Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 125 Chess pieces (first update!)

Although the mission assigned by the supreme mage was full of blood, and the mission was issued very quickly, the supreme mage did not ask Salomon to set off immediately. Because according to His Holiness, Salomon will not be able to carry out the task until the fate pushes it to the right position. Before that, he needs to make full preparations. Just like acting in a stage play, actors must wear costumes and appear at the right time, and appearing too early will disrupt the whole show.

Moreover, the Supreme Master also asked Salomon to carry out the task alone. Combined with the strange words of the previous Venerable, Salomon felt a little uneasy. He noticed the emerald green light flashing in Agamotto's eyes, as well as the stern expression on the Venerable's face. But when he wanted to ask more questions, His Holiness kept silent about this mission uncharacteristically. He just explained to Salomon that during this mission, he could use Kama Taj's magic weapon at will. .

After finishing speaking, the Supreme Master returned to the quiet room without seeing anyone.

The supreme mage didn't know how to explain this mission to Salomon, because this time the order was not from Visandi, nor from her, but from the superior of the superior, the Eternal God. This is rare because He is the sum total of all time and space (emphasis added) and there are very few things that require eternity's special concern, yet this is happening today. Not only Salomon was disturbed, but so was the Supreme Mage, but she could only give Salomon the greatest support in order to allow her disciples to complete the task.

The mystic master swallowed back the question after the venerable left, but the feeling still shrouded in his heart. He returned to the room and began to prepare for this operation—scrolls, magic missile wand, magic book, alchemy potion, and dimensional bag containing spell-casting materials. After thinking for a while, Salomon took the rapier and buckled it on his belt. After that, he felt unsafe again, so he stuffed a pistol into the dimension bag. Although Salomon thought that the Venerable would not harm him, this feeling of emptiness in his heart still prompted him to make sufficient preparations. It is better to be over-prepared than unprepared.

After roughly checking the items he needed, he took out the mobile phone he had left behind, ignored Balthazar's missed call, and dialed Bayonetta's number directly, but the call was transferred to voicemail. Salomon sighed.

"Bayoneta, I'm sorry, but Karma Taj has a mission," he said. "I made your favorite fruit yogurt parfait, and the invisible servant is finishing three roast lamb chops. I may not be able to do it today." I’m going back, if you’re unhappy, you can give my share to the Cheshire cat, and I’ll apologize to Jeanne on my behalf..."


Hoffas stood on a rectangular gray-black rose-patterned carpet, with his hands behind his back, holding a sapphire cane behind his back. He stood in front of the table all night, but he was still full of energy, letting the glare of light shine in through the two glass windows in front. Ever since he escaped from Balthazar's seal, he began to enjoy the sunshine every morning, because only the warmth from across the universe could make him feel alive.

He looked at the twisted wood grain on the varnished solid wood desk in front of him, and the odds and ends on the table—there was a stainless steel pen holder with some fountain pens in it, and other things. There is a small white plastic polygonal object with absolutely no apparent purpose. It might just be a useless item, like the owner of this room.

Hofas didn't want to see other furnishings in the room, because apart from a marble sculpture of the Virgin Mary wrapped in black chains, the owner's appearance and style are everywhere, and those narcissistic portraits and posters are also printed with the owner's name. Headshots and full body shots. Whenever Hoffas saw those things, he felt upset and had trouble concentrating.

He didn't look back when he heard the door open. Hoffas asked, looking down, "Are all the satellite receivers set up?"

"It's arranged." Derek walked in with his bag twisted, and he kept complaining, "Those things also ruined my nail art, which is not such a pleasant thing."

This is Hoffas' companion, the magician Derek, whose teacher was inherited from the wizards under Morgan Le Fay. Derek's teacher disappeared when he was fifteen years old, leaving him only a magic book and Some alchemy recipes that aren't very useful. Compared with the education he received, Hoffas has always looked down on half-wizard magicians like Derek, even Derek's teacher, because he knows what the wizards in Morgan Le Fay's court are, Magical knowledge was lost from generation to generation until a guy like Derek was taught to be a magician.

In ritual magic, the magic circle has many uses, usually to amplify the power of spells, guide the casting of spells, or link the power of multiple spellcasters together, but no matter what the purpose is, the magic circle in ritual magic cannot have a little error , Describing the magic circle is also a basic course that requires hard work. And Hoffas asked Derek to cooperate not only because Derek can help him with trivial matters, but also because Derek is not good at learning-it is too stupid to use a satellite receiver as a ceremony venue. No matter how stupid the behavior was, Derek didn't see anything.

That's what Hoffas is for. He has already selected the leyline node, as long as Veronica is released, Morgan Le Fay will start casting the spell, and during the process of casting the spell, Morgan Le Fay cannot interrupt the ceremony, he only needs to wave his stick lightly , can easily interrupt the ceremony, causing magic backlash. No matter how things develop, no matter whether Morgan Le Fay will let Veronica go or not, he can grasp Morgan Le Fay's vitals, take the initiative, and rescue Veronica.

And what he has to do next is to release the last wizard other than Morgan Le Fay (Veronica) imprisoned in the magic nesting doll. "Here is another partner of ours." Hoffas explained to Derek, "Abigail Williams, the little witch who made Salem famous all over the world. After she came out, she The Morgan Le Fay layer is left, and it takes a lot of magic power to release her."

"What shall we do next?" Derek raised his eyebrows and sat on his own office chair. Now, he thought his job was done, and it was Hoffas's job.

"Have you ever heard of the Parasitic Curse? Sorry, I forgot that you are behind in your studies." Hofas's words were a little mocking, but Derek didn't take it seriously because he didn't learn much magic.

"I prefer to rely on my instinct." Derek put his legs on the desk in a very relaxed manner, "You know, just follow the feeling."

"Very good." Hoffas paced slowly, walking behind Derek. He explained slowly, "The magic of Parasitic Curse is kind of nasty. If I remember correctly, it originated from Voodoo in Haiti. You should know the way we cast spells, life force transforms magic power, gets magic power from nature, this magic A magician can completely steal the magic power of another magician, that is to say..."

"...could steal your life." Hofas moved the cane away from Derek's neck. The effect of the parasitic spell is very good, especially when Hoffas casts it himself. Years of honed skills allow him to maximize the effect of this spell. Derek's life and soul have been completely absorbed by him, and now he is staying at On the seat is just a still warm body.

"Whether it's a ring or magic, it's just a decoration in your hands." Hofas took off the ring from the corpse's finger and put it on the cane. Immediately afterwards, he lightly tapped his cane on the doll, a scorching arc ignited the wooden surface of the doll, and the penultimate seal was about to disappear.

But what Hoffas didn't expect was that Abigail Williams was not as obedient as he imagined. When she was released, she immediately revealed some of her amazing essence, and she successfully broke through the defense of Hofas's mind just by showing a few corners. But Abigail Williams didn't mean to hurt Hofas. She glanced at the sunlight outside the window and quickly disappeared from the room. She has her own mission to complete, she is going to a place, she has to wait for a person, that person will definitely come, that person is behind the door.

At the same time, a white-haired old man on the streets of Armstrong also acted. He quickly ate the meatballs like a young man and drank the bootleg beer in the glass-he still had a He had to watch the stage play, which was the foreshadowing that he planted fifteen years ago, and this performance must not be missed.


After a long time, until it was near lunch, Hoffas recovered from the endless dream. If he hadn't subconsciously used magic before seeing some of Abigail's essence, and closed his mind, Otherwise, he is likely to fall into madness forever. Hofas sighed heavily, he couldn't imagine how Balthazar sealed the scary little witch, but he didn't have time to think about these things now, because the event he had planned for more than a thousand years was about to be completed , no time to be distracted by other things.

Hoffas decided to do that himself. He has always been good at catching weak points, even if Dave is really Merlin the Supreme, Hofas can still catch the sore feet of this young boy.

"Ma'am, can you do me a favor?" After several turns, Hoffas pushed open the door of the radio station control room. In fact, he asked a lot of people to find this place, because even if they are in the same university, many people don't know that the school has a radio station, and this place is remote, until Hofas finally found it. By then, his patience had run out, but the influence of Abigail was still there.

Betsy was startled by the sudden voice, she asked in great surprise, "How did you get in?"

But in the face of Becky's inquiry, Hofas just waved his cane impatiently and refused to answer.

"Follow me." He simply gave the command, and Becky stood up in a daze, and followed Hofas's footsteps out of the Guangbo control room. As long as the goal can be achieved, Hoffas does not mind using some despicable means.


Derek's studio was broken into by two groups of people one after another. The first batch was the master and apprentice of the Merlin School. Balthazar and Dave found out the identity of Derek. He is a well-known magician, and he was able to find the address of Derek's office on the Internet. Balthazar judged that Hofas was here, so he brought Dave and him here, trying to find the sealed container.

However, the result was not beyond Hoffas' expectation. Dave quickly succumbed when the life of the person he admired was in danger, and he handed over the ring in exchange for Betsy's safety.

The second group of people followed closely behind Salomon. When he arrived here, the others had already left. But even after many years, the alien magic that lingered in the small town of Salem was still fresh in his memory, and in this office, the smell of alien magic was even more pungent.

Salomon is holding the treasure of Kama Taj, the crystal ball of Agamotto, through which he finds the source of alien magic power. He originally wanted to leave this crystal ball in Karma Taj, but the supreme mage insisted on letting him take it, because this magic weapon can be used to track down this strange magic power, and the scope is the whole world. Check the map shown on the crystal ball to see where the event happened.

When Salomon stood at the desk and chanted the incantation taught by the Supreme Master, a black shadow clung to the crystal ball. This shadow stretched from New York along the coastline to the northeast. The mystic chanted the spell again, zooming in on the image in the crystal ball. The shadow crossed Boston, continued along the coastline, and finally stopped at a place that Salomon was quite familiar with—Salem.

He's going to go back there.

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