Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 128 Heading to Salem (Second update! Please subscribe!)

There is a clearing in the woods, without shrubs or trees, it is unknown whether it was deliberately cleared out or formed naturally, a small cluster of bonfires was piled up on the dark soil, and the distorted shadows reflected danced wildly with the crisp singing. Salomon slowed down and approached. He clenched his wand tightly and looked quietly through the bushes. Those were a few little girls, wearing very old clothes, and they were the ones who sang the songs before. While they were singing, they waved the branches in their hands, as if they were holding some kind of ceremony.

The mystic mage looked around, and after repeatedly confirming that there was no one else in this weird place, he pushed aside the bushes and walked to the place illuminated by the fire. The appearance of Salomon startled the little girls, they stopped singing and quickly huddled together like quails.

"Don't be afraid." Salomon kept his wand in his sleeve, ready to draw it out at any time, and shoot a magic missile to any weird person who appeared in this weird place. He slowed down his voice, opened his hands, and signaled that he was unarmed, "I won't hurt you... Actually, I'm a student from London, and I go to school in London. Do you know Eton College? It's just west of London. Near Windsor Castle."

Facing Salomon's explanation, these little girls were silent, just looked at each other, and then waited for him to continue. Henry VI had already founded Eton College before the age of great voyages opened, and Salomon's words had few loopholes.

"Listen, I..."

"I've heard of London, you're from a big city in your country!" A slightly bolder girl asked first, "Have you ever been to Boston?"

"Ann!" Another girl quickly tugged on her sleeve, as if dissatisfied with her recklessness.

"Mary, don't worry, he doesn't look scary at all."

"But he's a stranger..."

"I haven't been to many places. New York and London are the two places I go most often." Salomon moved slowly and approached the bonfire. He was thinking about how to weave lies so as to create a suitable identity. Since he didn't know the current specific year, his words certainly couldn't reveal the nouns of specific times in certain places. But the little girl's words still revealed some key information-locality. This is New England, but only when the United States was not independent did the colonists call Britain that. If he guessed correctly, these little girls were all Puritans in England.

"I'm just a student... I got separated from my companions." He said, "This is my homework. Observing the folk ecology of the New World is a very hard job."

"Your clothes are weird!" asked the bold girl named Ann again. "Is this a new style in London?"

"It's just an attire for adventure." Salomon shrugged. "After all, you can't wear gentleman's clothes when you go over mountains and mountains, can you? I just want to know how to get to the nearest settlement. My tent and luggage are all If I lose it, I will starve to death if I don’t find a place to eat.”

It seems that it is because Salomon is young and not fierce in appearance. The ruddy face raised by a superior life is quite different from the boys in the village and the sailors on the pier. Coupled with his educated temperament, several little girls He also slowly lowered his vigilance. Due to their inexperience, they were completely unable to detect the loopholes in Salomon's lies. Gradually they regained their vivacity and began to talk about their village, Salem. While smiling, Salomon took out some candies from the dimension bag, removed the wrapping paper and handed them to the little girls, while sorting out useful information from their words.

Under the candy barrage, these skinny girls who had been undernourished all year round quickly spit out what the mystic wanted to know. First, there is a priest in the town. The white church steeple that Salomon saw on the hill before belonged to a priest named Paris, and one of the four little girls was Reverend Paris' daughter.

"Hello, Elizabeth." Salomon touched the little girl's head.

Elizabeth bit the candy shyly and let Salomon stroke her head.

"It's a pity that Abigail didn't come. Her uncle locked up Abigail again." Ann said, licking the candies, "otherwise she would have eaten these delicious candies."

"Abigail?" Salomon's hand stopped, "Do you still have companions?"

"Williams," Ann said. "Her uncle is looking after her."

"Her...what's her uncle's name?" Salomon asked eagerly, he already roughly understood the age he was in.

"Mr. Carter, his full name seems to be Randolph Carter."


"Colson, hurry up! Don't look back, don't look at those monsters! Run to where there are gunshots" Natasha Romanoff ran ahead, she was being surrounded by a group of dogs with faces like dogs and spikes Chased by humanoid monsters with claws, mutilated humanoid appearance, barking loudly in a jerky, weeping sound as they pursued.

Coulson and she once shot at these monsters, but the rubber-like skin of those monsters greatly reduced the blocking force of the bullets. Even when the magazine was empty, she and Agent Coulson failed to kill all the monsters. These monsters gathered more and more, she had no choice but to escape with Coulson.

Natasha Romanov ran nimbly over bushes and rocks towards the place where the gunshots sounded. After she came to that bad conclusion, she had a general idea. She thought that she and Coulson should have encountered the same situation as Salomon. In the eyes of outsiders, they had disappeared. Natasha is not sure whether these monsters were created by magic, but she still hopes that Salomon is here. If her guess is correct, they should be involved in some magical incident. Facing the magical incident, Salomon is the expert.

Agent Coulson, also a field agent, quickly followed Natasha Romanoff's movements. The fire was faintly reflected in the woods in the distance, and Natasha Romanov accelerated her speed, jumped over the low bushes, and jumped into the glade. She saw the person she wanted to see, and also saw several little girls behind Salomon holding a pistol. Then, Agent Coulson also broke in, and he stopped panting, Because Salomon was pointing a pistol at them.

"Why are you here?" The mystic asked, frowning. When he went to Salem, he didn't find that the SHIELD agents were on a mission.

"You are missing." Natasha Romanoff said simply and clearly, "Director Fury asked us to find you. But now is not the time to talk about this, you also encountered monsters?"

"We only saw wild dogs!" said Elizabeth timidly. "If it hadn't been for Mr. Damonette..."

"Maybe it was attracted by the bonfire." Ann, who was originally bold, was also afraid. "Abigail told me that the ceremony cannot be held tonight..."

"Wild dog? That's..." Agent Coulson was about to speak when he noticed Salomon winking at him. Although he didn't know what happened, it seemed that he had sensed the strange atmosphere, and Agent Jing Nian stopped his next words in time.

"Yes, we also encountered some dangerous 'wild dogs', but I shot them away." Salomon emphasized the pronunciation of the noun, of course he knew that what he saw was not a wild dog, but a monster . But these little girls said that they were often chased by wild dogs in the forest. These remarks made Salomon very vigilant—when they saw the face of the monster, these little girls still recognized the monster as a wild dog. Seems like a cognitive distortion. Salomon was reluctant to break the twist until he fully understood the situation, because suddenly saying something like a monster would only attract the hostility of conservative Puritans, even if these Puritans were just a few little girls.

Ever since he knew what era he was in, Salomon had made up his mind not to use magic in front of these Puritans for the time being. Because only in this way can he let these little girls lead him into Salem, and he can get close to Abigail Williams smoothly and kill that dangerous target in one fell swoop.

"Do you still have bullets?" Salomon asked. "Let us escort these little girls back to Salem...don't worry, they are my companions. Although we are not Quakers, we are Catholics, but And you won't tell what you did."

Salomonte looked at Agent Coulson intently, "After all, it is around 1692..."

Coulson, who majored in history, immediately recalled what he had learned. Coupled with the previous reminder from the mystic, he suddenly understood the time he was in—the eve of the Salem Witch Trials.

"I understand." He squeezed out a smile, bent down and said to the little girls, "We will ensure your safety. Please ask me where we can spend the night."

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This dungeon is modified by the Forbidden Courtyard + Devil's Son mod.

Plus, Abbie is so cute.

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