Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 130 Randolph Carter (Second more!)

"What do you mean?" Agent Romanov asked.

Salomon glanced at the others who were walking away, and sighed. He quickly told Natasha the metaphor of the white paper and the cube. Natasha was very smart, and she quickly understood what Salomon meant.

"The cross-sections observed by each of us are different, because many different things happen at the same time. The cube formed by all the cross-sections is the reality of the universe and the foundation of our existence." Salomon said , "You and Agent Coulson must have entered the cave, and all the abnormalities are related to that cave, which is a passage. When we came out of the cave, we entered a deformed cross-section three hundred years ago , and this cross-section was originally normal. Can you imagine that the waist of a cube is a cylinder? We are now in the cross-section of this cylinder. A layer of space-time anomalies. What we have to do is to leave here, or solve the source of the incident, so that everything can return to normal."

"What's the basis?" Natasha Romanoff followed Agent Coulson and a group of girls. Agent Coulson had learned his lesson, he knew how to talk now, obviously, his college education gave him a lot of conversation capital, and those anecdotes were enough to attract the attention of those little girls.

"The monsters we met before...they don't belong to this world." Salomon walked beside Natasha, "I'm pretty sure of that. Those monsters are ghouls, but not the ghouls of this universe. "

"Does the monster still have a birth certificate?" Natasha said with a smile, "Even if there is, they are not pasted on the forehead, otherwise I would have seen it long ago. I know you can magic, and I know that many strange things will happen in the magical world. But what you say is theory and cannot be proven."

"Before I started the experiment, it really couldn't be proven." The proof method Salomon said was to open the portal. If the portal to New York cannot be opened, it means that the reality they observed conforms to the theory that Salomon said, which is a layer of deformed cross-section covering the small town of Salem, even if the portal can be opened, It is also impossible to bring them back from this cross-section to the original cross-section, because this is not on the same blank sheet of paper at all. But if the portal to New York opens... that might mean something even worse. Salomon would rather be the former, at least that should be something that the Sword of Oath of Victory can solve.

"And," Salomon continued, "I don't know how to describe it to you, but I have smelled the smell of alien magic many years ago."

"The year you robbed Councilor White?" Natasha looked at the ring on Salomon's hand and raised her eyebrows, "You exchanged this ring with the same clothes as now, at least you didn't lose money. "

"Ha, I'm starting to believe in fate now." Salomon smiled helplessly, "Although my theory is very pessimistic, it doesn't mean that I believe in fate, because I am the new length and width of the cross section. But This ring appeared in Salem back then... Maybe I was destined to come here. Maybe we can see the ancestors of Senator White. If he also has this pink diamond ring on his hand, it can prove that I theory is wrong."

Is it Emperor Weishan? Or the Eternal God? Salomon didn't know who pushed him to this place, but Salomon was sure that the Supreme Master definitely saw the end of his safe return, otherwise the Venerable would have resolved the matter by himself. If anyone in this world loves him, the Supreme Mage must be one of them.

Salomon believed so firmly.

"Then we have to speed up and don't fall behind, magician."

"Remember not to say anything, the Tsarist Russian maid I bought. You don't understand how fanatical the Puritans are in this era and in this land. They firmly believe in witchcraft and magic...well, it is a fact. But they still Believe in every vicious superstition that their tortured minds have created. These people look for the devil in every place and everything, and believe that the devil is the culprit of all problems and bad luck. Every soul here is obsessed In the midst of hell and curse, I am in constant fear." Salomon ruthlessly mocked the ancestors of this group of Americans, "What a bunch of poor people..."

"If there really is a devil in this world..." Natasha Romanov hesitated for a moment before continuing, "The devil has already done what he wanted to do with my hands, and I owe a lot Blood debt, that is something that cannot be repaid."

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?"

"I know your secret, magic. Although you haven't hidden it from me." Natasha blinked happily, "Now, you should know my secret too, right?"

"I understand your feelings... But this time, our hands are likely to be stained with blood again." Salomon lowered his eyes, he said, "I will not regret it, and I hope you will not. Pay more attention Abigail, you're an agent, you can tell if she's lying or not. I've been ordered to kill Abigail, and if killing her will end this, I'll do it."

"If Abigail is not what you imagined, then Agent Coulson will never agree to this matter." Natasha said, "He is a good person, a really good person."

"Then I will do whatever it takes to settle this matter."


Near the town, Abigail's uncle appears at the end of the road. "I've been looking for you for a long time, Abigail." Abigail's uncle seemed to be a serious person. He was wearing a beige windbreaker, and his neat shirt collar and tie showed that he was a serious person. His short black hair was combed back, his brow bone was sharp, and his thin lips were tightly pressed.

"Uncle!" Abigail said goodbye to the girls who had returned home before introducing the three strangers to her uncle. She said, "This is Mr. Coulson, a scholar from London. This is his pupil, Sir Damonette. This is... this is Miss Maid! Mr. Coulson, this is me Uncle."

"Hello, Mr. Coulson." After introducing himself, Randolph Carter nodded and greeted Coulson and Salomon. He also shook Coulson's hand, "I am also a scholar, I teach theology in Boston, but I also do a little research on history. It seems that you have a lot of experience in teaching minors, and I saw them chatting with you very happily."

"I just told some stories that happened in other continents." Coulson seemed to enter the role, "This is all my adventures around the world over the years. Although it is not very exciting, it is still worth listening to."

"I think we'll have a good chat," said Randolph Carter. "I've got a bottle of homegrown whiskey, and maybe we can talk sometime. It's a time to find a decent place to stay in Salem. It's very difficult, if you don't mind, you can stay at my house tonight."

Randolph Carter's enthusiasm did not show much emotion, but his enthusiasm still aroused the vigilance of others. Needless to say, Salomon was quite vigilant about everything here, but the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. believed that it would be too much to casually accept three outsiders in New England in the 17th century. Too suspicious.

"Thank you very much for your help." Coulson nodded in agreement. Since Abigail was one of the culprits that caused the tragedy, it might as well take a closer look, and there should be another noteworthy target there. He said, "Tomorrow morning, we'll go to the hotel in town."

"I will ask Tituba to prepare meals for you to relieve the fatigue of the journey. Mr. Coulson, if you have time after dinner, we might as well talk about what you have seen and heard." Randolph Carter mentioned that Coulson wanted Another target to observe.

"It's my pleasure, Mr. Carter."


"Damn it! It really can't be opened!" Salomon took off the hanging ring and sat on the bed in the guest room. He didn't know whether he should be happy or angry, because the only portal that could be opened was in this cross section. For example, it is in this small town, or more precisely, it is at both ends of this room.

At this time, Natasha Romanov was leaning on the pillow, her legs stretched loosely, and she was eating the food that Salomon had prepared.

The food in the small town of Salem is not too good, this is because New England is being threatened by the Dutch from the New Netherland colony in the west, the Spaniards in the south, the French in the New French colony in the northwest, and the native Indians. People have friction, and materials can only be obtained from the port. But more cargo ships will choose to go to Boston instead of the small port of Salem. Most of the people who come here are colonists from the mainland.

Randolph Carter only provided food for Agent Coulson and Salomon, as for Natasha...she said she was a maid, so she only had food for servants. After dinner, Coulson returned to the bedroom to rest on the pretext of being tired from the journey, and Natasha was originally arranged to share the same room with the servant Tituba, but she also made excuses. She portrayed Salomon as a guy who grew up in a cradle, saying that Salomon couldn't live without her even when he was sleeping.

Now, Natasha is also asking Salomon to take out the stored food on the excuse that she is not full. Salomon is sure that she must have learned about this from Nick Furen. Salomon sat on the bed and thought quietly—maybe this anomalous area has a boundary, but he didn't even need to explore the size of this anomalous area to know that they couldn't leave. Whether it's some kind of magic, or the anomalous area will expand with their observations, as it stands, there's no way to get out of here without resolving the incident.

But it's not without good news. That is, anything that happens in this abnormal area will not affect the reality of the outside world. If the theory proves true, then it means that the residents of Salem in 2010 are still alive and well, they just can't touch it, and they are separated by a thin but impenetrable layer of reality, because the two-dimensional human beings are Unable to break through the plane.

"It's time for you to show your professional skills, Miss Maid." After explaining the situation to Natasha, Salomon said, "Determine the source of the incident, and then let us...solve it."

Are you surprised that I updated so early? In fact, I was also very surprised, because the inspiration can't stop! No, that's not right, these sudden ideas don't come from me, I just write what's whispering in my ear, it's not me! someone! Someone is spying on me and He wants me to write these things! What is his purpose? I get it, I get it, he's snickering, he's peeping, he's dancing wildly in the shadows behind the curtains, he's laughing at us trying to understand everything we can't understand, he's...

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