Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 124 Chapter 120: Past events in Salem (second update!)

Before leaving the apartment, Salomon summoned three invisible servants to continue his unfinished dinner, and he also told the Cheshire cat not to steal it. After that, he immediately followed Wu Guiyue into the portal and returned to Karma Taj. His Holiness summoned a group of mystics in the headquarters and assigned tasks respectively. Most of these mystics were deacons of the New York Temple.

By the time Salomon arrived at the training ground at the headquarters, Master Daniel of the New York Temple was leading a team to open the portal and go to every corner of New York. When Salomon saw such a large number of mystics dispatched, he was a little nervous, for fear that he would delay or miss something. After seeing Salomon's expression, His Holiness waved his hand to signal Salomon to relax.

"It's about the Merlin School." His Holiness said to Salomon who was standing beside him, "I know what you're thinking, but something went wrong with Balthazar shortly after you left. You should take the On the mobile phone, Balthazar has already notified you."

"Sorry, teacher." Salomon bowed his head to admit his mistake, and he quickly asked, "What happened?"

The Supreme Master gave an overview of the matter without any tension, including the love-hate entanglement among Balthazar, Hofas and Veronica. The plots in it are quite bloody and clichéd, such as Veronica chose Balthazar, how Hoffas hated because of love, how Veronica sacrificed herself, sealed Morgan Le Fay, and how Balthazar Wandering around the world for more than a thousand years is to find an heir and seek relief. This plot is like an eight o'clock soap opera, which can earn a lot of tears from middle-aged women. It can be called the bloody anecdote of Camelot back then—if it wasn't for Lancelot, the three apprentices of Merlin The little thing in between is enough to make the whole city talk about it for a whole year.

Compared with the magic called "Spirit Summoning" obtained by Morgan Le Fay, the Supreme Mage is more willing to discuss the love and hatred of the three of them in the Merlin Wizard Group. You know, at that time, the Venerable was still busy fighting wars and chaos, marching and killing people, so he missed many interesting things, but now the Supreme Master is more like an old man, often bringing the past to the present to taste . This made Salomon a little at a loss as to what to do, because in this situation, the Supreme Mage was still chatting about gossip very leisurely—although Salomon also likes to listen to gossip, and no one doesn't like it, but it's not the case now. When saying this.

As if seeing the anxiety of the disciple, the Venerable smiled to comfort Salomon. "Don't worry, Hofas didn't think of Morgan Le Fay wholeheartedly." His Holiness said, "Why do you think I said those things? Hofas helped Morgan Le Fay only because of his rival in love with Balthazar It's just a relationship, and Veronica also used her body to seal Morgan Le Fay's clone, which means..."

"That is to say, that 'Spirit Summoning Ceremony' is not the ultimate goal of Hoffas?" Salomon suddenly realized, "Isn't it the release of Morgan Le Fay? His ultimate goal should be to get Morgan Le Fay from Veronica." liberated from his body?"

"That's right!" The venerable nodded, "This is the ultimate goal of Hofas. Releasing Veronica and letting Morgan Le Fay perform the 'spirit summoning ceremony' is just one step Hofas wants to carry out. As for How to expel Morgan Le Fay from Veronica's body... This is his calculation."

Salomon rubbed the ring subconsciously. If what His Holiness said was what Hoffas was thinking, then Hoffas was the most determined licking dog he had ever seen. He spent more than a thousand years just to save his beloved, and he did not hesitate to count his allies into it.

The Venerable seems to have used the Eye of Agamotto to see all the possibilities afterwards, so he became so leisurely after assigning those mystics from the New York Temple to perform tasks. But when Salomon asked how Hoffas was going to calculate Morgan Le Fay, the Supreme Master asked a very basic question.

"What do we rely on to cast spells?"

"Soul." Salomon replied. This kind of basic question is a compulsory course for every spellcaster. Without a strong enough soul, one cannot cast powerful magic. Even a beginner mystic can answer this kind of question. The Supreme Sorcerer walked slowly towards the library at the headquarters, followed by Salomon.

His Holiness asked again, "Then, what is the result of the failure to cast the spell?"

"The soul is backlashed by magic..." Salomon immediately understood Hofas' calculation.

The soul strength of Morgan Le Fay's clone far exceeds Veronica's. After Veronica sealed the clone with her body, Morgan Le Fay's soul quickly gained the upper hand, so Balthazar chose to seal Veronica. But if Morgan Le Fay fails when casting an extremely powerful magic, then the ensuing magic backlash is enough to deal a heavy blow to the clone's soul. At that time, even if Morgan Le Fay cannot be completely expelled from Veronica's body, Veronica's soul will become dominant again.

"Teacher, you have seen the end of the matter again, right?" Salomon asked, "That's why I let the mystics of the New York Temple ensure the development of the matter and lead to the end you imagined. Just like you sent I went to investigate the "Dark God Book", and the result was to ensure that Jubilus was completely killed."

"You have to understand that some things won't happen if you say them out." His Holiness said, "It's like a prophecy. After hearing the prophecy, the person involved took measures to avoid the prophecy being fulfilled, which led to the predicted result instead. If Let me tell you in advance that your target is not the "Dark Book of God" but Jubilus and Beunita, and the following things will not happen. I also did not tell the mystics of the New York Temple the whole picture, It's just divided into many tasks and assigned. Some people's tasks are just to ensure that a person does not fall, or to throw a can into the trash. But when countless variables come together, it can Steering what we expected in the right direction."

"You have already told me the result of this matter, so it is definitely not for me to participate in Hoffas's plan." Salomon asked, "Why did you come to me?"

"Balthazar landed on the American continent from New England." His Holiness suddenly brought up an irrelevant topic, "And you have been to that place too."

"I've been to Maine, I've been to Massachusetts, and they all look like Truman," Salomon said. "Well, I admit it's a joke. I think you mean, Balsa Did Zee make landfall in Massachusetts or in Maine?"

"Massachusetts, he went to Salem and participated in the Salem witch trials at the time."

The Supreme Mage's words reminded Salomon of his impression of Salem many years ago. There are ancient buildings with black tiles and gray walls everywhere, and the pace of life is extremely slow. However, apart from a candy store named Ye Olde Pepper Candy Campanie, what Salomon is most impressed with is the lingering stench of alien magic. (See Chapter 8 for details).

"There are many dark wizards imprisoned in Balthazar's magic item, and one of them was captured in Salem. However, if Hofas wants to release Veronica, he must release the dark wizard. In fact, this dark wizard is much more dangerous than the other dark wizards captured by Balthazar. He doesn't know the identity of the witch, and the Salem Witch Trials were also caused by her—she let the people there Everyone became crazy, but Balthazar didn't kill her, because he didn't know what it was. You have only one goal." The Venerable stopped in front of the library door, turned to look at Salomon, The tone is extremely serious.

"Find Abigail Williams and kill her!"

How could I follow the plot of the movie? This is my focus!

Ask for a recommendation ticket and ask for a monthly ticket! ! Raising books is easy to raise dead QAQ

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