Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 127 Investigators join and the principle of the portal (first update!)

"We have to report this." Agent Coulson reached out and pressed the headset. "Director Fury asked us to find him, but he didn't say he wanted us to find a ghost. Sir, we..."

"Wait, Agent Coulson." Natasha Romanov moved the flashlight, and the light spot extended from the footprint left by Salomon to the entrance of the cave. Surprisingly, the ground where there was only one line of inward shoe prints slowly revealed a line of outward shoe prints, which are the unique short-heeled boot prints of Karma Taj. Agent Coulson noticed this after being reminded by Natasha Romanov. Along with the shoe prints, there was a slight rubbing sound, as if someone was rubbing the soles of their cowhide shoes on the granite rock here. His eyes widened in surprise, and he moved the flashlight around like Natasha Romanov, and carefully stretched his hand above the shoe prints, but he couldn't touch anything.

"I've seen him. In fact, I've tracked him down for a while." He took a breath, "But he's a living person, maybe a person with special abilities, but definitely not a ghost. If so... maybe we need a Priest."

"If you only attend Mass at Christmas and Easter, then you're considered a devout Catholic," Agent Romanoff said. "I like your sense of humor, Agent Coulson. Contact Operations Team, we need to have them follow the footprints. I have a hunch this line of footprints is our clue.

"I think we can let the scientists on the Quin-jet fighter come to the cave to investigate, maybe we can understand the reasons for these phenomena." Agent Coulson said.

Natasha glanced at Agent Coulson, and now she was sure that Coulson did not know Salomon's identity. In fact, Natasha herself has some doubts about such things as "magic", but Director Fury believes it, so she will not question it. However, the good mood of getting clues often cannot last for too long. Coulson pressed the earphone repeatedly, but the action team members who should have spoken did not respond. He tried to contact other people, but the result was the same. Agent Coulson quickly informed Natasha Romanov of this situation. He thought it was not electromagnetic interference or poor signal, because he had never heard any noise, and the only possible situation was that they were all killed. In the viscous darkness beyond the caverns there were enemies they had never expected.

When Agent Coulson and Natasha Romanov walked out of the cave carefully, they found that the Quin-type fighter plane parked near the cave had disappeared, but they did not hear any sound of the aircraft engine starting. From here, they could definitely hear the loud noise. In addition, there were no shell casings, no traces of firefights, the radio was completely silent, and the members of the action team disappeared with their vehicles.

In addition, there is a large forest that suddenly appeared. "They're missing." Natasha Romanov shined a flashlight on the place where the Zhaokun fighter plane was originally staying. She disarmed and holstered the pistol on her thigh as she came to an even worse conclusion.

"Or...we're missing."

Naturally, Salomon didn't know the situation in the cave, and he didn't know that Nick Fury was slapping the table and cursing people, because he lost two of his best agents at once. In fact, his nerves have been tense ever since he walked into that eerie forest. It's not that he didn't try to use the hanging ring to open the portal and leave here, but whenever he cast a spell, no matter how much he chanted spells and gestures, the portal couldn't be opened, and only a small group of spinning sparks laughed at him. He didn't realize that a spell similar to [Dimensional Anchor] was being cast here, but it was a fact that the portal couldn't be opened. He could only hold the magic missile wand in his hand tightly, and put another fireball wand in his sleeve, ready to give any The guy who attacked him was a good looking guy.

As the sky darkened, the light shining on the top of the deep forest gradually faded, and the remaining warmth of the setting sun was quickly swallowed up by the shadows extending from the ridge behind. At this time, Salomon was no longer stingy with spells, he took out the scroll and cast spells, so that he could see something clearly in the darkness like thick fog. The forest is very quiet, only the sound of fallen leaves breaking under the feet. Since Agamotto's crystal ball did not indicate the direction of the alien magic power, Salomon had no target, so he could only walk roughly in the direction of the town, hoping to meet someone. Even if he could see something clearly, the forest was eerily quiet, and he desperately wanted to encounter something, man or monster, for he felt an unsettling familiarity with its surroundings feel.

He understood why he felt familiar with this place, not because of the environment here, but because of the atmosphere here. That pervasive sense of dread permeates every corner of the forest, as if there are creepy monsters lurking in the darkness behind every bush. This sense of familiarity comes from the memory of the old ruler, the magician, who he has never wanted to touch, and which originated from the stigmata.

Salomon once tried to spy on that memory out of curiosity, but he forgot many things - he knew what he wanted to spy on, and the memory was enough for him to be there, if it wasn't for the second-ring spell [Mechanization] If Mind] takes effect, he may remember more. But subconsciously, the ensuing bone marrow madness kept lingering in his mind for a period of time, and it took him a long time to get rid of that feeling. But he still remembers the name of the suzerain, which is a name that cannot be uttered by the human physiological structure. He is...

Salomon immediately stopped thinking and recalling, and forced himself to stay in the picture in his mind on the fruit yogurt parfait and roasted lamb chops. It was difficult, as difficult as "don't think about the pink elephant," but years of meditation practice helped a little, and Salomon fell into a state of focus very quickly (only thinking about fruit yoghurt jelly cakes and grilled lamb chops) to clear all the images in my mind.

Subtle whispers sounded in the forest again. This time, these voices had direction and distance. Salomon stopped and closed his eyes. He concentrated on trying to identify the source of the sound. These are the singing voices of several little girls, immature and crisp, their voices are intertwined, making it difficult for Salomon to distinguish what they are talking about. He walked slowly following the sound, and gradually, the originally vague and subtle voice became clearer.

Ash branches are magic wands.

Knock three times on the earth and three times on the invisible door, and the Holy Spirit will appear and issue the revelation.

The Holy Spirit will whisper to us the opportunity to realize our true desire.

On the other side of the door is the future we all aspire to.

Salomon slowed down, trying not to attract attention. Everything he encountered after coming out of the cave shows a problem, that is, the space and time he is in now are not normal, whether it is the sunset or the warm wind before telling him this fact, and the portal cannot be opened And because of this.

If viewed from a higher dimension, everything in this universe is an established fact, and everything has already happened, and these realities are like a thin film covering the three-dimensional world, forming the structure of a world. established destiny. Since three-dimensional creatures cannot understand the existence of higher dimensions, a simple and clear example can be given.

Take out a stack of white papers and stack them together, and then assume that human beings are two-dimensional creatures, and the white paper is a flat space. Cross-sections, the patterns on these stacked papers together form a cube, but for two-dimensional humans, these are just two-dimensional cross-sections one after another. As time goes by, that is, jumping from the lower paper to the upper paper, these cross-sections will change through time and space-but in fact this cube is fixed, and its length, width and height have not changed. Only the cross-sections observed by the two-dimensional human beings are changed, and these cross-sections are the reality observed by people.

The function of the portal spell is to fold the paper so that two-dimensional humans can pass from one end of the cross-section to the other. Unless Salomon relocates his position in time and space and finds the piece of paper he is now on, he will have no way of knowing which piece of paper to fold, and the portal will not be able to open.

There are several ways to reposition yourself in space and time.

The simplest one is to ask the people who live here, he doesn't need to know what day it is, he only needs to know the approximate year. The greater the time error, it is equivalent to folding more paper at one time, and the corresponding spellcasting is more difficult. However, although the single-digit year error is somewhat difficult for Salomon, it is not a big problem.

Another way is to find a place to meditate, call Weishandi, and ask Weishandi for the time. As an extra-dimensional creature, that is, an existence that lives on another sheet of paper, Visandi can tell Salomon which sheet of paper he is currently in from a third-person perspective, that is, tell Salomon the precise time— — But the question is whether this time is based on the birth of Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, rather than Jesus.

In fact, the time used by many Kama Taj mystics is the Gregorian calendar, because probably few people will encounter abnormal time, and Salomon did not ask Wei Shan Di, this is the retribution for being lazy. If Salomon hadn't met the locals, he would have done so, although it would be quite troublesome to explain to Emperor Weissand at that time, and who knows whether Emperor Weissand will forcibly obtain them because of these three coins? The magic ring burns him again.

As a last resort, leave here and walk to New York. Unless Salomon is now in King Arthur's time, there must be a Karma Taj Temple in New York, and then he can meet the Supreme Master, explain the reason to her, and find a way to go back. But there are doubts about this method, because Salomon doesn't know whether this is a time anomaly located in a small area, or whether he really traveled from the cave to another time-if it is the former, then it is like a two-dimensional cross-section With layers of cross-sections from other papers on top of it, he might not be able to get out of this boundary so easily; if it was the latter, he could try to go to New York instead.

Salomon decided to start with the simplest method.

Ps: [Note 1] "Agents of SHIELD" S3E17, Coulson's belief issue.

No way, I had a weird dream, and then the inspiration broke out, and I got up to write in the middle of the night. My cervical spine is really hurting, I will find a plaster to stick it on tomorrow. By the way, there is also a request for a ticket, this cannot be forgotten.

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