Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1173 Multiple Progress (Second Update)

Victoria Hand had already found good reasons for the SEAL team's failure, and even recorded false combat call recordings in advance to replace the combat recordings that were supposed to be uploaded in real time. Three assassins disguised as pilots, guides and the only surviving SEAL will rush to the Romanian Black Sea city of Constanta, take an emergency landing helicopter to the evacuation target location, and meet the CIA spies lurking in Moldova. Joint, return to the mainland United States through special channels.

This infiltration mission was independent of the Hydra network, and Stephanie Malik and Diana List knew nothing about it. This is a secret mission secretly authorized by the regent Victor von Doom and fully responsible for Victoria Hand. This operation, which was named "Civet Cat" for some reason, was not the first time it had been carried out, otherwise the intelligence agency would not have been able to obtain the full support of the First Secret Regiment.

Although the emperor adopted gentle measures after the First War of Expansion, countless people tried to flee to the West. After all, it can be seen from the emperor's policies that the new government was not friendly to capitalism. A large group of vested interests were forced to give up their rights and accumulated wealth under the emperor's butcher knife, and quickly left with their families and families before the emperor's gentle orders were withdrawn. However, there are still many people who deliberately stay, intending to obtain information that can be sold at a good price or to become famous anti-Latvian revolutionaries before planning to escape, but in fact most of these people are bait for the intelligence agency - through Algorithms and network monitoring know the rebellious tendencies, but uncharacteristically stay here. It is difficult for people to avoid suspicion of such people. Therefore, the intelligence department can give them outdated information, making these people think that they have obtained useful information and then defect to the CIA or the National Endowment for Democracy. Then the intelligence department will cooperate with the First Secret Regiment to deal with the baited fish, and with the help of Perform reverse infiltration using the identity of a CIA agent.

Although not every battle is successful, as long as the early disguise can go smoothly, the assassin who has been transformed by the Skrull human body potion can complete the infiltration after arriving at the destination, and then assassinate and transform the target person. for further penetration. The goal of this plan is to gradually replace the conservative HYDRA network in the CIA, reduce the instability of obtaining CIA intelligence through money and insiders, those who are anti-Latvian do not matter at all, no one really cares about those Human life and death.

Of course, the exact location and number of assassins who actually successfully infiltrated are secrets that only Victor von Doom and Victoria Hand can know. The emperor does not care about the specific situation, only whether the task is completed. The regent's secret instructions are actually the emperor's wishes, but they cannot blatantly let everyone with the corresponding authority know. How many secrets does the emperor have? This is a mystery that even Victoria Hand, who was personally recruited by the emperor, does not know. She only knows many of the emperor's arrangements about the real universe, including but not limited to secret bunkers hidden at the North and South Poles. However, she knows nothing about the secrets of another dimension. It is not a crazy field that she can get involved in. Only the Praetorian Guards and Regents who truly have full trust can know all the truth.

In the next month or so, everything went according to plan.

In the Z-pulse forging machine of the Immortal City, Gangnir soaked in transformer oil is still wrapped in the dazzling current. It looks like the spear handle made of worn wood is gradually regaining its metallic luster. The Immortal City is in There was even a power crisis in this month, because the Brotherhood of Aegis' nuclear power plant and Wakanda's upgrade measures to the nuclear power plant could not keep the plasma forging furnace running for a long time. All the work on the plasma forging furnace was Maintenance servitors need to be replaced every day. Odin and Frigga, who were far away in Northern Europe, worked hard to suppress the seal that enveloped an entire dead planet and was gradually broken. They spent their last days together, hoping that Thor, far away in Asgard, would awaken as soon as possible.

In the meditation room at the headquarters of Karma Taj, Sherlock Holmes is lying on the hospital bed. His brain waves, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation and other physical data are closely monitored. Many mystics cast spells for him to protect his soul from being naked. The earth was exposed to the terrifying waves of the sea of ​​souls, and was abducted by the deformed limbs that appeared out of thin air. Technical support from the Biogenetic Laboratory of the Eternal City also came to Karma Taj, and genetic samples were taken from Sherlock Holmes and everyone in Karma Taj except the Supreme Mage, and technical means were used to identify whether there were physical mutations. . Sherlock Holmes, in particular, undergoes DNA scans every day to confirm that his spiritual journey has not adversely affected his physical body and consciousness.

Such an order cannot be carried out without the consent of the Supreme Mage. Even Modu thinks this behavior is a bit excessive. Even if he is usually strict enough, such strict military management is obviously not in line with Kama Taj as a school of thought. style of. However, the Supreme Mage told Modu that from now on, everything in Kama Taj will be formalized under Salomon's order. In the past, the possibility of a rebellious mystic mage escaping with a magic book would not happen again. In the future, Karma Taj will integrate all the schools on the earth to jointly formulate the rules for using magical power and the threshold for imparting knowledge, so as to avoid the emergence of intelligent creatures like Dormammu becoming the God of the Extra Dimension, which will have a huge impact on the real plane. threaten.

Now even Mordo had nothing to say. He was kicked directly by the Supreme Master to the New York Temple to oversee the recruitment of Stephen Strange, the next candidate for the Supreme Master. Stephen Strange, who is now about to be forced by the bank to repossess his penthouse in an affluent area of ​​Manhattan, finds himself under the influence of a Kama Taj mystic, a secular informant, a rehabilitation therapist (this expense is quite expensive, and if insurance is refused The company found a physical therapist (who would have spent tens of thousands of dollars) on the recommendation of another patient who had received Karma Taj’s treatment, Jonathan Pangborn.

This patient had the opportunity to further his studies at Kamal Taj, but was sent back to secular society because of insufficient talent. Fortunately, no drug dealer in New York City dares to sell to him. This allows the decadent Stephen Strange to still have the sense to find his target and not die on the street like other homeless people due to drug abuse. .

If Stephen Strange in the past had heard the story told by the patient, he would have laughed at the man's stupidity, but now all the neurological experts he knows are opposed to his increasingly radical surgical plans and treatment theories. , no surgeon was willing to perform a seemingly impossible operation based on other people's theories, including a doctor named Etienne who he contacted who was good at reconstructing tissue also rejected his request, and A company in Tokyo that provides stem cell cultivation for tissue repair was also unable to make the trip because he was short of money. In the past, Stephen Strange was arrogant and did not give others a good impression at all, so even the idea of ​​using human relationships for treatment fell through.

Those hands represented all of Stephen Strange's self-esteem and all the achievements he had made while studying hard in medical school. Now the bank has given him a notice to repossess his house, and he has already sold all the pianos, watches and cars he had purchased to repay medical and rehabilitation expenses. In order to keep everything he owns now, Stephen Strange He has gradually fallen into madness, and he does not hesitate to try some dangerous treatments.

Including spending the remaining money on his body to try so-called religious therapy and spiritual therapy.

Stephen Strange knew this behavior was similar to those fat white women in red states who watched an evangelical evangelical program on television and then called the show to claim that the TV host and evangelical pastor on the other side of the television cured her. Asthma, chest tightness, irregular heartbeat, herpes and glaucoma are as outrageous. Of course, he didn't believe it at first until he saw the patient's previous case - damage to the C7 and C8 nerve roots, resulting in complete spinal cord injury, paralysis from the chest down, and partial paralysis of both hands - but Jonathan Pangborn But she could run, jump, and even play basketball in front of him, which simply subverted all concepts of modern medicine.

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