Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1176 Subverting Cognition (First Update)

At this moment, the term alternative therapy hit Stephen Strange's brain again. Especially when the Supreme Master brought a book that smelled of decay, showing human acupoints, acupuncture diagrams, chakras, and MRIs, he became more and more certain that he must have made the stupidest decision in his life. That’s why I came to Kathmandu to look for the so-called Kama Taj. Maybe Jonathan Pangborn and the rehabilitation physiotherapist are both liars. During his many years of medical practice, he has encountered many patients who could not afford follow-up treatment and came to him to discuss so-called alternative treatments. Under normal circumstances, he will tell patients and their families straightforwardly that if they can't afford the treatment, they can go to a bank for a loan or speed up the insurance company's claim settlement process, instead of pursuing pseudoscience such as natural therapy or homeopathy, let alone going to the hospital. Believe in supernatural energies, herbs, and faith healing.

To be precise, in all cases, he would mercilessly refute the patient's questions about alternative treatments. Whenever this happened, Christine would tell the patient that maybe some traditional medicine could help, but the real cure for the patient was There are only scientific treatment options. Then she will introduce the patient to some aid agencies, mutual aid groups (a few people gather together to talk), media reporters, social donation channels, bank loan projects or the treatment costs that the hospital is willing to negotiate to reduce, to help the patient through the crisis. After getting through the difficulties - she is a gentle woman with a kind heart, nothing good in this world can compare to her - the good times in the past made Stephen Strange couldn't help but curl up his lips, but he felt regret, regret and anger. It wrapped around him tightly like a gangrene attached to his bones. Stephen Strange may have been successful once, but now Stephen Strange is a cripple. He hates his own powerlessness, hates his past stupidity and arrogance.

"The people who drew these pictures only saw the tip of the iceberg and could not see the entire iceberg." The Supreme Mage said softly, "Humanity's vision is narrow, and we need to broaden our horizons to see the truth."

"That's enough." Stephen Strange raised his tired eyes. At this moment, he was exhausted physically and mentally. The lingering fear of being robbed was now forgotten. He no longer wanted to pretend to be polite or modest. In despair, no emotion could make him waste more words. "It was a one-way ticket that cost me the last of my money. Don't tell me anything about faith healing."

"You are just peeking inside the tube now, and you have been trying to improve your horizons all your life." The Supreme Mage still remained calm and steady. "You want to see more and know more. Now you know that there is a way to expand your knowledge, but this method is hard for you to imagine. Do you reject this possibility?"

"No, I refuse to believe in the nonsense of acupuncture points, energy, and the power of faith. Any alternative therapy is pseudoscience." Stephen Strange sneered, "There is no such thing as spiritual power! We are made of matter. That’s it. In this universe, we are just an insignificant speck of dust, made up of even smaller dust, that’s all!”

"My favorite disciple will agree with your idea. He has always rejected superstition." The Supreme Mage nodded, "But you underestimate yourself too much. Since something exists in the world, you must admit it."

"You think you have seen through me, don't you? Wrong! But I have seen through you!" Anger completely ignited Stephen Strange's emotions, and he stretched out his finger to poke the Supreme Mage. Before Mordo could stop him, the Supreme Mage reacted - the Supreme Master grabbed Stephen Strange's wrist, skillfully twisted his arm to the side, and slapped his chest with the other hand. Then something unbelievable happened, and a painful feeling of separation pervaded his whole body. He felt that he was naked, looking at his body as a bystander, and through his translucent eyes, he saw that his hands were emitting an indescribable shimmer. He felt an irresistible pull, and a moment later the vision faded, and Stephen Strange shuddered in disbelief and regained consciousness.

"What did you do to me?" he asked in horror.

"In terms you can understand, the soul leaves the body."

"What was in the tea? LSD, or narcotics?"

"It's just tea, but half of it is honey." The Supreme Mage said calmly, "I thought I was going to give you an extra glass of water!"

For a moment, Stephen Strange couldn't control his thoughts. He began to believe what the Sorcerer Supreme said and the existence of witchcraft, even though he realized how foolish this idea was.

"What just happened?"

"For a while, you enter the world of the soul. In that place, the soul can survive outside the body." The Supreme Mage said, "Although it is dangerous, it is allowed to have a taste of it, as long as you know how to control yourself."

"Why did you do this?" Stephen Strange asked. He doesn't care about the soul world. He just wants to heal his hands. It doesn't matter even if he believes that witchcraft is the truth. "I want to heal my hands, that's my only purpose."

"Show you how ignorant you are. Open your eyes."

In that moment, Stephen Strange saw the whole world. In the endless darkness of space, the arc-shaped outline of the Earth and the blue shimmer outside the atmosphere are extremely beautiful. Even though Stephen Strange has always denied the authenticity of the scene in front of him, he is still uncontrollably intoxicated until A monarch butterfly appeared in front of him. He couldn't control his desire to touch the butterfly, and the next moment he was dragged by the terrifying suction force into a place filled with disgusting colors and countless whirlpools, and the whole world was completely shattered.

"His heartbeat is a little fast." In a daze, he heard Modu's voice.

"Is it serious?" Sherlock Holmes came over and looked at Stephen Strange lying on the ground. It was a symptom he was familiar with because he lay like that in a hospital bed for days. "Why doesn't he need a ventilator and infusion? Why does he look so similar to me? Is there something else you haven't told me?"

"Because Stephen Strange won't try to understand everything he sees, but you will." Mordo still put his hand on Stephen Strange's wrist and counted the pulse, "Some things don't We should dig deeper because our human brains cannot understand it. Not everyone can imagine a four-dimensional space to an eleven-dimensional space, and the scene you and he see far exceeds the eleven dimensions that can be deduced by current human science. , trying to understand extra dimensions will only lead to madness, all we do is exploit rather than analyze, and kill everyone who falls mad and corrupted by extra dimensions.”

"Are you threatening me?" asked Sherlock Holmes.

"Yes, I'm threatening you. Those crazy mystics have caused countless extradimensional invasions and human tragedies. In fact, if you show obvious signs of corruption when you wake up, we will kill you immediately You." Mordu spoke sincerely, but did not look at Sherlock Holmes. "We have killed in the past, we are killing now, and we will kill in the future. After all, this is a dangerous universe. A symbol, a piece of paper, or a whisper may turn the entire world into a plaything of evil gods from extra dimensions. We are the human world. The last line of defense, every mystic must dedicate his life to this."

"Including the Emperor of Latvinia?"

"Yes, his job is to completely end this threat." Mordo said, "As for why Stephen Strange looks so similar to you, this may be just a coincidence, there is no need to make a fuss."

"Look, he's awake!" The Supreme Mage said happily when he saw Stephen Strange open his eyes, "I think he's okay."

"Oh, I'm a little jealous." Sherlock Holmes lowered his head and looked at Stephen Strange who was once again incapacitated and said, "It looks like he doesn't need to be stuffed into a feeding tube." He knew that Stephen Strange What will Lan Qi see? He has experienced all of this. Their souls will eventually fall into the terrifying giant eye that opens in the galaxy, looking at the evil power older than time, and facing the reality of the outer dimension. The hatred and greed within. After a while, he asked the busy Mordo, "Can we win? I mean, Emperor of Latovinia. You pulled me onto this ship, and I have to ask about the course of this ship." "

"I don't know, this question is beyond my wisdom." Modu raised his head and glanced at the Supreme Mage, "Everything is possible in this world, and we are all gradually embarking on the journey of destiny. The millions of possibilities in the multiverse are bound to There is a way to victory, but only the wise can find it and realize it.”

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