Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1166 Crime Scene Investigation (First Update)

"Is this a joke? I'm filing a complaint, this is not a supernatural incident, this is just a regular crime!"

The dark figure in the room remained silent in the face of the accusation. The rifle in his hand was as deep as the shadow of death in the dim light of the street lamp shining into the window. The sound of breathing became mechanical due to the operation of the air filtration system, and the sound of the fully enclosed helmet The goggles were as red as the blood flowing from the corpse at his feet. The soldier's emotionless eyes looked at the young man standing at the door through the integrated low-light night vision device. Sherlock Holmes raised his hands to show that he was not hostile, lest the soldier lurking behind him pull the trigger.

"I'm almost tracking down where this group of people are going to send the goods." Sherlock Holmes said angrily, "Hey! I don't have a weapon. Don't shoot the man hiding around the corner."

"The drug smuggling case was taken over by the First Secret Group."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier lurking in the shadows of the corridor quietly walked out, holding the matte monomolecular coating combat knife upside down behind Sherlock Holmes, and forcefully pushed him into the room while he was standing in the hallway. Rine. The latter felt that the palm against his back did not have the roughness of tactical gloves or the softness of flesh and blood, but only the hardness and coldness of steel. During the body search, the steel prosthetic limb took out an electric shock device from his pocket. Sherlock Holmes shrugged and watched as his self-defense weapons were confiscated. However, he strongly insisted on keeping his cigar pipe, claiming that it was a gift from someone else.

The closer Sherlock Holmes got to the corpse, the more Sherlock Holmes could smell the stench of the corpse's morbid blood. With the help of the dim light of the streetlight, he discovered that the shaved head of the target he was tracking was covered with messy blood stains, which were consistent with the symptoms of self-mutilation after taking the addictive drug that he knew, but it was worse than before. The victims will be more serious.

[The deceased’s dominant hand was his left hand. Judging from the direction of the wounds and the cuts on the fingers of his left hand, it can be determined that these wounds were made by himself with a razor blade. Judging from the furnishings in the room, the items in the trash can and the distribution of bodily fluids, this person was extremely indulgent during this period, which is similar to the symptoms after taking such neurostimulant contraband drugs. 】

[The wound is old and has no tendency to heal. The inflamed and swollen skin is surrounded by dense yellow herpes. The informant who witnessed this person a few days ago did not mention this kind of scar. These wounds and herpes appeared in just a few days. What happened during this period? Is it related to contraband? 】

[There are not many signs of fighting in the room, and the door lock has been broken. The deceased had no time to react and was killed with one blow, very professionally. Why would they deploy professional troops to deal with common contraband smugglers? Is the danger of this kind of contraband worth the risk of Latvian people smuggling across the country? 】

"My Lord calls to you, Sherlock Holmes," added the soldier with the rifle. Although due to the influence of the respiratory filtration system on the mask, the thick, fully enclosed three-layer protective armor completely erased the gender characteristics of the user, Sherlock Holmes could still tell that it was a hoarse female voice with a Lebanese accent. The soldier armed with a combat knife and pistol also spoke, but his accent was completely different from that of the female soldier. It was difficult to imagine that the two could put aside their national hatred to work together.

However, Sherlock Holmes did not care about such issues that had nothing to do with the case.

"A person in this person's organization once tried to attack the Prime Minister. MI5 and MI6 really want his confession." He squatted down and used the small flashlight in his hand to illuminate the wound on the scalp of the corpse, and used it without fear. Use your sense of smell to distinguish the smell of blood, and then casually take out the scalpel you carry with you and gently separate the herpes pus on the wound. This was simply a mockery of the security inspection process and momentary softness of the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment. Another soldier wanted to immediately confiscate the dangerous item hidden in the cigar tube, but was stopped by the female soldier. Seeing that he was not stupid enough to come into direct contact with biological materials, but instead wrapped his palms with a handkerchief and kept a distance to avoid splashing of body fluids, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment temporarily moved their guns away.

Sherlock Holmes noticed their behavior but made no apology. "What kind of disease is this? Is it related to the illegal drugs he smuggled? Do his accomplices also have such symptoms?"

Seemingly uncomfortable with Sherlock Holmes' curiosity, the soldier pointed his gun at him again.

"I said, this case is taken over by the First Secret Regiment, and no biological traces will be left here." The soldier holding a rifle warned, without answering any questions raised by Sherlock Holmes. This short sentence revealed the behavior of professional soldiers. Sherlock Holmes judged from the explosives and accelerants that another soldier brought into the room. It was not as simple as leaving any biological traces. It was very possible that this was not the case. The apartment and the addicts hiding inside would be dead. "Don't come close. My Lord has not asked you to reach your destination intact."

"Okay, I'll go with you." Sherlock Holmes inserted the used scalpel into the cigar tube filled with alcohol-soaked cotton wool, stood up and patted the dust on his knees. "If his accomplices have been killed by you guys and you can't find any clues, you can ask nearby sex workers. I don't think he has the sanity to use Tinder to chat. Looking for communication records is a waste of time. And judging from his needs in the last few days, the source of clues does not need to be limited to gender, it is possible for both men and women. I need to know the time when these herpes appeared, and currently I can only lock it in 76 hours ago."

Seeing no one replied, Sherlock Holmes had to speak again, "In addition, if you don't want this fire case to be investigated by the police, I suggest you reduce the burning area, create some thick smoke, and let other people in the apartment building know There is a chance to escape. Then the morons and all-pervasive news media in Scotland will simply judge the incident as a drug addict's cigarette butt setting the mattress on fire. You can pay attention to the reports of suicide and self-harm cases received by the London police. This Maybe it will be helpful to you.”

Still no reply, and Sherlock Holmes stopped being tactful. "Now we have the same goal, which is to track down this drug smuggling route. I need you to share intelligence, and I will investigate the truth for you. I believe your boss will agree to this cooperative relationship, how about it?"

"Contraband of the Orgy Sect." Victor von Doom thoughtfully handed over the information he had collected so far to Diana who came to the regent's office. The Regent's Office is the centerpiece of the Royal Castle. Departments such as the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of Legal Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation, and other departments, as well as their affiliated agencies, can come to the Regent's Office through the passage of this department to report work or answer questions to the Regent after obtaining permission. problems encountered. "The First Secret Corps has taken down the contraband transportation gang and eliminated all contacts in the British Isles, but I still need you to cooperate with the First Secret Corps to find the origin of the contraband in the United States. All evidence points to this contraband The product originated in the United States and is likely to become popular among high society.”

Victor von Doom gave orders to HYDRA calmly, and Diana Lister had no objections. All Hydras knew that the regent represented the authority of the emperor, and the emperor would support him no matter what the situation. The Emperor's trust in the regent was unshakable, not even by Stephanie Malik. For some less competent officials, the regent's abundant energy and omniscient eyes are the biggest deterrent. The regent, who represents the authority of the emperor, has the power of life and death of any official, and is very generous in using it. Hydra internally plans to use The plan to win over the regent and officials directly under the regent through capital means was rejected by the family talker as soon as it was formulated, because it was purely an excuse for the emperor to pick up the butcher's knife.

Diana nodded and took the file. The regent said that the assistant standing next to her would send other information Diana needed to her office. The strange thing is that neither Hydra nor Latovinia's own population information can find the identities of these assistants. There is a theory that all the regent's assistants are clones. "I also need a low-key welcome ceremony, which will be held in the castle." There was no expression at all on Victor von Doom's iron mask, and his cold eyes scared Diana not to look further, "Don't So intense, Sherlock Holmes’s entry into the magical world requires some preparation.”

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