Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1183 The visit of the envoy (second update)

Su Rui looked at the white light ball flashing rapidly and regularly outside the armored glass of the suspended rail train, turned around and patted the shoulder of Nakia, the temporary leader of the War Dog Organization behind him. "Relax, this is your first overseas visit." Su Rui said pretending to be happy, "No matter what mission my brother gives you, you don't have to worry about the Latvian people being unfriendly to you. Racism is not serious in this land. And you know that the Emperor of Latvinia is our ally, so you and your friends might as well sit on your seats and have a glass of sparkling wine?”

Nakia did as she was told, but she hesitated for a moment before revealing her worries.

The other members of this trip all stayed in other compartments. For those nobles who had never left Wakanda, the experience of riding in the modified Pegasus heavy assault transport was very interesting. After all, compared to the Talon transport type In the interior space, the Tianma heavy assault transport can also accommodate luxurious cabins and a series of entertainment facilities.

But for the War Dogs organization that has always maintained covert operations outside of Wakanda, it is a difficult situation, especially those War Dogs who have personally experienced the nights of the Civil War and faced the Hell Knights, and the genetically modified warrior leaders The nightmare given to them will not go away that easily.

"I don't understand why T'Challa didn't order the war dogs to be cleaned up." Nakia glanced at the hatch between the carriages. The people in this carriage are all her own people, and Nakia can speak out her concerns with confidence, "At that time, in order to fight against En Jadaka, the royal family announced an amnesty for the war dogs who supported him. But now the civil war It's over. We can't continue to allow those untrustworthy people to stay in War Dogs, and giving them promotions is unacceptable! Taking those people to participate in the visit is a stupid decision!"

"T'Challa is the king, Nakia, and as a king you must fulfill your promises."

"I know, but you can use some tactful means. For example, put those people in some unimportant departments and force them to retire voluntarily. If it were T'Chaka, he would definitely do this." Nakia knew very well that Su Rui was there What does it hint to her, because Queen Mother Ramonda has begun to teach her the experience of palace politics and reminds her to assist T'Challa. Basically, it can be said that T'Challa's future queen can only be her. Now from the perspective of the royal family, Nakia has to make her own suggestions, because she will also become a royal family in the future.

"Letting them live is enough to show T'Challa's kindness, and taking another step will show his weakness. Wakanda will face various threats next, and the king must not show weakness in this case , let those stupid republican rioters find an opportunity."

Su Rui nodded and shook his head.

On the one hand, she agreed with Nakia's statement, but on the other hand, she knew that the key to the problem was not the handling of several members of the War Dogs organization, but the balance of power between the domestic industrial aristocracy, agricultural aristocracy, commercial aristocracy and the royal family. . There have been civil wars in Wakanda's history. From the Fourth Dynasty to the current Twelfth Dynasty, every political civil war caused the Golden City to bleed with blood.

Compared to the night when the Emperor of Latovinia ordered the Hell Knights to join the battle, the bloodshed on other coup nights was not that great - but Su Rui also understood that this level of bloodshed would not compare in world history. Not really, Wakanda's history is not as dramatic as the outside world, and everyone involved in the struggle still retains some bottom line. After opening the border, the opponents Wakanda will face will obviously not have any bottom line. Nakia believes that it is reasonable for the King of Wakanda to remain tough. If the opinions of the domestic nobles are not unified first, who knows what they will do next. What trouble.

"So here we are. Anyway, the Emperor of Latovinia's vision is indeed beneficial to both of us. We are here to sign a contract, not to cause trouble. If you are really worried about those war dogs, I suggest you ignore them. Good for them." As if he noticed that his tone was a bit bad, Su Rui quickly added, "I didn't mean... you know what I mean, Nakia."

Looking at Su Rui who suddenly became clumsy, Nakia also sighed. "Okay, I get it," she said, "I know the Emperor of Latvinia is very charming, but I don't believe that will affect your judgment."

Diana Lister looked down at her watch. The metallic smell emitted by the underground track blew onto the platform through the air circulation cleaning device evenly distributed on the wall. She suddenly felt a slightly rising warm wind accompanied by the noise, coming from the tunnel. The other end is coming. Diana Lister, who was already familiar with the work of Latvinia's equipment, knew very well that this was the prelude to the arrival of the maglev train. The train would start to slow down when it was still two kilometers away from the platform, until it finally slid into the platform and would The car door was aimed at where Diana Lister was standing.

"Welcome, friends of Latvinia." Opposite the airlock door that opened slowly, Diana Lister showed a professional smile to the people inside, her bun that was tied too tightly pulled the corners of her mouth, as if she Just smile and your lips will split. "I am the Chief Secretary of the Interior Ministry of Latvinia, Diana Lister. My boss asked me to come here to greet all my friends from Wakanda." Diana Lister's etiquette is impeccable, even behind her The mortal troops and Hell Knights in ceremonial uniforms also uniformly raised their guns and saluted, pointing their golden and red eagle flags towards the Wakanda mission.

Even though she herself has never had any military experience, she looks very heroic at this moment.

"Welcome to Latvinia," she said. "You will find everything you want here."

Negotiations are an arduous and cumbersome task, and Wakanda must endure this cumbersomeness and find partners if it wants to build a grand African union.

On the African continent, where military proficiency is basically based on faith, there is no country that is truly capable of confronting Wakanda. However, Wakanda’s economic situation has no foreign exchange at all. The result of having no ambitions is that it has to sell out its vitality. Gold and industrial products were exchanged for foreign exchange to fill the economic deficit caused by the war and to make initial investments on the African continent.

However, Wakanda's technological development path is completely different from other countries in the world, and the number of backward production lines that have long been eliminated is already very rare. To re-establish production lines for the production of backward industrial products, the domestic nobles must first see the profits, and then they are willing to pay money to set up those production lines. A more convenient way is to find a company that can accept Wakanda's ready-made industrial products. countries to conduct transactions. So, which country in the world has the technological level to directly accept Wakanda’s vibranium and industrial products?

The Immortal City, where only Princess Shuri leads the scientific research department and the Wakanda Harnburg Department is deeply involved - Latvinia was not established many years ago. The emperor who only owns the Immortal City, which seems to be a small organization, strongly requested Su Princess Rui joined the scientific research department to bring Wakanda's technological route to the Eternal City, just to wait for the day when she could have deeper cooperation with Wakanda.

The master of the Eternal City is the master of Latvinia, and many of the software and hardware of Latvinia's military industry can be seamlessly integrated with Wakanda. In addition, the Eternal City has been operating on the African continent for a long time, and the resources of some meat export companies and oil and gas energy companies established in Africa are necessary to fill Wakanda's need to establish a grand African alliance. Now that this step of the plan has been completed, the envoy led by Princess Su Rui has arrived in Latvinia, and has also brought many ready-made industrial production line samples.

The convoy transporting the Wakanda envoy was driving majestically along the main road of the royal city. The ten-meter-tall single-person war mech was escorting along the way. All the news channels were broadcasting the news of the Wakanda envoy's visit. At the same time, the previously filmed scenery of the Golden City of Wakanda was also played on TV, proving to Latvian people that Wakanda is not a small, poor and backward country, but a country with advanced technology. Africa country. Under this grand welcome, even Princess Su Rui felt nervous about the press conference she was going to hold to Latvinia.

The Emperor of Latovinia requires that the agreement signed in this contract be announced to the world with great fanfare, firmly binding Wakanda to Latovinia's chariot. Faced with this request, T'Challa, who planned to open the border, simply could not refuse. The current King of Wakanda also wanted to express Wakanda's advancement and progress to the world.

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