Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1184 The provocative tongue (first update)

The Emperor and the Praetorian Guards in power armor stood at the steps of the castle's main entrance, with two twenty-meter-high war engines standing on either side. A full company of Hell Knights stood on both sides of the red carpet behind the emperor and the Imperial Guard. They wore ceremonial armor with many decorations. For mortals, it can be regarded as a large-caliber anti-material weapon. The MK2 Mars-type bolter is neatly held on the chest, and the magnetic armed belt around the waist is equipped with a sheathed energy sword as high as a person instead of a cheaper chain sword, which is used to display military rank and unit affiliation. The lower edge of the shoulder armor and the upper part of the leg armor were decorated with ceremonial eagles, lightning bolts, laurel wreaths, and oak leaf wreaths. The helmets were all replaced with centurion-style blood-red feathers.

The leading flag bearer held an eagle flag with a golden eagle sculpture on the top. These more ritually dressed Hell Knights only wore plasma pistols, but wore blood-red cloaks symbolizing war. The overall style displayed by the entire honor guard is a gold and red look. The power armor of the emperor and the imperial guard, as well as the flags hanging on the war engines and the decoration on the outer armor are also in the same style, which is in line with the high-tech that the world loves. Simplicity is the opposite.

Therefore, when the envoys led by Su Rui walked onto the red carpet and shook hands with the emperor, the contrast between the two different styles was extremely strong. However, no one will have an issue with Latvinia's highly artistic style, because all Wakandans still clearly remember the consequences of those Hell Knights joining the Wakanda Civil War, even if they have not seen the Hell with their own eyes before. Knight, the red carpet surrounded by giants at this moment has also brought great psychological pressure to the Wakandans. Ordinary people have to raise their heads to see the genetically modified warriors to see the mechanical lock on the lower edge of the Hell Knight's helmet.

The weather in the capital of Latvinia was too sunny. Su Rui caught a glimpse of the repaired spire at the top of the castle, which was almost black under the halo of the excessively blue sky. The original gray-black giant building had thrown away the gloom of the past, because of the plants planted on the wall. Deciduous plants bring a touch of brightness. August and September are the best seasons for traveling in the Balkans. The Wakanda mission comes at just the right time. The humid and sultry summer has come to an end, and the dry and cool autumn is coming. This season is also the time to taste the Hungarian province’s specialty Tokaji Osu sweet. Great season for wine as well as Romanian wine.

Everyone who knew the emperor knew that he loved strong liquors, so he preferred the palinka brandy made by everyone in every Hungarian province to the soft sweet wine of Tokagiosu. Civilians in all Hungarian provinces knew through the media that the emperor had to have a glass of home-brewed, undiluted Palinka brandy every morning after morning exercises, and then be full of energy to deal with official duties or fights - this news is from the State Council Concocted by the news department. Although the emperor loved spirits, he did not limit the type. The photos taken for the news were taken in a public place. The civilians of the Hungarian province saw that the emperor was still alive and kicking after drinking a large glass of 50% brandy. Stephanie Ma Leek used this to create an image of a strong leader and an approachable person.

Drinking Hungary's favorite spirit helps populists see the emperor as one of their own, thereby reducing resistance to reform among Hungarian people. All actions and decisions taken by the emperor in this position are in the service of politics, country and ideals. Even his public lunch drinks must choose Romanian spirits uic. This is one of the few pleasures brought by the crown. After all, it provides The spirits given to the castle are rare treasures.

"I'm glad you can come, Princess Shuri." The emperor smiled and shook hands with the leader of the Wakanda mission. "The castle has prepared a banquet for Wakanda. I very much hope that the Wakandans can get along well with the Latvian people. Two countries in the world that are capable and ideal and committed to human progress should work closely together."

The pleasantries were all caught on camera, but the Emperor and Stephanie Malick had many more issues to discuss with the Wakandan envoy before the banquet began, and these conversations were not allowed to be recorded by the media. Wakanda has reached many contracts with Latovinia, one of which is to work with the Mars Foundry and the Immortal City to re-establish a civilian high-speed network system throughout the territory to replace the old network system in the Balkans. The cooperation will establish three state-owned communication companies belonging to Wakanda, Immortal City and Mars Foundry respectively, as well as a large number of factories that produce equipment necessary for the information industry, which can solve the employment problems of different classes.

This alone can bring a steady stream of income to Wakanda, not to mention the engine manufacturing and civilian metal processing industries brought by other hovercraft companies. Latovini has an entire Mars as its industrial backing. Asia does not need to endure the advantages and disadvantages brought by the globalized economy.

Thanks to the advantages brought by the use of decapitation strikes in the first expansion war, today Latovinia has initially got rid of the food problem through the grain harvest in the Romanian province, and even has the ability to use this card to push up food prices in Europe. Used as capital in international political games to force Western Europe to trade with Latvinia. The oil that has been reformed and cleaned has also been completely stopped for export due to Latovinia's own needs. It uses Wakanda's advanced exploration technology for deep mining, and intentionally or unintentionally cooperates with allies to push up European energy prices in exchange for international political discourse. right.

Wakanda will receive a large amount of grain exports from Romania in exchange for part of the industrial production line. This is another conspiracy between the emperor and the industrial aristocrats of the Golden Tribe, and is one of the means to accelerate Wakanda's industrial expansion. The benefits generated by this thick contract satisfy all Wakanda aristocrats. Even the agricultural aristocrats who were weakened by the terms have access to biochemical farm technology from Latovinia-including genetic engineering such as genetically modified crop cultivation. Technology, in which Latvinia is far further ahead than Wakanda - delighted in being able to create more valuable agricultural products, completely unaware of what the transformation brought about by these terms would do to Wakanda Influence.

They were even less likely to notice the whispers between the emperor and Princess Su Rui who had changed into civilian clothes during the banquet.

"Controlling the food means controlling the country." The emperor raised his glass and whispered, "Wakanda's centralization of power relies on religious legitimacy. If religious legitimacy is lost, the blood of the Fourth Dynasty will also lose its rule. Legal principles have lost the basis for binding tribal politics. Food is more sacred than religious legitimacy, because hungry people will not want to listen to priests' sermons. I sincerely suggest that my allies can replace their ruling base with a more solid foundation, such as in Agricultural production outside royal control.”

"I never knew your tongue was so good at provocation." Su Rui said.

"This is just a suggestion, my friend." The emperor still smiled, "I believe that a large number of rulers in Wakanda's history have tried to solve this problem, but an alliance of interests composed of industry, commerce, and agriculture is all An existence that the Black Panther cannot challenge. No matter who is sitting on the throne, this alliance of interests is so unbreakable, they are the uncrowned king."

"You're still provoking."

"But you listened, didn't you?" The emperor began to fill his and Su Rui's goblets. Romanian wine will be the main drink at the banquet. The news will be sent to the state media and private individuals. Wine merchants who receive this honor will have the right to add a laurel crown on the wine label for a period of one year. If you want to renew your contract after one year, you must enter the competition with your best wine and win. "Every word I say becomes wine in your brain, affecting you and pushing you to think." He said, "There is no unbreakable fortress in this world. I am willing to help my allies, and it just so happens that , I am also a Wakandan industrial noble, and the most powerful one."

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