Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 123 The crisis is approaching (first update!)

Salomon, who was running out of holidays, naturally didn't want to find something to do for himself. The last time he went to Dave and Balthazar's training place, he had already made him quite upset if he didn't beat up the frizzy and troublesome rookie magician. It's a pity, compared to running around, Salomon would rather stay in Bayonetta's apartment, sit on the sofa and pet the cat, do nothing, and enjoy the joy of wasting time.

The Sword of Vowed Victory shown by the Supreme Mage to Salomon gave him some new ideas. He wanted to communicate with Visandi and persuade them to help him complete a ceremony, because he wanted the Holy Sword to be his contract. Weapons—that is, through the Warlock's Pact of the Blade Ritual and Pact of the Holy Sword to enhance his melee capabilities. But the biggest problem facing Salomon right now is not how to persuade Weissandi to help him perform the ceremony, but the holy sword itself.

The Sword of Vowed Victory is a powerful weapon forged by Gaia, the goddess of the earth. As far as the personality of the goddess of the earth is concerned, this is an out-and-out divine weapon, and the magician's contract of blade may not be able to affect it. holy sword. But Salomon didn't want to give up this attempt easily. He looked at his hands, and the stigmata were on them-if he took the risk to unlock all the stigmata, then with the magical property of "dominance", it is very likely to help He forcibly contracted the holy sword.

But it's risky, very, very risky.

Salomon subconsciously touched the cat squatting on his knees, and he was weighing whether this kind of adventure was necessary. If he does successfully carry out the Pact of the Blade and the Pact of the Holy Sword, then the Invocation of Fel that he can learn will bring a significant improvement to his melee ability. For example, the magic energy called [Hunger and Thirst Edge], this magic ability will make him swing the sword surprisingly fast, he may swing the sword twice when ordinary people swing the sword once, and this magic ability is long-lasting , unless it is temporarily suppressed by the [Disarm Magic] spell.

But unraveling all the stigmata is likely to cause him to lose control and bring him a great mental burden. At that time, even the supreme mage holding the Eye of Agamotto may not be able to save him. Based on his current soul strength and progress rate, optimistically, it will take several years to completely unravel the stigmata. For so many years, he has been hesitant to decide on the magical invocation attached to himself, in order to find a powerful enough weapon to make up for his lack of close combat ability one day, but when he really found the target he wanted , he found that this weapon was too powerful, and it was not something that the Pact of Blades could control.

He intends to use the stigmata that can be untied safely to control the holy sword first, and try to make a contract. After all, in terms of magic, safety is the first priority. There are not many spellcasters who played themselves to death, and some even became famous for being stupid, and they were even named gods of stupidity. If the existing stigmata cannot contract the Holy Sword, Salomon intends to give up the other two kinds of magic contracts, and become a maniac with magic energy at ease-he is not a curse swordsman, so he must choose the blade magic contract. The holy sword is already strong enough, and it would only make him feel a little pity to give up the magic contract. He can make up for this shortcoming with his physical strength and agility after unlocking the stigmata.

On the contrary, regardless of the magic contract, the trick magic explosion that has been mastered by many mystics in Kama Taj might be more suitable for him. The rough zero-ring spells have been greatly improved. For example [Lazy Spear], which can reduce the movement speed of the hit person; and [Repulsion Shock], which can forcibly push away the hit creature. This magic effect has nothing to do with the size of the opponent. Even if the opponent is a giant dragon, this magic It can still take effect; not to mention [Pain Shock], the most powerful magic power call, the stronger a magician is, the more powerful the damage that the magic power burst can cause, and this magic power call still It can increase the power of the magic energy explosion by a large amount.

Salomon planned to find a time to write all the magic energy invocations related to the magic energy explosion in a book for the mystics of Kama Taj to learn. This will help improve the overall strength of Karma Taj, especially under the strict contract of Emperor Weissand, trying to improve the power of Karma Taj mystic is also what the supreme mage wants to see.

The rich knowledge reserve also allowed Salomon to modify some spells according to the situation in this universe. For example, the trick [Holy Flame] became [Weishandi Holy Flame], and [Purgatory Shout] was changed to the safer [Faltin Shout], after all, he could not use magic entities that were not in this universe To cast a spell with the power of a spell, modifying the directed spell is a must. These spells are currently also included in the magic book he wrote before, and are placed on the bookshelf of the Karma Taj headquarters for people to read.

To put it bluntly, this is another secret method advancement since the establishment of Karma Taj by the supreme mage in the millennium. Although these spells are not particularly powerful, everyone has seen Salomon's progress, and everyone thinks that he will be able to produce more powerful spells sooner or later. Sharing the great prestige brought by magic to Salomon, many mystics have privately regarded Salomon as a candidate for the next supreme mage, and his importance to Kama Taj is even far greater than that of Modu and Kasiri Oss—at least those families of mystics think so, because the magic provided by Salomon has enriched their background in arcane research.

Modu and Casilios also readily accepted this situation. Casilios needless to say, he is willing to support Salomon; Modu has no opinion after seeing the magic written by Salomon. He only thinks that the current Salomon needs more and stricter magic. Only through endless experience can Salomon become the next supreme mage.

Although he didn't know if their generation of mystic mages would be boiled to death by the current supreme mage with a long standby time.

Moreover, Modu also thinks that Salomon should spend the night at Karma Taj's headquarters instead of on the witch's sofa, because women will only affect the casting speed!

His Holiness didn't tell anyone about her arrangement except Salomon, and she didn't care about the attitude of other mystics. His Holiness just thought that maintaining the current situation would help Salomon take over Karma Taj in the future—— The author intends to give the title to Salomon and throw a Strange with an empty shell to Visandi. At that time, even if Vissandi wants to influence Kama Taj through Strange, he will be powerless.

And now, the candidate for the next Supreme Mage who is extremely important to Kama Taj, the compiler of magic books, the discoverer of magic invocation, the heir to the holy sword, the future Lord of Kama Taj and the King of Britain, Salomon Damonette is preparing today's dinner. This afternoon, Beunita and Joan of Arc went shopping, and they used Salomon's living expenses (given by the Supreme Master, not Karma Taj's activity funds). After all, Joan's salary can't afford it Her and Bayoneta's high standard of living, and the dollar doesn't mean much to Salomon. On the contrary, the gold he earned from selling alchemy potions in Vandazar Fu is still useful. It is a hard currency. The entire universe is a currency system based on precious metals, and the energy standard is only a mechanism for a small part of the planet.

Now, Salomon still has an order for alchemy potion, which was placed by the "Magic Prince" Monarch whom he had met once. The old guy is leaving again. Before leaving New York, he ordered several bottles of potions for treating minor injuries and potions for slowing poisonous hair from Salomon, and paid the bill in gold.

It's just that for Salomon, preparing the dinner in front of him is far more important than completing the order, because only in the last few days, he has enough time to complete an exquisite meal. After he went to school, it was impossible for him to have such a rich dinner with the witch. This was not due to economic reasons, but a matter of time. With plenty of time, Salomon believes in his own craftsmanship more than the meals made by invisible servants—this is the confidence of an alchemist, he will never put more or less seasoning , He has a lot of experience in temperature control of dishes.

He was making a fruity yoghurt parfait that Bayonetta and Jeanne both loved. Salomon sprinkled powdered sugar on the washed cranberries, then added grated orange peel and basil leaves, squeezed in some orange juice, stirred well, and waited for the sugar and juice to soak the berries. After that, he pureed the mangoes he bought from Vandazar Fu (where it is always spring) and poured them into a glass, one layer of puree, one layer of yogurt, until the glass was full, and finally Put the macerated berries on top and shake with some powdered sugar. After finishing these, Salomon used magic to refrigerate the dessert until Beunita and Joan of Arc returned.

Salomon, who was enjoying the fun of life, had no idea that his mobile phone in the Karma Taj headquarters was vibrating crazily, and he didn't know what happened to the master and apprentice of the Merlin School after he left. Balthazar sighed and continued calling the number, but no one answered.

After Salomon left the underground transfer yard, Hofas' accomplices came here disguised as Dave. They found out this location through the student files of Dave's school. Dave was an honor student in the Department of Physics. It is precisely because of this that he was able to apply for a laboratory. Although the laboratory was not as good as he had imagined, it was enough. If it wasn't for his mentor, he wouldn't even have an underground transfer yard.

But this fatal message was known by Hoffas and the magician disguised as a magician named Derek. They raided here and snatched away the clone of Morgan Le Fay (Balthazar thought it was ontology) dolls. If Dave hadn't returned here in time, Balthazar would most likely have died in the hands of Hoffas.

The masters and apprentices of the Merlin School chased Hoffas and the others, but in the end they failed to snatch the magic item back. Balthazar thinks that Karma Taj needs to be notified about this matter, because the current situation is no longer optimistic, Hofas will definitely try to release Morgan Le Fay, and the released Morgan Le Fay will perform the necromancy, Awakening all the dead dark wizards in the world-this spell is terrible, it can keep the awakened undead to keep their spellcasting ability, which is equivalent to creating a large group of low-level liches under human control.

It was no longer the business of the Merlin School family, and Karma Taj had to intervene. No one would have thought that Balthazar, who had kept that thing for more than a thousand years, would actually drop the chain when he found an apprentice.

Of course Salomon didn't know that the crisis of world destruction was so close to him, and now he was busy preparing the grilled lamb chops. It wasn't until a portal opened in the living room of the apartment that Salomon stopped his hands in surprise. He saw Wu Guiyue hurried in with a staff.

"You have work to do, Salomon," she said. "The Supreme calls you."

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