Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1167 Future History (Second Update)

This is not the first time he has heard the monarch singing. This kind of scene that is unimaginable to outsiders is just a normal thing for the guards. The exquisite magic skills allow the monarch to find the most suitable accompaniment every time he enjoys music and create the most suitable accompaniment. Anyone who has listened to the monarch's singing will be intoxicated by the gorgeous dreamy scene.

The girl named Milia was carried to the dining table by the monarch, jumping around in the bubble of music and light, swinging her chubby body and arms clumsily. The monarch also sang and danced while holding the guitar, the Beatles' The classic song "Form me to you" is very popular with Milia, as are other songs like "Strawberry Fields" and "Yellow Submarine", but it is a song sung while sitting on the sofa, which is not suitable for the current warm atmosphere. A situation where you can light a bonfire.

After the music ended, the girl gave him a big hug and a slobbery kiss, which the monarch gladly accepted before ruffling the girl's long, neatly combed hair not long ago. Hammurabi stood at the door of the dining room with a smile on his face, standing with Dinah, and did not go in to disturb the monarch and Melia's father-daughter time. He estimated that the breakfast witch would rush out to drive away the troubled father and daughter soon. Thinking of this, Hammurabi put the helmet on his waist again. It is true that ordinary pistol bullets cannot penetrate the skulls of the Janissaries, but this does not mean that Hammurabi is willing to be shot in the face for no reason.

The fun lasted until Miria asked for another scoop of vanilla ice cream.

If it were an ordinary father, he would most likely agree to the request under the girl's persuasion, and the request would not be known to the mother. Or simply refuse, refuse to agree no matter how much the child cries, and then end up having a big quarrel. As a father, the monarch first mentioned to Milia how important the promise was, and how the girl had discussed the daily ice cream portion with the witch before - he told the girl that once a promise is made verbally, it cannot be broken. This is the most basic principle of trust and morality. . "Oaths are powerful. If I promised you dessert but didn't do it, what would you think?" Salomon touched Milia's head, and then gave her a drink in the girl's expectant eyes. jelly. "No ice cream, that's what we agreed. You've already eaten your share this morning. But there's still a lot of orange jelly in the refrigerator, how about it?"

Milia nodded.

"But all the benefits in the world must come at a price, Milia. No one can enjoy benefits for no reason." The monarch's expression could scare a child, but in an instant this serious expression turned into joy, " So next you must accompany me to play with the remote control car!"

"Yeah!" Milia jumped up with joy and immediately forgot about the previous unpleasantness. Only the jelly that was about to fall out of the glass had different opinions. Her favorite toy is a remote control racing car handmade by Salomon. The remote-controlled racing car with long-range image transmission function allows Milia to control the remote-controlled car hundreds of meters away. She likes to use the toy to tease the bears and goats raised in the forest. Perhaps she also used the racing car to peek into Salomon and the Witch's time in the glade, but that was the price of raising a child.

"Look at their stupid faces!"

"Oh! Don't let the baby bears hear this!"

"I'm sorry, my lord, I'm afraid this matter is not of high enough priority." Hammurabi felt that Dinah's eyes could pierce the power armor of the Praetorian Guards and pierce his back everywhere. "Sherlock Holmes has flown to Latvinia on an aircraft. The regent has prepared a welcome ceremony in the office. At the same time, the laboratory has also analyzed the molecular formula of tryptamine compounds used by the orgy sect. We also Someone needs to explain to Mycroft Holmes why his brother was taken away at this time, and the dangers of the tryptamine compound, while also concealing the existence of the orgy cult from MI5."

He bent down and said hello to Milia, while rejecting Milia's request to climb on the armor. "The First Secret Regiment is already on a mission to clear out the Orgy's logistics network, but on the surface we need someone to write a closing document to get MI5 to stop pursuing it and explain the origin of the compound. I think Alexander Shulkin might It can be used as an excuse, after all, this chemist created so many psychoactive drugs."

"Today's lunch staples are French-style grilled pork chops with black truffle oil, confit duck, Bobo chicken and smoked beef brisket." Dinah raised her head not to be outdone and took a step forward and said, "The dessert is French egg custard shortbread with fragrant... Orange chocolate sauce, red wine jelly and cranberry lava chocolate.”

"Honey, it's breakfast time."

"Breakfast is eggs and bacon! There's also orange juice, black tea and coffee!"

"Okay. Milia, come and let us clean the table." Salomon turned to Dinah and said, "Send breakfast to the bedroom today. Bayonetta and Joan of Arc may not have the strength to get up. I will be there at lunch. I’ll come back in due time, I promise.”

Although these official duties are important, Salomon's more important schedule today is to discuss with a group of political scientists, military strategists, sociologists, and economists. Although the European and American media have exaggerated the fact that the alien fleet is about to arrive on Earth to launch an invasion war, it has begun to look like a groundless lie. Almost all European and American politicians and plutocrats believe that the Chitauri invasion is a coincidence, hundreds of light years away. It will take a long time for the alien fleet from outside to reach the earth, and it may not even reach the earth but go to Asgard. However, Latovinia openly discussed this issue with the academic community, studied the political system of future society, the construction of the space navy army, and the outcome of the war, and also provided more information about the alien fleet to its allies.

Including information on the weapons and equipment, strategies and tactics of the alien fleet, as well as Asgard's approaching demise.

Pessimism such as defeatism, escapeism, and capitulationism has almost filled the entire scientific community of the Balkan Peninsula. Most people believe that the alien fleet is invincible, and that the Chitauri, who have orbital air superiority, do not need to use landing forces to invade again. Orbital bombing is This conventional means can completely complete the mission and escape before human missiles reach low orbit.

All emotional factors will be excluded from decision-making. Because of this, the only representative of the Hell Knights participating in the meeting is the legion commander. The participants, represented by regular army officers, had the opposite opinion. They believed that mankind will surely win. Latovinia, which owns the Martian foundry, Wakanda technology and the Immortal City, except that its production capacity is temporarily unable to keep up, has... An extremely advanced starship can carry out a decapitation strike mission to eliminate the dark tyrant Thanos, the expedition leader of the alien fleet.

If the total defeat of human society is inevitable when facing an alien fleet, it will cause absolutely irreparable losses to the enemy.

Only the Disciplinary Officer of the Lost City Clan, who had received a longer education and had a stronger will, did not speak, but looked at the monarch sitting at the end of the long table.

Salomon did not deny defeatism, but he also did not agree with a very small number of triumphalism - because these ideas were not scientific and rational enough. Salomon knew very well that this kind of Marxism-Leninism was not a position or a belief, but a scientific and rational understanding of things. Develop regular analysis methods. He never expected these scholars in the Balkans to study anything. All he wanted to do was to unify the thoughts of the academic community, then use modern media to unify the thoughts of the people, and finally combine it with the ongoing materialist education to completely change the past thousands of years. Come to the superstition that envelopes this land.

The real strategy and tactics had already been completed in discussions between him and Victor von Doom, and some of the institutions were established to deal with all situations that might be encountered. For example, when humanity wins a tactical victory, there will definitely be people who are ambitious and try to seize power. Then the first secret group directly under the regent is the sharp knife that eliminates the evil in the system. The reason why the sisterhood can still retain its own ideas is because if the earth falls completely - even if it wins through gang war and beheads the master of the alien fleet, the earth's ecology and human society will still encounter inevitable damage - then the sa Lomon needs a team to fight guerrilla warfare against aliens on Earth. Although the sisterhood's ideas are extreme and superstitious, it is the best way to unite people in a dark environment. As for the genetically modified warrior, it was his most ferocious war hammer, used to crush all enemies and use the strongest means to absorb and fuse the already fragmented humanity at that time.

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