda is to seize power, the stronger T'Challa will feel towards her, and the more serious the consequences will be - whether she wants to do this or not, Latovinia's approach will make her look good. This intention - then, driven by a variety of sentiments and objections, it is very likely that all cooperation to which Queen Mother Lamunda is opposed will be possible.

"It would be easier if Wakanda was a constitutional monarchy now, and the industrial aristocracy seats obtained by Latovinia would have greater power." Constantine shook his head, "Although saying this is very disrespectful to the French Revolution , but the coming to power of the bourgeoisie represents the transformation of the entire society from satisfying the greed of a few fools to satisfying the greed of the majority of fools. If productivity were not improved, the common people who supported the French Revolution would soon be reduced to the end of the new era. The manor became a tenant farmer. The results are actually similar. Slavery in the new era just lacks collars and chains."

"The causal relationship is wrong, because changes in productivity will allow the bourgeoisie to gain more power and promote the birth of the French Revolution. Productivity is the basis of the economy, productivity is social culture, and productivity is everything. We can scientifically and dialectically analyze it from the perspective of productivity When looking at Wakanda, some of these problems will be easily solved." The Emperor of Latovinia has personally proved that no matter how old he is, even a guy like him who can't remember his exact age prefers sweet water to sweet water. iced beer.

"But I have to admit that you are right. After Latovinia becomes an industrial aristocracy, it will expand the scale of Wakanda's industrial production. In the past, the Wakandans did not have to use advanced technology, but this time the increase in demand has allowed them to There is an opportunity to use dusty technology to increase productivity, and maybe this time we will replicate a large social science experiment caused by changes in productivity to see if Wakanda will still fall into chaos like it did after Louis XVI was beheaded." He said, "It's time to encourage those nobles, starting with the mining and commercial tribes, our most important allies. Don't forget, they still owe Latovinia a life, let Hydra's most powerful lobbyists deal with them."

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