Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 122 The Sword of Vowed Victory (Second Update!)

Before listening to Balthazar tell the history of the Battle of Sword Lane and the fall of Camelot, Salomon never thought that Merlin's pranks could be so bad. After hearing that history, his mood became even worse. But he still can't participate in the affairs of the Merlin School at will. Although Kama Taj is a government agency in the magical world, he can't control everything. Before other schools do things that endanger the world and violate the law, Kama Taj The attitude has always been laissez-faire.

So far, Balthazar can still deal with the mages of the Morgan Le Fay faction, and none of the mages are particularly powerful characters. Moreover, those magicians of the Morgan Le Fay faction obeyed the rules set by Karma Taj even more than Balthazar and Dave, because they never revealed the secrets of magic in front of ordinary people—until Balthazar told Salomon, it was Hoffas who turned an entire street of cars into taxis.

Then they can be arrested and locked up for a few days, and after the arrest, they will be asked whether the magicians of the Morgan Le Fay faction have killed innocent people indiscriminately. Under the influence of magic, no one can lie, and Kama Taj will punish them accordingly, from warning education to detention, from life imprisonment to death penalty, and they will be judged according to the law.

Salomon intends to return to Karma Taj and submit a report. After all, he must not be alone in arresting the magicians of the Morgan Le Fay faction. He needs to inform the deacon of the situation here, and the deacon will make arrangements Mystics who currently have no missions are going to capture them.

As for the Supreme Mage, Salomon intends to explain the general situation first, because after that, the temple deacon will also submit a detailed report to the Venerable, so there is no need for him to waste his words. When Salomon submitted the situation of the Merlin School in the New York Temple and returned to the headquarters of Karma Taj, intending to mention this matter to the Supreme Master, he saw His Holiness holding a small white cotton cloth, Dip the warm water in the teacup to wipe the blood on the fist and ring.

Who is so unlucky that he got punched by the supreme mage? Salomon walked over, took the cotton cloth, and helped the Venerable clean up the blood. Seemingly seeing Salomon's curiosity, the Supreme Mage did not hide his itinerary and the name of that hapless guy.

"I went to Wales and entered Avalon from there." The Venerable took out a crimson apple out of thin air, even if Salomon didn't go close to it, he could still smell the sweet fruit fragrance. The Supreme Mage stuffed the apple into Salomon's arms, and she said, "This is the specialty of Apple Island in Avalon. As for the unlucky guy you guessed, it is actually Merlin."

"You fought with Merlin?" Salomon stopped his movements in surprise, "Why?"

"What Merlin has done is already too much." The venerable said, "From the time of Camelot to the present, I have not forgiven that guy. Moreover, I have found you, the heir, so naturally I want to get back my things , by the way, that guy can't fight back, I'm the king."

"You mean... the holy sword?"

"That's right, the Holy Sword," the Supreme Mage spread out her hands after cleaning up the blood, and an applewood wooden box inlaid with silver vine patterns appeared in her hands. The supreme mage put the wooden box on the table, pushed it in front of Salomon, and signaled his disciple to open it. Salomon put down the cotton cloth in his hand, opened the tightly closed brass lock, and slowly opened the wooden box, revealing the holy sword inside.

This sword is not a man-made weapon, but a weapon forged by Gaia, the incarnation of this planet. It is an artifact used to protect this planet. The first time I saw this sword, I was shocked by its beauty and dignity. It has the unique arc-shaped lattice of Celtic swords. The golden lattice is about four inches wide, and the widest part of the sword body is about two inches. The length of the sword body is about three feet. The bayonet of the sword is inlaid with conspicuous and gorgeous blue enamel decoration, and the hilt can be held with two hands. Salomon couldn't tell what kind of metal this sword was made of. The golden-yellow sword frame was not as soft as gold, and the cold blade would feel hot when touched.

The Supreme Mage seemed very satisfied with Salomon's surprised expression. She picked up the holy sword, waved it casually a few times, and stuffed it into Salomon's hand. The mystic master took the holy sword very carefully. He felt that the sword was very suitable for his hand. Under the instructions of the venerable, Salomon injected some magic power, which made the sword emit a very bright golden light.

"Sol has a powerful hammer, so you who have the same status should also have a powerful holy sword." The venerable said, "But because this sword is too powerful, it also has corresponding restrictions. But I think that's a good thing, I don't want you to become a guy like Saul who only thinks with a hammer."

"Restrictions?" Salomon had never heard of such a thing. His Holiness answered his disciples' questions very patiently.

"There are thirteen seals in total. As long as the conditions are met, the seals will be unlocked. And every time you untie a restraint, the power of this sword will become stronger. As long as you can meet the conditions for releasing half of the restraints, this sword will The power of the sword will be maximized." The venerable's expression suddenly became a little serious, "I have been worried about whether Odin will keep his promise, but as long as you take this sword, Odin will have to keep his promise, because this When the power of the holy sword is exerted to the maximum, it can even shatter the stars. Even if Odin refuses to keep his promise, you can still negotiate with Asgard in the face of the threat of the rainbow bridge."

Salomon fell silent, because the topic was heavy and cruel. He had heard the Venerable talk about her agreement with Odin, because Odin was afraid that the Supreme Mage would use force against Asgard after his death, so the Venerable would let go of his responsibilities before Odin and follow the Eternal God, but in turn, The Supreme Mage is also worried that Odin will not abide by the agreement, and wants to forcibly conquer the earth after she leaves, and continue the authority of Asgard, because Odin is a qualified king, and it is commonplace to tear up the agreement. It is precisely because of this that the Supreme Mage will transfer the title and the sword to Salomon, the purpose is to frighten Asgard and remind Odin that although Kama Taj cannot survive in Asgard after she leaves To protect the earth in front of God, but Kama Taj has the ability to destroy Asgard. If the agreement is not followed, then the earth and the Asgar gods will usher in a lose-lose ending.

"However, this sword is already powerful enough before the restraint is released. As long as you have enough magic power, this sword can exert a power not inferior to that of Thor's Hammer." The Supreme Mage touched Salomon lightly. Hair, "I believe that you will use this sword in the right place. I have always trusted you, Salomon. But I am sorry, I let you bear this kind of responsibility that you should not have to bear."

"I don't think you need to feel sorry, teacher, on the contrary, I am very happy." Salomon gently stroked the holy sword. A specific growth environment will lead to a specific angle of view. Salomon grew up in Kama Taj, and he also received the memories of those spellcasters. His complex personality and memory made him regard the giving of the venerable as a kind of life. direction, rather than some heavy responsibility. But this is also a kind of madness, but this kind of madness is just right.

"Because you let me know what I should do, I am very grateful to you. If you hadn't adopted me, I might be starved to death, frozen to death, even if I survived, I might go crazy because of that knowledge, or It’s going about life aimlessly. I’m glad I have a purpose, even if it’s not a purpose I set myself.”

"This is your life, but I still hope you have something that belongs to you." The supreme mage signaled Salomon to put the holy sword into the wooden box, because it is not the time for the sword to be released yet. His Holiness said, "Although I think there is a big age gap between you and Bayunita, as long as you like it, I will not object, because it belongs to your own feelings. When do you plan to have children?"

Salomon didn't expect His Holiness's topic to jump so fast. One second he was still discussing life and death, and the next second he jumped to family matters. The mystic was full of embarrassment. He didn't know if the elders all over the world had the habit of urging marriage. He reasoned that he and Beunita hadn't officially confirmed their relationship, and it was a bit too anxious to think about this kind of thing now. Besides, he's still a high school student.

However, His Holiness believed that at the age when Salomon could go to the battlefield with a weapon, he should think about this matter carefully. Although both Beunita and Salomon will live much longer than ordinary people, His Holiness does not want to hold their children after a hundred years. The supreme mage also said that if it really dragged on for a hundred years, it would not be a big deal, and she could still help take care of the children at that time, because she had accumulated a lot of experience when raising Salomon, and when Salomon couldn't When the muscles of the body are fully in control, it is also His Holiness who helps to change the diaper.

Salomon fled in despair.

"Teacher!" After a while, Salomon turned back again, but this time he didn't even dare to show his face from behind the door. He asked loudly, "What about the Merlin School?"

"Let the deacons of the New York Temple lead the team, and you can participate if you have time. If Morgan Le Fay's clone shows decide on your own."

Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket! I don’t even know how to push the book QAQ

Looking at the distribution of readers today, I actually have female readers?

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