Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 129 Abigail Williams (First update!)

Agent Coulson's very friendly temperament also made several little girls let go of their hostility. The most courageous girl, that is, the red-haired Ann Putman offered to lead the way, while only 9-year-old Elizabeth Parker Reese still hid behind Salomon and refused to come out. This round-faced little girl always feels scared whenever she sees Natasha Romanoff, because her father often instills horror legends about witches in her. In her eyes, a woman as beautiful as Natasha Must have something to do with witches. And Elizabeth's friends were also very curious, why Elizabeth was so quiet today, but when they saw Salomon's half-lit face under the firelight, they snickered knowingly.

A little girl in the country always fantasizes about what her future husband will be like: a young and strong farmer, or a wandering sailor? At the age of puberty, Salomon, a boy whose face was changing from round to sharp, just hit the heart of Elizabeth Paris. Elizabeth also thought that her father would accept a student from London.

As for Salomon's thoughts, well, no one ever asked him.

Compared with Natasha Romanoff, a beauty that you can't see in small towns, Coulson is more acceptable as a gentleman, at least Ann Putman, the leader of this group of little girls, thinks so. Because Agent Coulson looked like a pampered lord, even if he wasn't an aristocrat, he was still a clean scholar. At least there is no dead skin in his wrinkles, his eye sockets are not reddened by the sea breeze all year round, and he doesn't smell like livestock. No matter where he goes, anyone will think that he is a person who has nothing to do with hard work .

As for Natasha Romanov...Ann Putman doesn't want to comment, because the clothes that are close to the body and don't know what material they are made of are too immoral, and Natasha's bumpy figure is too tempting Men, even big city prostitutes don't dress like that. Ann had heard the sailors on the pier talk about London's Soho district, and in her mind, those immoral women should be exactly like Natasha.

Along the way, they heard nothing except a few rapid barking here and there. Coulson and Ann Putman walked in the front, and two other girls in the middle, Salomon and Natasha Romanoff, walked last. The Black Widow agent also seemed to know that this was not the place for conversation. Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask too much about the situation here. These little girls seem to come to this clearing often. They carried their lanterns and walked towards the village along a path covered by bushes. Along the way, Salomon was thinking about the reason why he arrived here, and the reason for this inexplicable time travel. What caused all this?

Is it Abigail Williams? Is there something else he doesn't know? Salomon wasn't sure. He could only confirm one thing, and that was that His Holiness had seen him end the incident through the Eye of Agamotto, otherwise it would be impossible for him to come to Salem. The reason why His Holiness insisted on letting him carry out the task alone may also be because this matter is actually related to him.

Could it be... a stigmata? Salomon thought of the poor wretch who had gone mad. But so far, he knew too little information, only knowing that he was in 1692, and he could only temporarily assume that killing Abigail Williams would solve the incident. If possible, he intends to find a place to open the portal to go to Karma Taj, and talk to the supreme mage in 1692 about this matter. He believes that with the insight of the venerable, he should give a solution.

Agent Coulson played to his advantage in the process of chatting with Ann Putman, and he obtained a lot of information from Ann Putman with great ease. For example, Ann Putman has a distant cousin who also lives in the small town, named Alice Parker, who is so pious and annoying that she carries a "Bible" every day; Ann Putman mentioned that she once A tall and well-built friend named Margaret, who was pursued by many boys in the town; she also introduced another girl besides Elizabeth, Mary Walcott, who sang with them , she is a helper in Putman's house.

Besides, there were some little things about the town, and after Ann Putman had finished rambling, she began to ask Coulson back, she asked Coulson what London was like, and what Boston was like. The conspicuousness of this topic also attracted the attention of the other two girls. Small-town girls always dream of going to the big city, and they are no exception.

Salomon reminded Coulson here, "I found my mentor before I went to college. Mr. Coulson is my history professor, and I plan to major in his courses."

"I haven't been in London all year round, because I need to go to various parts of the world for archaeology. Mr. Damonette just started working as my assistant, and he got separated from us." Agent Coulson quickly continued, "We are here this time. ,is for……"

"Study local folk customs and historical sites." Romanov glanced at Salomon. She didn't expect the mystics to be so accustomed to lying. She thought magicians were the kind of crazy, innocent guys.

"Yes, that's right." Agent Coulson nodded, "Folklore, this may be related to the Indian ruins..."

"Aborigines?!" Mary Walcott couldn't help raising her voice, "It was the Aboriginal people who killed Abigail's parents!"

"That's right!" Elizabeth also frowned, "Father said that they are all sinners who have never heard the voice of God, and they are out-and-out pagans."

Salomon glared at Coulson. He didn't expect this history major to make a very dogmatic mistake. "Don't worry," the mystic explained. "We are not aboriginal sympathizers, not even in Oxford."

The name Abigail also reminds Agent Coulson of the Salem Witch Trials. He asked Ann Putman, "What day is it today?"

"April 21."

Coulson took a deep breath—the Salem tragedy would happen in a few days, he had learned when he was studying American history. It was obviously torture to answer Ann Putman, and she also asked Coulson why she took a prostitute with her on her adventure. Are all London lords like this?

Natasha Romanov glared at the girl, while Coulson was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer for a moment. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't have the way professors talked to Puritans in the seventeenth century. "I'm a maid, Mr. Damonette's maid." Natasha remembered Salomon's accent, so she relieved herself, "Mr. Damonette... oh, it's Sir Damonette , His daily life is taken care of by me, even during the adventure.”

Salomon looked at Natasha in surprise, he couldn't think of what this woman was going to do. In fact, Natasha is making preparations for staying in the small town later. She wants to find an opportunity to be alone with Salomon so as to understand the ins and outs of this matter. After thinking for a few seconds, Coulson understood Natasha's intentions. He thought this was a good opportunity. Since they came in after Salomon, it was only right to ask Salomon.

"Everything?" Elizabeth raised her head and asked.

"Of course it's everything, little sister, including the one you think about."

Elizabeth blushed and lowered her head. Salomon gave Natasha a dissatisfied look, but the woman just smiled at him without explaining. When the group could vaguely see the dim lights in the small town, a girl ran over panting, and when she got close, everyone saw the girl's appearance.

She has golden and soft long hair, and there are a few cute bows tied on the long hair. She was wearing a light black round felt hat, and the pale legs exposed under the tight pumpkin pants were very slender. Even in April when the ice and snow melted, this outfit was very thin.

"Ann!" The little girl ran over panting, and stopped in front of everyone, "I'm looking for you... Didn't I agree that I can't sing the curse song today! Ah, who are they?"

"Are they here ... to study, or to dig something?" said Ann Putman. "They're from London anyway."

"Outlanders?" The girl suddenly became interested, "You must have traveled to many places, right?"

The trio of outlanders all nodded. Coulson and Natasha don't need to be numerous, they are agents, and Salomon has also traveled to many places through the portal. "Then you must have been to Boston?!" The girl's eyes lit up, and in her heart, the biggest city is Boston

"Actually, we just went through Boston," Agent Coulson said. He didn't know much about Boston at this period, so he reasoned that he didn't know either.

"If you can, can you tell me about the big cities?" the girl asked, "London, New York, whatever. My uncle often tells me his adventures, but recently he is often very early. Leaving home... Ah, by the way, forgot to introduce myself. My name is Abigail Williams, just call me Abby."

No one could tell that the thin, tall, 11-year-old girl in front of her was actually the girl who accused many villagers of the Salem massacre and caused the trial. Agent Coulson blinked, and Salomon stood up straight, quietly holding his wand behind his back, ready to cast spells at any time. But Natasha Romanov held down his hand. Even in the face of Salomon's sharp gaze, Natasha Romanov still did not intend to let go.

"Don't tell me that you have such a sense of justice now." She said in a low voice, "She is not that kind of person now."

"Shut up, Natasha Romanov." Salomon broke free from her hand, "This may be the only way to solve this matter."

"I won't let you do such a thing, do you want to use the absurd historical records to execute?" Romanov grabbed the other end of the wand, "Also, you don't think about the consequences of what we do, will you Affect the future... Don't move, this is made of wood, I can break it at any time after I hold it."

"If you want to be blown to death, please do so." Salomon frowned deeply, "The historical records may not be true, but Abigail Williams is the key to all this, and all this It might even might not be reality!"

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Thanks to the brilliant white knight for the 100 point reward.

Thanks for the 100 point reward for being sleepy by accident.

Thanks to Provence for the sad 1500 point reward.

Thanks to Sanjiao Squid for the 200 point reward.

Thank you Lanbo for the 100-point reward.

Thanks to book friend 20180419061303996 for the 100-point reward.

Thanks to Ixa-X for the 100 point reward.

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