Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 126 Missing (Second update!)

To be honest, it's not that Salomon has never heard of the name Abigail Williams, but there are always different opinions about the details of the events of the Salem Witch Trials in each world. Even if he found remnants of heterogeneous magic power in the office, he couldn't tell where these heterogeneous breaths belonged to, and he didn't know which version this Abigail Williams belonged to. After all, in this world, What absurd things can happen. But the only thing that is certain is that these alien magic powers belong to the outer dimension. This is a magical event belonging to the outer dimension. What Salomon has to do is to expel or kill the source of this event.

The mystic adjusted the straps on his shoulders, the slanted leather straps made him uncomfortable. At this time, the rapier he buckled around his waist was gone, and replaced by a wooden box behind his back. The supreme mage still couldn't hold back, and asked Salomon to wear the sword of vowed victory, because the venerable thought he was extremely It is possible to encounter a battle that meets the unblocking conditions, and this sword can be his help.

It has been a full day since he was ready to set off and arrive here. Salomon made full preparations during this day. He also called Bayonetta and explained what happened again. He greeted Joan of Arc and the Cheshire Cat, and explained that he might not be able to go back tonight. Bayunita understood Salomon's situation very well, and she personally said that if Salomon did not come back after completing the task, she would kill Kama Taj with a pistol.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the portal and reached the outskirts of Salem, Salomon's cell phone rang again. He glanced at it, and it was Nick Fury. After a little hesitation, Salomon answered the call. As soon as the call was connected, Nick Fury immediately asked about what happened in New York City tonight. What the Merlin School did before caused Nick Fury to focus on New York, especially tonight, when the satellite detected energy readings in New York. He believed that this matter had nothing to do with magic, and he had to report to Sa Lomon asked clearly, because he could not allow anything that might endanger public safety to happen.

"This is Kama Taj's official business. We have already dealt with it. Don't think about letting your agents approach. If they die at the hands of the black wizard, the mystic will not avenge your agents." Salomon said Holding a mobile phone and holding a bright crystal ball in one hand, I trudged along the soft country road full of withered yellow leaves and humus. He came here after passing the precise positioning of Agamotto's crystal ball, and used this magic weapon to track the alien magic bit by bit. Nick Fury's call came at an inopportune time.

"Contract, Salomon," Nick Fury said, "this is an event that may endanger public safety. Think about the Thirtieth Agreement, if this happened, you should notify S.H.I.E.L.D. to evacuate the crowd. "

"I didn't notify you, so it means that it is not an incident that endangers public safety." Salomon said impatiently, "Don't make such a fuss."

"What a fuss?!" Nick Fury couldn't help raising his voice, "SHIELD has a list of people with special abilities. But do you know what kind of people are marked 'extremely dangerous' on the list? An information engineer with no sense of morality, a punk who uses chemicals to become powerful but not brainy, and a woman with blades transplanted on her fingertips (from "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."). But none of them compare Come on you, Salomon Damonette, tell me, what are you going to do to keep me from getting nervous? Also, what are you doing in Salem? Halloween is long past and it's too late to party there .”

"It's none of your business, it's my mission. Also, stop trying to track down the source of my signal. Magical events are not something ordinary people can participate in, because it's not something humans can understand, unless you want them to They are all crazy." Salomon saw the small shoe prints in the fallen leaves through a small bright ball of light, and he followed the shoe prints until he came to a remote cave.

"Especially this time... I don't know what I'm going to face..."

Salomon's voice was intermittent, and Nick Fury looked at the signal on the screen that gradually weakened and finally disappeared, and he had some bad premonitions in his heart. Coupled with the strange words that the mystic mage said before the signal disappeared, this ominous feeling clung to his thoughts like a haze.

Nick Fury hesitated for a while, and finally decided to assign his most trusted agent to find out where the signal finally disappeared. He assigned other agents to New York to search for traces of the magician. Only a few of them did not. Assigned to the task, Nick Fury asked them to go there to see the situation, because he could not put the safety of the public on Salomon alone. Taking risks is never an option for him, but being fully prepared is.

Salomon shook the phone, the screen was on, but the signal disappeared. This is not surprising, because he walked into this narrow cave following the instructions of the crystal ball and shoe prints. The operator will not build a base station in every cave, and it is normal for the signal to disappear. But his mission this time was far from the adjective "normal", because the place where the small shoe print stopped was at the end of the cave, and the footprints disappeared here, and there was no trace of turning back, nor on the Agamotto crystal ball. Show more information.

The mystic activated the dancing light technique and carefully examined all the traces here. But even though he cast a ring of prophecy spell [Spontaneous Search], he didn't see anything except the pair of shoe prints that stayed in front of the cave wall. It was weird, but it didn't scare Salomon, and it wasn't a big deal in the wizarding world. Salomon decided to suspend the search, exit the cave, and look for clues again on the way back. He put away the Agamotto crystal ball and walked out of the cave.

But when he came out of the deep cave, the sight in front of him surprised him. For apart from this shadowed mountain range, there was the afterglow of the setting sun on the distant horizon, and Salomon saw from a distance a wooden minaret painted with white paint, which was dyed a strange pink by the setting sun. The small round window flickered with the red flames of the setting sun, but beneath the spire was a deep darkness. It might be a Quaker church, but it is not a building in the small town of Salem. Salomon has seen a church in Salem, which is a red brick building, which is very different from this church.

In addition, there is a warming spring breeze, reminding the season here in Salomon. In addition, there is a large forest that has never been there before. Listen carefully, and there are intermittent whispers in the dark and deep forest from time to time.

Salomon glanced at his watch. The watch presented by Bayonetta shows that the current time is 9:35 pm. If the time is not wrong, the town of Salem should have been plunged into darkness, instead of the afterglow of the setting sun. At the same time, Salomon also found that his mobile phone had completely lost the signal, but the time displayed on the mobile phone was exactly the same as that displayed on the watch.

But even so, Salomon still couldn't explain the scene in front of him. The only thing he could be sure of was that he was still near Salem, because the shape of the rocky hill hadn't changed. He hesitated for a moment, then took the wand in his hand, and walked towards the forest on the country road covered with fallen leaves.


"The place where the signal disappeared is this cave, sir." Agent Coulson took a flashlight and followed Natasha Romanov into the cave. "We found a set of footprints, which belonged to a teenager. They should be Our target, Salomon Damonet's. But no footprints were found, he should still be in the cave."

"It seems that he is a shy guy. He actually hid in this cave for half an hour." Handgun ready, ready to shoot. She had heard Nick Fury talk to Salomon and knew about magic, but she hadn't told anyone about it. This is the instinct of the agent, and the secret can play its greatest role at the right time.

"Why are we tracking him?" Coulson asked. "I mean, although I met Salomon, I didn't know Director Fury valued him so much. He's not an agent, is he?"

"Maybe he has cooperated with Director Fury, but I can't tell you what the content of the cooperation is." Agent Romanov scanned the darkness in front of him, "After the signal was interrupted, Director Fury thought he was in trouble and needed us Free him. And..."


"We are also in trouble." Agent Romanov looked at the stone wall in front of him, and there were still missing footprints. "Salomon Damonette is missing."

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