Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1151 Sarajevo (second update)

The atmosphere in the crew cabin of the Tianma heavy assault transport boat was very solemn, and almost everyone was worried about the emperor's next trip. After Tito's death, Eastern European countries that accepted neoliberal economic colonization also began to play the electoral game of constitutional democracy that Lenin detested. Even if presidential candidates were to demonstrate their closeness to the people and other behaviors that could gain a large number of votes, in most cases constitutional elections were held. Politicians' security measures are negligible in order to show voters that they are approachable as elites.

In addition to traditional methods of assassination such as poisoning and sniping, non-traditional methods such as machine gun shooting, laying landmines and car bombs are also gradually increasing.

Although the Hell Knights and Mortal Auxiliary Army stationed near Sarajevo carried out tasks 72 hours in advance, such as occupying sniper locations, checking whether there were explosives along the way, cracking down on illegal organizations that may possess firearms and dangerous goods, and strengthening the control of legal possession of weapons. The organization carried out inventory of weapons depots, visited people who made dangerous remarks on social media in advance, and even allowed four small war engines to enter the city. After all, the time was too short, and there was still a lot of work that had not been completely completed until the emperor arrived, so the possibility that the emperor might be assassinated could not be completely ruled out.

Hammurabi warned the monarch never to get close to the crowd to avoid being shot at close range, never to shake hands with anyone to avoid being stuck with poison needles, never to kiss anyone on the cheek to avoid ingesting cosmetics mixed with toxins, and other precautions. If conditions permit, Hammurabi would also like to cover the monarch with a transparent armored glass cover, but this measure will not be agreed at all.

"Maybe there is a young man waiting for me with a pistol!" The Emperor of Latovinia touched the exquisite relief on the breastplate with his armor-wrapped fingers with satisfaction. The armor connected to the nervous system faithfully responded to the touch. . "It's not like they've never seen me on TV. Why are they so stupid that they think they can kill me with a pistol? Did Archduke Ferdinand give these people confidence?"

The question left the sisterhood suffocated, and Tatyana wondered how the monarch could talk about such a dangerous matter so nonchalantly. Then the emperor made another request. This request made the entourage of the sisterhood want to scream, and even had the idea of ​​​​persuading the emperor to cancel the trip.

"If it's just a pistol or rifle shooting at close range, I ask that none of you are allowed to do it." He said, "I am not an ordinary person. I can solve this problem myself. Although the players of vote politics in constitutional democracy are very hypocritical, But their methods can still be used for reference. I think everyone should hope to see an iron-fisted ruler, especially Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the unemployment rate reaches 40%. Nothing can be more intuitive than subduing an assassin with your own hands. way."

"Don't make the scene too bloody. Reality is not a Disney animation. No matter what kind of injury you get, you won't bleed." Natasha Romanov reminded, "I know you are very strong, so when you subdue the opponent, you will not bleed." Don't make the scene too disgusting. If the bones are broken and the skin is pierced, it will be over. It is best to use grappling techniques to subdue the assassin. This is gentler, but I doubt how someone would attack a three-meter-tall man wearing a uniform. A giant in power armor.”

For some reason, Tatiana noticed that the emperor's expression became quite depressed after Natasha Romanov finished speaking. The reality was just as Natasha Romanov expected. Led by a ten-meter-tall war engine, paraded by a Hell Knight armored group, and escorted by assault transport boats and fighter jets, they arrived along the road all the way to the Sarajevo City Hall. Under such circumstances, even the emperor sitting in an open-top hovercraft modified from a hovercraft chassis was not attacked by any fanatical religious elements - as Natasha Romanov said, no one would take the initiative Attack the three-meter-tall giant wearing golden power armor. Those Hell Knights armed with bolters, military flags and giant swords stared closely at the onlookers on the roadside. Even a guy who had his brain damaged by taking drugs would not choose to attack the emperor who was surrounded by troops at this time.

The reason why I did not choose the Presidential Palace was purely because the Presidential Palace was too small and the surrounding area was very crowded. It was not as spacious as the City Hall and could not accommodate the accompanying military personnel such as Hell Knights and War Engines. When the emperor and his party arrived at the high platform erected in front of the city hall, those who were dissatisfied because of the previous eradication of religion in Latvinia also fell silent.

"It turns out that Latvinia is one of the most technologically advanced countries on Earth right now. A third of my office week is spent in high orbit in outer space, looking out from behind armored glass portholes. Overlooking this beautiful planet, or walking on the red desert of Mars, looking at the magnificent foundry built on the highest mountain of the planet in the solar system, all the war machines you see today were produced on that planet. Maybe you You may think this is too far away from you, but let me tell you, after the space elevator in the royal city is built, this will not be a problem. Imagine living in a country where going to space is as easy as taking a long-distance bus, What can you see?" The emperor faced the audience below and started with suspense. He paused, then said solemnly, "There is no God, there is nothing, there is only humanity, there is only us."

Victor von Doom raised his head from behind the pile of documents and glanced at the TV set opposite.

After watching the TV broadcast for a while, he went back to work with confidence. This speech delivered in Sarajevo was very important. The emperor not only analyzed the differences between the Serbs, Croats and Muslims under the sun, but also bluntly said that this is only an imaginary thing that does not involve real classes and does not have any The community of productive forces was a key factor in the siege of Sarajevo. The ethnic and religious conflicts in this city are so acute that war and genocide must be used to resolve them. When society is extremely divided, that is, when heretics and heretics beat the brains out of dogs, no advanced productive forces can develop.

The most intuitive impact of the siege of Sarajevo is that the group of people who originally aimed their guns at their former brothers fell into extreme poverty because of what they did, and those who supported the populist politicians on the sidelines also lost everything because of the war. . The tragedy of the siege of Sarajevo was still etched in the minds of the city's residents, so everyone in the city listened carefully when he used that war as an example.

The solution given by the Emperor is what the Latvian government has been doing all along. Completely eradicate religion, eliminate ideological differences, and promote secular education to create a united community that can accommodate all human beings. The reason why the Ottoman Empire was able to convert a large number of Yugoslavs after knocking on the door of Constantinople was because of the various preferential policies for believers adopted at that time. This kind of artificially classified policy will definitely be labeled as "religious discrimination" and "violation of freedom of belief" in modern times, but it is undeniable that this policy is quite practical, and both the emperor and the regent are A pragmatist through and through, this policy was once again taken out of the history books.

The main theme of the speech, translated as follows, is that if Latvinia's policies cannot be implemented to eliminate divisions, then large-scale industrial plans cannot be implemented, because the unstable social environment cannot create any industrial output. There are two choices before the people of Sarajevo, whether to live with enough food or to starve to death with their faith in freedom. After religious armed forces and gangs are purged in turn, burning or throwing away religious items in the home will not cause any problems. Counterattacks from civil religious forces can even obtain certain tax breaks and other benefits. Any ordinary person knows what to do. Even those politicians who have not been arrested have sworn that they are atheists overnight. Enter school to receive materialist education.

Belly or religion, it’s not a difficult choice. Even if someone is dissatisfied, they can only pretend to convert. While the Eternal Emperor is still alive, there is no possibility of regretting it. It only takes one or two generations, through secular education and continuous attacks, to eliminate the emperor's atheism. It will become a consensus rooted in people's hearts. Both the emperor and the regent had lifespans that far exceeded this time. They could afford to wait, even senior officials who had undergone life-extending surgery could afford to wait.

With a gunshot and a screaming crowd on the TV, Victor von Doom answered a phone call and glanced at the TV again.

"I understand, let him wait in the living room."

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