Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1163 Awakening (Second update)

When Frigga and Odin mentioned Salomon, the pronunciation in their mouths was not "Solomon", but the pronunciation of the name of a very ancient god from the civilization of Canaan and the Levant, El, the supreme god of the Pantheon. Or just call him Elohim. In Northwest Semitic, the pronunciation El can be used to refer to any god in general, or to refer to the Supreme God alone. There are many words in the Hebrew Bible whose roots are related to this pronunciation, such as Israel. , Ishmael, etc. It was not until after Exodus that this pronunciation was replaced by the pronunciation of Yahweh, Yah. In addition, the word Elohim is the plural form of Eloha, which refers to the concept of God and sometimes refers to extraterrestrial visitors.

No matter how the Supreme Mage conceals the origin of his disciple, Odin, who has experienced the oldest period of war between the gods, can be sure of the relationship between Salomon and El. Coupled with the strange phenomenon that Frigga discovered when she observed Salomon's lifeline - that is, the closer to the future, the older the scene shown by the lifeline - due to the anomalies displayed by this disordered lifeline, Omar more than ten years ago Din and Frigga made their own speculations, connecting Salomon with El, the supreme god of the Pantheon. At the same time, they found some ulterior truths while exploring the secret of Salomon's real name. . It's just that even powerful spellcasters like Odin and Frigga can't understand the meaning of the so-called Elohim, which only means a visitor from outside the world in a specific semantic sense.

It was not until the Supreme Mage issued a warning to his face and cast the most powerful spell on his disciple's true name to protect him that the Æsir's hostile work against Salomon was forcibly terminated. Until now, in private, Odin and Frigga, in order to avoid the spell and prepare to point the semantic meaning to Salomon, would call a short part of his real name Elohim.

The Supreme Mage has never told Salomon about the ill will that the Æsir had against him more than ten years ago, even now. Because there is no need. Salomon is as smart as he can use his toes to guess the behavior of the Asa Protoss. If the Asa Protoss is not helpless to him and Kama Taj, and is powerless against Ragnarok, otherwise it will never happen. Allow him to appear beyond the norm and not enough to break the deadlock.

His Holiness circles around the forge, which is molded into a lion’s mouth.

Although this device has an extremely beautiful classical appearance, its essence is a Z-pulse power device. It is one of the prototypes used to explore nuclear fusion pulse generator technology. The Immortal City is collecting data to build its own controllable After the nuclear fusion power station, the original experimental equipment was transformed into industrial equipment.

Nowadays, once this equipment, which uses transformer oil and deionized water as insulators, is turned on, the core temperature can reach 2 billion Kelvin. Even with sufficient insulation facilities, the servitors with industrial equipment installed near the forge cannot operate at such high temperatures. The protective deck and cooling system are not installed. Because materials science is too advanced, the original flashover phenomenon under high voltage (discharge along the surface of the solid insulator when the gas or liquid dielectric around the solid insulator is broken down) did not occur. This allowed these servitors to be undamaged and able to carry out long-term operations. Time works.

The heat waves and steam gushing out around the forge did not have any impact on the Supreme Mage. The Supreme Master stopped in front of the forge with great interest, looking at the forge soaked in pure water through the thick ablative armor. Gangnir wrapped in countless lightning bolts - Under such extreme heat, Gangnir, which looked like an Iron Age weapon, did not waver at all, as if the terrifying plasma was as gentle as a gurgling stream. Only the golden light spots that came from nowhere slowly rose up, gradually peeling off the camouflage of the spear and restoring the metallic color of Gangnir itself. All of this was isolated by the thick armor plate, except for the Venerable No one can see it.

The person who led all this did not pay attention to the situation in the forge, nor did he become impatient because of Gangnir's changes, because everything that happened in the forge was within his expectations. He was shirtless and sweating profusely as he carved symbols one after another on the black marble floor of the forging hall.

"You might as well add more power." The Supreme Mage straightened up and said sarcastically, "I remember that the power of this equipment can reach 4 billion Kelvin, which is more advanced than the facilities of Sandia National Laboratory. It should be able to melt this Spear."

"I had no intention of recasting Gangnir in this way; this was to awaken it."

Salomon did not even raise his head. He continued to kneel on the ground and use an electric knife that was thousands of degrees Celsius to carve out runes that were almost invisible to the naked eye. His eyes were reddened by the toxic smoke. He only raised his head occasionally when he was replenishing water and electrolytes. . Whenever he completed a rune, a red-hot, lava-smelling phrase would be left on the floor of the forge hall. Either a blessing, a protection, or a curse, and in the center of the hall is a singularity symbol (an arrow extending in eight different directions) representing the Big Bang, symbolizing the beginning and end of everything.

"I promised Odin that Asgard will continue, but only in my way." He said, "There will be no more Odin, Thor, Loki, Frigga, no more The world snake Jormungandr, the giant wolf Fenrir and Hela, everything will be given new names and new myths. In the eyes of other humans in the future, it will be hopeless superstition, but this The contract is still fulfilled, because the spirit of Asgard continues."

"Odin guessed this possibility." The Supreme Mage said, "What did he say?"

"After I killed all the Valhalla warriors in his illusion, he could only nod and give me everything I wanted." Salomon took a breath of cold air and blew on the electric knife. to the fingers. This is a job risk. As an excellent self-sufficient spellcaster, sculpture, sewing, painting, gardening and other crafts are all required courses for him. Working with advanced equipment is just a very common thing.

"If we have Asgard's experimental data on the Rainbow Bridge, maybe my work can be shortened by thousands of years. You also told me that the branches of the World Tree are not an entity, but the Rainbow Bridge itself, so I think that unlocking the Rainbow Bridge The key to the secret of the bridge may be Gangnir - Odin thought that I wanted to obtain the same way of using the Rainbow Bridge as the Asa Protoss, but the secret of the Rainbow Bridge is not that simple. I will not believe that it is the love of two wizards and wizards. Stories create rainbow bridges.”

"When it comes to romantic stories, you always think rationally. How can Bayonetta and Joan of Arc tolerate you living to this point?" The Lord found a chair and sat down. Stephen Strange has woken up in the hospital. The first thing His Holiness did when he came to the Eternal City was to tell his disciples the news, so that Salomon could prepare in advance and check the previous plans. In fact, Stephen Strange does not have much savings and needs to pay off a large amount of mortgage loan every month. Since the previous income was quite high, a few surgeries could pay off the monthly share, so there was no concept of saving, and the money was spent on adding luxury goods.

Now Stephen Strange's hands have lost the function they used to have. After the accident, the insurance company deliberately delayed the negotiation of compensation and treatment costs. Soon after losing his income, Stephen Strange will fall into an endless cycle of life, and There is no difference in the plight that homeless people on the streets once faced. The Sorcerer Supreme came to Salomon in order to allow him to use street connections - specifically Athena's relationship and Fisk Wilson (Kingpin)'s relationship - to prevent Stephen Strange from being forced into a desperate situation. Commit suicide, or become addicted to illegal drugs.

Athena agreed to help and gave Salomon the contact information of a luxury goods buyer.

Not all upper-class people regard luxury goods as disposable items, some people just want to blend in with the environment, so the second-hand luxury goods market has always been developed. After some negotiation, Stephen Strange was able to give a good price when he started selling luxury goods.

Fisk Wilson also reached an agreement with Salomon after receiving a call from prison.

He sternly warned drug dealers all over New York that no one could sell any drugs to Stephen Strange, or else his head would be crushed by a car door (Fisk Wilson's street legend). Sk Wilson was able to receive medical parole through official connections, leave prison early and return to Manhattan to continue his career as a criminal tycoon (upper-class black glove).

"Do you call the witches and tell them that I am going to be a guest today?" The Supreme Mage suddenly asked, "Did you tell the maid what I want to eat?"

Salomon's movements suddenly became sluggish.

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