Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1172 Interception (first update)

Carefully designed silver wires are embedded in the ground and walls of the entire castle, using chaotic energy to disrupt the formation and release of the mental model of magic. However, this interference was not enough to trouble the Supreme Mage. After ransacking the huge wine cabinet and snack cabinet in the disciple's office, the Supreme Mage ignored the repeated eye rolls of the Emperor of Latovinia and the abnormal extradimensional energy detected in the office. The battle robot started on its own due to the disturbance, happily pushing the trolley into the forcibly opened portal, as if the greatest purpose of training Kama Taj, the best mystic in history, is to provide free snacks and drinks to the Supreme Mage. Generally speaking, this kind of behavior now is no different from cracking the small refrigerator in Salomon's dormitory at Kama Taj headquarters in the past.

At the sigh of the Emperor of Latvinia, the intelligent battle robot was manually shut down. Hammurabi and the Sisterhood, who hurriedly broke into the office with nervous faces, returned to their duties after being comforted. Then the emperor sat behind his desk, smiled at the messy office, and continued to lower his head to deal with the work that had to be done in the regent's absence.

The murders continue.

"Hold tight." He whispered to the unfortunate guy who had his neck artery cut open. Initially, the high blood pressure sprayed oxygen-rich blood onto the walls and doors, but the massive blood loss caused the poor guy's heartbeat to become weaker and weaker, and he was unable to resist even if his head was pressed against the door frame. "Hold tight." He repeated again, his eyes covered by two blood-red round lenses looked like evil ghosts in the dim light, and the expression under the bulletproof mask, "If you don't want to die, hold on to this lens." Grenade.”

After saying that, he immediately grabbed the bleeding man, and his companion immediately kicked the door open so that he could push the man into the dark passage. The shouts and curses in the passage had just sounded, and the passage was immediately illuminated by flashes of light and harsh explosions. The armed team that had been staying by the door rushed in. Before the people inside could react from the explosion of the flash shock bomb, the ruby-red The laser penetrates the ceramic bulletproof insert and the human body, and even the human skull is burned through in an instant. The enemy's sporadic counterattacks failed to form an offensive, and the high-speed flying physical bullets could not penetrate the dark combat uniforms. They quickly annihilated the team entrenched here.

"Point D has been cleared and the list is being counted."

"There are enemies at the corner ahead, three in number, armed with automatic assault rifles."

"Roger that." He gestured to direct the team to squat and hide in the debris bunker, and replied to the information obtained by the scouts through drone observation. The human body burned through by the laser exudes a burnt smell around the feet. Even the circulating air mode of the fully enclosed combat suit cannot completely remove this greasy smell. The brain is made of fat. He suddenly remembered this knowledge, but he quickly forgot it. "Call the Harrier," he asked. "Can the sniper do the job?"

"Harrier received it, the field of view is clear, and it can carry out the mission." With three ruby ​​lasers piercing the night sky very close at hand, the sound of a human body falling to the ground could be clearly heard in this abandoned residential building, and the screams were heard before they could be heard. Choked in the throat. "Mission accomplished, continue the blockade." He gestured, and the team members in the back row holding light bulletproof shields, pistols, and laser rifles passed over the assaulters in the front row and took a few steps forward under the cover of the assaulters' muzzles. , entering the corner. "Confirmed kills, number three." The team member fired a few more shots. "Facial recognition is in progress, the identity of the enemy has been confirmed, and the information has been uploaded to the data center."

After receiving the message, he made another gesture to signal the team to move forward and conduct an in-depth search until they moved to the next target location. Silent, well-trained, and cold and ruthless, this is the highest evaluation a soldier of the Secret Regiment can receive. This ghostly team knew that they were facing an equally well-trained enemy. The black ops team that was ordered by the CIA to smuggle across the Black Sea coast on a fishing boat was an elite soldier selected from the US special forces. However, Those CIA black ops teams misjudged the capabilities and infiltration capabilities of their opponents, and Latvian intelligence learned the details of their mission as early as the moment they landed.

The CIA plans to take a former head of a Hungarian nuclear power plant who is trying to defect out of the country in order to obtain a copy of the upgrade data that Latvinia carried out for the nuclear power plant after it took over Hungary, intending to discover network security vulnerabilities and launch cyber attacks. What the CIA didn't know was that the former head of the Hungarian nuclear power plant and his family had been thrown into prison, and the rebels who provided them with guide services had secretly surrendered long ago, planning to trade the heads of the CIA's black ops team for a chance to survive.

"The last five enemies have prepared for defense, and the guide is also in the room." The scout reported, "The other party holds a machine gun, which is consistent with the intelligence description."


"The enemies are all hiding behind debris bunkers, and there is no clear shooting range."

"They're nervous, Sergeant Griffin," said a man behind him who was dressed differently from the rest of the team. This person was not fully armed like the others, but only carried a pistol and a gas mask for self-defense. He had a six-pointed star with a spiritual wire tattooed on his forehead. Just hearing this person's voice sent his spine tingling. Chill. "The result of extreme tension is rupture. I can do this. I detect the loopholes in their hearts. The previous deaths have frightened them to the extreme, because they know exactly what they are facing. All it takes is a little phantom. With a little suspicion, those who originally trusted each other will turn their guns on former friends."

Although Sergeant Griffin hates this kind of witchcraft method, this trained and certified spellcaster is after all a member of the special department of the secret regiment, and was sent to his team in order to complete this difficult capture mission. , temporarily accept his command. Sergeant Griffin nodded and agreed with the spellcaster's approach - he saw the wizard pressing the power switch on the black collar around his neck, reciting a prayer that no one could understand, and unnatural overflowing under his closed eyes. of glimmer. The air became colder and colder, and the low-light night vision device observed vague ghosts in the shadows in the corners. Every whisper in the wizard's office was like worms under the scalp. Sergeant Griffin thought of the place where he was once parasitized by skin fly maggots. This feeling was unbearable for him, and he could only hope that the wizard's work would be over as soon as possible.

After a few uncontrollable Southern-accented curse words, pistol shots rang out in the utility room. Sergeant Griffin reacted immediately. He commanded the team to rush over, threw all the flash shock grenades in his hand into the room where the sundries were stored, and then led the team to rush in and arrest two men lying in a pool of blood. By the way, he shot and killed a soldier who was so angry that he shot everyone he saw. "Facial recognition is in progress." While the team members were conducting emergency response to the enemy, Sergeant Griffin also took out the data pad and looked at the arrested SEALs. "All enemies have been arrested, two people have been arrested, and nine people have been killed. The mission is completed." He told the command center. "Let the interrogation department be prepared and contact the medical personnel on the evacuating aircraft. The enemies used live ammunition when fighting among themselves. Instead of laser weapons, we can only temporarily stop the bleeding.”

"Conduct an on-site interrogation of Corporal Finney, who was seriously injured." After seeing the information sent back from the front, including the enemy's injuries, the intelligence officer in the command center issued an order to Sergeant Griffin. Corporal Finney was referring to the unlucky guy who was shot in the thigh by one of his own men during the internal strife. The intelligence agency knew all his private information, so they immediately sent the standard interrogation template and Corporal Finney's information to Sergeant Griffin's data. on the board. "Use Alpha-3V drug, triple standard dose, jugular vein injection."

"Roger that." Sergeant Griffin carried out the task without hesitation. He took out the syringe from the emergency medicine bag on his waist, adjusted the scale and plunged it into the neck of the wounded man mentioned in the order. The unlucky man's heart rate suddenly slowed down due to the surge of adrenaline, and his consciousness, which had become somewhat blurred due to blood loss, suddenly woke up. However, this state was like being sober before being drunk. Although he was aware of what he was doing, he was still in a state of consciousness. Unable to control myself. "Urgent interrogation begins, requesting remote interrogation assistance."

"Publish forged communications and let American helicopters come to greet them." Victoria Hand received a report from her superiors about the interception operation in the Black Sea coastline city and asked several key questions. Then she nodded and issued the order for the next level of combat instructions. "Contact Constanta's air defense forces. I want them to force the US military helicopter to land and land intact. Do you understand?"

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