Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1226 Cumulonimbus (first update)

"The Venerable is on Mars and cannot come. If you have other opinions about this arrangement, you can wait until the Venerable returns from Mars. I believe that the Venerable will answer all your questions gently." Faced with doubts, Master Wang Blocked it straight back. He is so busy now that he has no time to pay attention to the trivial problems of the temple deacons in this operation. The mystic is a profession that is on call 24 hours a day, and threats cannot not happen just because you go to bed.

Some of the lower-ranking deacons had never met the emperor, but had only heard from others about the emperor's studies and codification of laws at Kama Taj. Master Daniel of the New York Temple could not control his subordinates. When some idiots knew that this mission was led by a spellcaster (referring to Wanda Maximoff) who did not belong to Kama Taj at all, it was unique for young people who were just starting out. The pride and rebellious emotions suddenly rushed into my mind.

Then Master Xiao Wang gave the leading idiot a slap in the face.

The loud sound of the collision of flesh echoed in the temple hall, and almost everyone was startled. The beaten low-level deacon kept the same posture with a horrified face, trembling to confirm whether his head had fallen off.

"His Holiness rarely gets angry, and I rarely get angry, but you guys had better not think that this is tolerance. Now I declare you, you, and you to be unqualified. In five minutes, you will return to the headquarters from the portal to continue learning how to control yourself. , until Modu nodded." Master Xiao Wang pointed at the frightened low-level deacons, approached them, and stared at them, "In the past, you were just apprentices. Kama Taj treated you as favorably as possible and allowed you to concentrate on your studies. Now you should understand that no one here deserves special treatment unless you show your worth. Karma Taj has also dealt with his own mystics many times, so you better understand that this is a militarized school to enter Kama Taj's talent cannot represent everything. Master Daniel..."

"Huh?" Master Daniel, the guardian of the New York Temple, shook his head as if he had just woken up, "What did you say?"

"Are you taking care of these deacons? Do you need me to invite others to help?" Master Xiao Wang turned to face Wanda without waiting for the old guy's answer. He knew what kind of answer Master Daniel would give. No one except the Venerable knew why this old fool could still stay in this position. "He trusts you to solve this problem. Just come and try it yourself. I believe him." I still have some tolerance for you."

"I thought Karma Taj would send more experienced mystics." Wanda was also a little nervous.

"This incident not only caused disaster in the material universe, Wanda, Guardian Wu Guiyue, my father and other older mystics had to deal with another battlefield. Even others who did not join the battle also had their own tasks and threats. The level is not lower than Quetzalcoatl. Kama Taj must use all available manpower, except for the manpower guarding the temple and the headquarters, even these low-level deacons have to help."

The fatigue accumulated on Master Xiao Wang's face, making him look very painful.

"We still have too few manpower. There are many unknown heroes who sacrifice their lives every year. There are fewer and fewer older generations, and there are almost no young people left who can take on their own responsibility."

"He's still here, isn't he?"

Wanda is holding the snake bone staff, and the exquisite earrings given by the witch are hanging on her earlobes, which is very eye-catching. This is a magic prop, adhering to the consistently gorgeous style of the witch clan. It is as flamboyant as a raptor, and makes Wanda’s long hair tied up as red as blood. Master Xiao Wang took a deep breath, nodded, and walked towards a portal. He obtained the authority given by the Supreme Mage and was qualified to go to the sacristy to take out an artifact to deal with the next situation.

"That's the only consolation."

Hundreds of money flows crossed the data pad, and Hammurabi read them all quickly, his extraordinary brain checking the numbers at a speed far faster than a computer. He can judge distances within the line of sight to millimeters with just the naked eye, and can instinctively determine three-dimensional data without using the combat assistance system. This is due to the precise calculation talent and spatial imagination that the emperor gave him in his genetic instrument. Ability, which made Hammurabi an excellent architect, accountant and bodyguard.

"There is no problem with the flow of funds, and the funds sent to Peru by the Holy Trinity Order have been verified correctly."

Maria Hill was obviously relieved, and her expression in the holographic projection became much more relaxed.

Her report did not surprise the Praetorian Guards. Nick Fury's self-assertion was no secret, and the Emperor's choice to give him full initiative was a very correct decision. Relatively disciplined agents like Victoria Hand and Maria Hill need clear instructions and can only play their best role within an inherent framework. Agents like Nick Fury who don't follow the rules don't need Framework and clear instructions will only limit his performance.

But her former colleague, Victoria Hand, didn't think so.

Although the intelligence department of the Order of the Guards is only one of many organizations affiliated with the Order of the Guards, it has the same authority and level as the defense intelligence department controlled by Victoria Hand. This means that Nick Fury is actually with Victoria Hand. ·Hand is at the same level, but Maria Hill is at a lower level. The Order of the Guards is an independently operating department. Even at the Sky Carrier Command Center of the Defense Intelligence Department, Victoria Hand cannot interfere with its operations and decision-making. However, the current situation is special. She is participating in a department meeting. Out of some small revenge, Victoria Hand inevitably had some overly harsh opinions on Maria Hill's report during the intelligence staff meeting.

Hammurabi glanced at the emperor who was sitting on the information command seat. The emperor quickly noticed the guard's eyes and nodded. The psychological activities of Maria Hill, Victoria Hand and Nick Fury did not exceed the emperor's expectations. This healthy competition was still within the emperor's control and was even encouraged. Different intelligence agencies must not come up with the same report. That kind of result can only show the emergence of laziness, stupidity, flattery, and corruption. As the eyes of the emperor, the intelligence agency must ensure absolute purity and accuracy. Different sources of information have concluded The different conclusions must be summarized in the center for judgment.

Maria Hill argued hard to defend Nick Fury's actions. In any event, that act amounted to defection unless pardoned by the supreme emperor. However, Maria Hill only saw piles of holographic projections surrounding the emperor. Layers of numbers and images piled up like clouds on the mountainside, with flashes of light interlacing between the projections.

"Castro's fire of life is about to be extinguished, and the Peruvian expedition is coming to an end. We cannot continue to stay on track." The emperor spoke at this time. Although it was only slightly higher than the noise emitted when the server cooling device was running, it was like a thunder to everyone present, including Maria Hill on the other end of the communication channel. Victoria Hand saw the Emperor's eyes open and supernatural light pouring from his eyes. "Don't take into account the blockade of the Fourth Fleet. They don't dare to fire on us. They don't have the ability to destroy us."

She noticed that the cumulonimbus clouds in the clouds below the aircraft carrier were moving rapidly like whirlpools, and bright electric snakes were bombarding upwards. This environment is very dangerous and not suitable for landing. The coordinates of the U.S. Navy's Fourth Fleet were directly beneath the swirling cumulonimbus clouds, which Victoria Hand suggested might be some of the Emperor's "magic."

“I am going to land at the Cuban airport openly with the convoy,” the emperor said. “Diana told me that the world’s news media are gathered at the airport, and I believe this will have a pretty good political impact. "

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