Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1177 Who is he (second update)

Stephen Strange looked at everything in front of him without asking for any explanation. The fast-flashing and bizarre sights made him almost want to vomit. His body continued to fall apart and come back together again, the first two times surprising him, but the hundreds that followed left him numb. "Do you think you know the laws of how the world works?" He heard the voice of the Supreme Mage, "Do you think the material world is everything? Then how to define reality? What are the mysteries beyond your cognition? The so-called 'existence', Its root is the combination of spirit and matter, reality shaped by thoughts. You understand the world through sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch, but science has proven that there are spectral and electromagnetic waves in this world that are invisible to the naked eye, and that exist to the human ear. Infrasound and ultrasound cannot be heard clearly, so how can you be sure that there is no truth you know outside the dogma of empiricism?”

"I...I don't know." Stephen Strange reluctantly opened his mouth, but his voice echoed and distorted repeatedly in the ever-lengthening dimensions, and finally turned into an indescribable whisper. He was surrounded by light, and every scene he saw gave him the urge to join in. He felt that he was naked and exposed to the terrifying wave of energy, from which illusory creatures stretched out deformed limbs, and malicious laughter frequently rang in his ears. This was not what was happening now, nor was it the past or the future. This place transcended time, and all the horrors he could imagine had become reality here.

"This universe is just one of countless universes. There is no end to the world. Some worlds are kind, beautiful, and full of vitality, while others are full of malice and evil desires. In the dark places, there are forces far older than time lurking, greed. Everything is waiting for an opportunity. Who are you in this multiverse, Mr. Strange?"

Sherlock Holmes watched in surprise as Stephen Strange suddenly disappeared from the real world and then fell from the roof of the Zen house. If Mordo hadn't pushed him quickly with his quick eyes and hands, this man who looked very similar to him would have definitely It'll hit him on the head. Sherlock Holmes gasped, "His head hit the table... Is he still alive?"

"Have you seen these in the gift shop before?" The Mage Supreme's voice was gentle. Stephen Strange slowly climbed up and knelt on the ground, his whole body trembling. The pain of his head hitting the table was completely overwhelmed by what he saw, and what he saw mentally far exceeded the physical pain. He believed it, he had seen it, Mordo was right, he had to forget everything he thought he knew. "Teach me." His voice trembled along with his body, "I want to learn."

The Sorcerer Supreme stared at him, then whispered, "No."

Immediately, Mordo grabbed Stephen Strange by the back collar, dragged him to the door with strength far beyond ordinary people, and threw him onto the street. Immediately afterwards, the door was closed. Stephen Strange got up and rushed to the board and knocked as hard as he could. Even though the pain on his palms penetrated his heart, he still smashed the fragile-looking door with his crippled hands regardless. Terrible hollow wooden door. "No! No, don't do this! Open the door, please!" Stephen Strange watched in surprise as the wooden door opened a gap. As soon as he smiled, a red cold-weather suit was thrown into his face. These were his clothes, which had been taken off by the servants in the room before. The thick smell of dust hit his sense of smell again. When he grabbed the clothes, the door was closed again. No matter how he begged, yelled, or cursed, no one responded.

"You think I shouldn't kick him out?" the Sorcerer Supreme asked.

Mordo shook his head, "Sherlock Holmes is as stubborn as Stephen Strange."

"Sherlock Holmes was keen to delve into everything in front of him. He saw himself in different eras and witnessed evil beyond the material world. He was smart and knew when to stop moving forward. The statue Salomon erected in the square Several sculptures are a warning to him." The Supreme Mage slowly picked up the sweet tea and took a sip. "Stephen Strange certainly has similar talents, but he is stubborn, conceited, ambitious, and extremely utilitarian...exactly the same as Casilios in the past."

"Casilios is living a happy life now," Mordo said. "I heard he found a girlfriend."

"Yes, Salomon made him embark on another path. But Stephen Strange did not have this luck. He needed education through setbacks, and having his hands disabled was just one of them." There was a picture placed in front of the Venerable. The instrument projects the burning earth and different levels of reality in a figurative way. "The Surangama Sutra says: All sentient beings create karma in the six senses, and the evil retributions they cause come from the six roots. If Stephen Strange wants to step into this door, he must restrain his thoughts, cut off the six sides, and get rid of the world of mortals."

"This is too strict, Your Majesty." Mordu frowned, "Except for you, not many of us can do it. I didn't do it, Cassilios didn't do it, and even your favorite Salo Neither did Salomon. Especially Salomon, who is very happy in his life now, and he chose to live in the world rather than leave it, and I think it’s because he didn’t think it was a necessary option.”

"Oh, do you think Salomon doesn't have one?" Seeing Modu's puzzled face, the Supreme Mage didn't explain much. "Someone has to bear the pain of having no desires and demands, just like the empty container is filled with my ideals, honor and unscrupulous means. This is a pain you have never experienced. Don't disturb him, and don't There’s so much sympathy for Stephen Strange, he needs a setback.”

"Then when can we let him in?" Modu asked.

"Let our new apprentice decide." The Supreme Mage snapped his fingers, and Sherlock Holmes, who had finished his work and was about to sit down and read, was summoned. "Turn on the timer on your phone and set a time at will. Once the countdown is over, remind Mordo that it's time to bring Stephen Strange back."

"Let me decide?" Sherlock Holmes was puzzled. Although what happened today caused him to have emotional fluctuations, there were people with similar looks in the world, and the appearance of Stephen Strange did not represent any special event. What happened in Kama Taj brought him far more novelty than today's episode. "If you allow him to learn, why keep him outside? Is there any point in doing so?" In the eyes of Sherlock Holmes, many of the mystics of Kama Taj know nothing about the outside world, especially Those young mystics who grew up in Kama Taj are even more ignorant of the sinister hearts of the outside world. So he reminded, "I don't think this kind of behavior can make that person grateful. On the contrary, it may even intensify his inner conflicts. I have seen many such things, and many people will blame themselves for their misfortune. Locking him out of someone who hasn't reached out in the past is likely to deflect his resentment."

"This suggestion is very meaningful, but don't question His Majesty's decision." Modu suddenly changed his attitude, "Set the timer, and then bring over the book you are going to study today, and I will help you learn the ancient Latin magic book .”

Sherlock Holmes shrugged.

"Don't shut me out," Stephen Strange begged feebly, sitting on the steps. He said it over and over again, but no one paid any attention to him. Even the locals who happened to pass by did not cast a glance at this sloppy foreigner. "I have nowhere to go." Until the afterglow was completely swallowed up by the shadow of the mountains, the cold spread on the streets, and the little heat brought by the sweet tea was consumed, Stephen Strange still could not wait for a response. Just when he fell into despair, the support force behind him suddenly disappeared and he rolled in. He turned his head to the sky, and at first sight he saw a serious-looking Modu and a person who looked similar to him, holding up a mobile phone.

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me." Mordo interrupted what Stephen Strange wanted to say, "You still need to go through the test."

"I just have one question." Stephen Strange got up. He gasped, licked his dry lips, and pointed at Sherlock Holmes. "Who is he?"

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