Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1152 On-the-spot reaction (first update)

Half a second after the gunfire sounded, Hammurabi rushed towards the emperor on the high platform with his shield raised, and the huge sword with flashing light in his hand pointed downwards aggressively. The sisterhood also immediately raised their guns.

The reconnaissance drone belonging to the Guards determined the assassin's location through shooting angle and radar. One second after the gunfire sounded, the small bipedal war engine, which was fully 20 meters high, began to move. The upper body of the steel behemoth with explosive cannons hung on both sides rotated rapidly, and the fire control system spun in a very short time. He accurately adjusted the gears and bearings within the time required to aim the ready-to-fire muzzle at the building where the assassin was located. The Hell Knights stationed nearby immediately activated their jetpacks to surround the building.

Panic began to spread, and both local celebrities and ordinary citizens clearly heard the gunshot coming from a residential building not far away. The bolt guns in the hands of the Hell Knights more than a hundred meters away made the sound of loading in unison, the noise of the chain swords also made a harsh resonance, and even the armored vehicles that had never been turned off started to move in surprising unison. Orders to destroy, search and protect are being implemented in just a few seconds, with vehicle-mounted plasma, heavy explosives and laser cannons threatening to rain down fire on the crowd and the city at any time.

However, all movements stopped after the emperor raised his palm. The emperor stretched out his hand and picked the hot warhead that was still spinning from the air. He held the warhead and scanned the crowd below, examining their vulnerability and fear with his emotionless dark eyes. Although he had been looking forward to the opportunity to imitate constitutional democratic politicians before arriving in Sarajevo, the appearance of the gunmen did not make him happy because the people of the city limited their sights to this small place because they were inspired by populism and religion. Differences in beliefs turned swords against brothers who once fought side by side. In the eyes of the emperor, this was the most foolish behavior in the world.

The emperor raised his head and looked at the building, pulling out a crimson thread of anger and sorrow from the tense sea of ​​his soul. The memories and emotions of the gunman were all visible in his eyes. In just a short moment, he knew the gunman's life very well. Even the things that the gunman couldn't remember or didn't want to remember were surging in his mind unconsciously. The gunman's eyes and nose began to bleed, and the emperor even saw the approaching Hell Knights through the gunman's eyes, which were blurred by blood, and heard the engine noise of the jetpack and the hovering jet airship, like a hammer that was constantly hammering. Ear drums, taste the dry, bitter and slightly sweet rusty taste that permeates the tongue.

After experiencing the siege of Sarajevo, his father was killed by a sniper on the street, and his sister was raped to death by gangsters.

In order to support him at that time, his mother, who was still alive, sold her body and exchanged a can of beans and a strip of bacon from the street gangs every day. At the same time, she had to silently endure the drug control and abuse of the gangs. After the 1,435-day siege ended, her mother took him out of the city and handed him over to relatives. Then she returned to the city and continued to sell her body for drugs. Finally, she died naked and malnourished on the street. The arms are covered with the marks of years of intravenous injections.

After that, the gunman's life consisted of joining a gang and taking drugs; converting to religion, joining religious armed forces and taking drugs; contacting foreign intelligence agencies and getting money to take more and better drugs. This is almost a replica of today’s war orphans in war-torn countries such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen and Syria. The identity of this gunman was the sniper and liaison arranged in the city by the extremist religious organization that fled into the mountains. He was responsible for contacting the gangs in the city in exchange for supplies and weapons, and contacting the religious forces in the city in exchange for financial support.

But now drug-trafficking gangs and border smuggling groups are either melted by the laser cannons of armored vehicles, smashed into pieces by heavy explosive bombs, cut in two by chain swords, or transported to Martian mining sites to become human computers or biochemical slave workers. , the number of drugs throughout Sarajevo dropped sharply in a short period of time. Coupled with the forceful crackdown by law enforcement agencies, the gangs had little room for survival. The former law enforcement agencies that colluded with the gangs were immediately hit by the firepower of the new law enforcement agencies, leaving only a few people dead. Illegal activities east of Sarajevo and along the coast of Bosnia and Herzegovina have almost stagnated. Even if the gangs have powerful firepower, the Sisterhood and Hell Knights who are destroying them are even more powerful. They can even use rocket launchers and fighter attack aircraft to attack drug trafficking villages and force everyone inside People come out and surrender.

"Man, I'm still wearing power armor!"

The emperor dropped the warhead on a high platform made of molten granite, and used a relaxed tone and cheerful expression to ease the mood of the people below. Except for the Hell Knights who went to arrest the gunmen, all other armed forces around the venue took back their weapons in accordance with the instructions. "You may know that I have some special powers. I can assure you that this is just science that you cannot understand for the time being." The emperor said. He used his own strength to calm the emotions of the people around him, "There is no need to panic. This is just a bullet that appeared in the wrong place. The wars I have experienced are far more dangerous than this. Many of you know this." A clearing operation took place nearby early this morning. I believe some of you also saw those flares and rockets. I know the public's evaluation of me. Maybe some people are worried that I will bring war to this city again - no, Never, my purpose is to save you from the scars of war, not to give you another war. I want you to survive, to live with health and dignity, unless you don't want that life."

The buzzing discussion about the aftermath of the disaster gradually replaced the suffocating silence, and some civilians who had experienced the trauma of the war even cried.

"Bring him here, don't hurt him."

The emperor whispered to Hammurabi, and the Janissaries conveyed this instruction to the angry Hell Knights. After a while, an armored vehicle arrived at the City Hall Square escorted by the Hell Knights. The Hell Knights took the prisoner out of the armored car. Due to the emperor's instructions, the agents had wiped the blood off the gunman's face and even injected a stimulant into the sluggish gunman.

Victor von Doom watched the emperor's speech on TV and nodded with satisfaction.

Now broadcast live on nearly every news channel in Latovinia, the regent watched as the emperor invited the gunman to come up and tell his story and why he planned the assassination. At first the gunman was unwilling to cooperate, but driven by inexplicable emotions of strength, he felt that the words stuck in his throat made him extremely uncomfortable, as if acid reflux gastric juice was burning his throat, and he could only relax by spitting it out quickly. Come down--and he began to talk, talking incessantly, talking incoherently, crying, trembling. Some memories that were once very vague suddenly became very clear, because the receptors and neurons that died from the drug miraculously revived, and the memories that he wanted to forget cut through his hazy life like a sharp knife.

When the gunman talked about his family's experience during the siege of Sarajevo, the audience in the audience also felt the same way, because at that time many mothers sold their bodies to prevent their children from starving to death, and even among these audiences there were people who were lucky enough to survive. After that, the emperor said on the spot that he was willing to forgive the gunman as long as he was willing to accept legal sanctions, accept drug rehabilitation treatment in the hospital, and sign a guarantee letter promising to leave the extremist religious armed forces, give up his religious beliefs, and study hard in prison. No personal revenge was taken against him, because the war had done enough harm to the sinner.

"Is it really not the person arranged by the Praetorian Order?" Victor von Doom asked Hammurabi on the encrypted communication channel while watching the TV broadcast. The regent was astonished by the turn of events at the scene. He had to praise the emperor for how appropriate his emergency response methods were. He was certain that Victoria Hand and Stephanie Malick would never arrange such a plot, so it would only be if it was not within his jurisdiction. , Nick Fury, who is affiliated with the Watcher, the intelligence department of the Adeptus Adeptus Priestii - Victor von Doom will never underestimate the extent of this person's deeds, especially when he obtains first-hand files on S.H.I.E.L.D. Later, the regent even knew that there was actually no difference between Nick Fury and Hydra. They were both supporters of exceptionalism.

"It's so perfect, using the trauma of war to create a new consensus, I can imagine how supportive the people in this city would be of him, even atoningly loyal."

"This is not easy to say, my friend." The emperor said over the communication channel, and the regent heard boredom and boredom in his tone. "I guess my job with the city is over, right?"

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