Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1162 Gangnir (first update)

The heavy-duty transport aircraft floated from the horizon, flying quickly towards here close to the sea in the warm red afterglow. The non-reflective body covered with ablative armor looked from a distance like a bird looking for food in the millions of scattered lights at dusk. A large black seabird, the bright and beautiful water surface was cut with a deep black scar by the airflow brought by the ultra-high-speed flight of the Tianma heavy transport plane. The white waves surging on both sides looked like molten gold oozing out of the wound under the afterglow. blood.

Casilios looked at Salomon standing on the edge of the cliff, holding a simple-looking spear in his hands.

This spear is not too long. It looks like it is made of brown-black wood. The handle is polished very smoothly. A line of runes engraved on it praises the upcoming victory. One can imagine its owner. I love this weapon, but the sword and gun scars on the spear handle are visible to the naked eye, as if the previous owner was unable to repair these horrific battle scars - in fact, the spear handle is not a simple wood, but made of a mysterious, indestructible metal-like material. It has perfect balance and weight, and is extremely strong. It is difficult to imagine what kind of enemy could leave indelible scars on such a material.

The iron-gray spearhead, the size of an ordinary person's hand, looks very inconspicuous. Even under the bright star light, it still looks dull and even has a little rust. No, that's not rust, that's the last trace left by the life that died under this spear. Countless glory and ambitions ended here, leaving only a trace of dried blood. This weapon penetrates its own thoughts like a living creature, exuding a spiritual fog invisible to the naked eye, whispering the lost ancient glory and desolate blessings in the ears of others, encouraging the holder to use it to pierce The enemy's body allows it to sip souls and taste memories.

"I don't understand why he gave this to you. That old guy will not let go of any opportunity to deceive others." Casilios looked serious, faintly worried, "According to the order of succession, Thor is more You deserve this spear. What do you mean by holding this weapon, boy?"

"I said, I reached a deal with him." Salomon said in a deep voice. He gripped the spear tightly, the soul of the weapon struggling like a snake, and finally calmed down feebly and surrendered to him. Behind them was Cassilios' car parked on the pasture grass. They planned to take the car away instead of going back the same way, because the road to the outside world had been blocked by a spell cast by Frigga. Chain effects were caused by ice, and Casilios's car had just had its tire chain removed. It would be very dangerous to drive on that icy road, and it would most likely cause a skidding accident.

"The human race will go through the same path that the Asgardians have gone through. The two have the same roots and will embark on a path of convergent evolution in the future. But humans will do better and create a world that is even better than Asgard. A powerful civilization." Salomon said confidently, "Asgardians can choose to resist or integrate into humans. Odin chose the second option, and Dropnir served as a witness to the contract. Of course, I I also gave him some gifts.”

Frigga played with the small clay hammer in her hand.

The toy-like clay hammer was shaped into the shape of a war hammer, and detailed patterns were engraved on the display to imitate Thor's hammer. She tapped the small clay hammer on the armrest of the lounge chair, made cracks, raised it to her mouth, whispered a spell and threw it away. The moment he took off his hand, all the clay peeled off, and the warhammer condensed from pure thunder appeared out of thin air. It quickly expanded to its normal size, and flew straight into the distance like a comet emitting blue light at a speed that humans could not keep up with. Then it disappeared into the dark clouds and disappeared under the lead. The gray sky caused a thunderstorm that lit up the entire night sky.

Within arm's reach next to her lounge chair were a dozen identical small clay hammers.

"This thing is not bad." Frigga picked up a brand new clay hammer and shook it at Odin who walked out of the room. "Why, were you taught a lesson by a young man?"

"He agreed, and I handed him the key." The aging father of the gods half-closed his eyes, looking drowsy. There were stains of mead and wine spilled on his fluffy beard. Very sloppy. He never mentioned the trial in the illusion, because Salomon showed strength and wisdom far beyond his imagination, so that he had to temporarily modify his conditions. "But he did not agree to the most generous terms. Hela is about to leave the cage. Thor cannot win this war. The contract he agreed to can only protect the people of Asgard after Ragnarok. There is no guarantee. Thor will be the ultimate winner."

"That's enough." Frigga stared at the gloomy mountains in the distance. The green grass that spreads to the foot of the mountain is still covered with white frost, and abnormal phenomena caused by extradimensional energy are endless here. In order to prevent mortals from accidentally entering, the spell she cast covered the entire area. "This is the last Ragnarok. Either Thor or he can break this cycle. They will face those ancient gods and free us all from their hands. Asgard's civilization will continue. "

Odin sighed and sat down on another bench under the eaves. "I'm still not willing to give in. The last condition is obviously better." He took out a scarred small wine bottle from his pocket. "I tried to persuade him, but he just didn't listen."

"You have always underestimated human pride. The Supreme Mage is a proud person, and so are her disciples." Frigga played with the clay hammer, "Although I also hope that Salomon can join forces with Thor or Hela, but We both know this is impossible, even if it benefits Asgard and Midgard. The ultimate goal of the Karma Taj is human free will, and they are too proud to bow down."

The engines under the giant wings at the rear of the fuselage emitted astonishing heat. When the ramp plate of the side door of the fuselage was lowered, Casilios had to squint his eyes and endure the smoke emitted after the grass was burned. gas. This was Casilios' first time boarding the Pegasus heavy assault transport craft. This aircraft gave him as much shock as the sky aircraft carrier he had seen before.

The aircraft, which is similar in length to the Airbus A380 but much wider, has a huge space to accommodate various equipment. In addition to conventional systems such as flight control systems, fire control systems, and gel foam fire extinguishing systems, it also has medical equipment. systems, maintenance systems, medical command systems and other functions needed by the Guards and Salomon. As for facilities such as luxury rooms, they were canceled because they took up too much space. All crew equipment maintains a simple and pragmatic style. . These equipment occupy most of the space of the fuselage, but the rear cargo bay can still accommodate a giant personnel carrier. Casilios' car is parked in the cargo bay behind the front ramp plate under the nose and does not occupy the cargo bay. Garage for military vehicles.

"The meteorological satellite and air condition analysis department reported that there are persistent thunderstorms in nearby clouds. This abnormal weather should not have occurred, but now we must leave the range of this cumulonimbus cloud before we can lift off again. Meteorological analysts are studying Whether it is some kind of meteorological weapon, in view of the possible enemy situation, the Tianma heavy assault transport boat is ready for battle." Hammurabi stood near the ramp waiting for Salomon to appear. After seeing the monarch coming down from the carriage mountain, he immediately informed the monarch of the driver's situation and air condition information, and at the same time nodded politely to Casilios as a greeting. He knew who Cassilios was, and also what role Cassilius had played in the first half of the monarch's life.

"It may take about twenty minutes, but it's still within the error."

"I understand. There's no need to look into this, this thunderstorm poses no threat."

Salomon thought of the gift he sent and it was difficult to tell Hammurabi the truth. He handed the weapon in his hand to the Guards, "Enable the large protective force field box, put this gun in it, and wait until I return to the Eternal City to unlock it. Order the foundry of the Eternal City to prepare, I also need a batch of Wakanda’s refined vibranium ore and the Praetorian Guard’s disintegration field generator, and then use my authority to retrieve the following materials from the psionic department, which will be used in the next work.”

Hammurabi didn't ask any more questions. He stored the material list in the power armor's database, then turned around and left with his weapon, performing the caretaker task himself.

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