Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1227 My Lord has arrived (Second update)

Meteorologists have repeatedly warned the emperor that it is not suitable to fly to South America at this time. The weather there has been extremely abnormal in recent times. Airports in many South American countries have been closed due to heavy rains, and a large number of flights have been delayed or cancelled. The aircraft currently manufactured by mankind are unable to withstand the turbulent power of God. The expressions of meteorologists on board the sky aircraft carrier when observing satellite cloud images are the best evidence for this conclusion.

Sky aircraft carriers and sky battleships are equipped with a large number of radars and other observation equipment to observe targets. The data returned by these radars makes the meteorologists in the army very happy. There is no position that can provide first-hand information more intuitively than the work on the sky aircraft carrier. The data is now available. Now, combining the video and data captured by their cameras with satellite cloud images, they may be able to solve the mystery behind this abnormal weather at this moment.

Thick accumulated clouds began to form a vortex, and a hurricane was forming at an alarming speed over the Caribbean Sea. Diana Lister and Aura from the sisterhood were raising their heads, looking up at the gray-black sky through the glass wall of the terminal. Although it was morning, the sky was as dark as dusk, and the downpour was accompanied by thunder. On the ground, the majesty and violence of nature are fully revealed at this moment. Just like the weather, everyone was speculating on whether the emperor would come, and officials from the Cuban delegation were repeatedly asking whether the talks should be suspended due to weather conditions.

But Diana Lister insisted that the emperor would come, because she had been promised by him not long ago.

The Fourth Fleet of the U.S. Navy was encountering unprecedented storms and waves at this time. The extreme weather set off violent storms that descended on the fleet without warning. Several aircraft that took off for training in the 1+45 cycle fell into the sea before returning to the deck. An aircraft parked on the deck also slid into the ocean amidst the bumpy waves. Tree-like lightning was generated by electric charge friction in the clouds. Straight towards the boiling black ocean. This was a failed exercise. The plan to encircle the waters around Cuba failed from the beginning. The Fourth Fleet had to evacuate as quickly as possible and tried its best to return to the port to avoid the storm.

Above the gray clouds, the stars still shine brightly.

The sky aircraft carrier and a mixed flying group composed of Pegasus heavy assault transport craft and Talon interceptor aircraft slowly lowered their altitude from low orbit. Although the clouds below continued to discharge, no one would question this order from the emperor. Surprisingly, when the formation lowered to a certain height, the thick clouds seemed to be split open by an invisible giant sword, and a channel was separated in the rain and thunder that was large enough to accommodate the formation's flight. . Diana was surprised to find that the warm sunshine was shining on the earth again. She raised her head and saw golden scars extending to the horizon in the leaden sky. The sun shone on the earth from the scars, and the continuous heavy rain gradually subsided, and finally Turning into a breeze and drizzle like molten gold.

Diana Lister turned around and looked proudly at the officials waiting in the terminal.

"My Lord has arrived."

The entire Terminal 3 of Jose Marti Airport was crowded with people, and the only two runways at the airport were occupied by the accompanying flight formations who were landing. The Latvian Emperor's sky carrier and flight formation descended from the wound in the sky, landing in an orderly manner under the guidance of the panicked tower commander, but no one left until Diana Lister and Cuban officials came to greet them. Get off the sky aircraft carrier or transport plane.

"Pretend to be a ghost." Nick Fury watched the live broadcast on TV through the glass window, "But it's scary enough."

"Do you know him?" A homeless man whom Nick Fury met more than ten hours ago picked his nose. "I also knew the President of the United States before, which is nothing to show off. Have I told you about 911? "

"You have to say that every hour." Nick Fury shook his head disdainfully.

On TV, genetically modified warriors stepped out neatly from the Tianma heavy assault transport craft and lined up in front of the huge sky aircraft carrier with guns raised. The gold and bronze power armor was inevitably stained with moist water droplets in the humid air, but the extremely bright sunshine under the dark sky made this scene not only less embarrassing, but also filled with an unimaginable majesty. The wet runway reflecting the sun was like a bright river, reflecting the glory shown by the emperor when he stepped off the sky aircraft carrier. Even the news channel reporters present stood stiffly, unable to say any words no matter how much the host urged, Embroidery The blood-red military flag with the golden sky eagle fluttered behind the emperor, and towering armored vehicles crowded around the emperor like hounds, bringing with them the heat that fell to the surface from outside the atmosphere.

Under the lens of the news channel, the height difference between the emperor, the genetically modified warriors, the imperial guards and ordinary people was visible to the naked eye. Tall and majestic is almost synonymous with the Latvian delegation. Even the strongest and tallest ordinary people are in their presence Everyone looked like immature children, and the Cuban official who greeted the emperor even forgot to give a congratulatory message. The military power brought by the Emperor of Latovinia, including sky aircraft carriers and genetically modified warriors, deeply shocked everyone present. If it were not for the long distance between Latovinia and Cuba, the officials present would even suspect that this was a war. Intrusion rather than access.

"Superman phobia." Nick Fury triumphantly threw out a term to the homeless man. "Most people will always feel scared when they see those bastards."

"Aren't they really the product of experiments... Look at them, that big golden guy must be three meters tall, right?"

"Yep." Nick Fury clicked his tongue and lit a cigarette. "The officer couldn't even reach his shoulders."

"Then he must be a good fighter. This is like a fucking human tank. He can smash the head of the most powerful gangster here with one fist." The homeless man took a cigarette from Nick Fury's hand and lit it. Then he took a greedy sip. "Did I tell you that I served in the Marine Corps? It's a pity that that big guy is not the President of the United States, otherwise I would definitely vote for him. That man looks like... an emperor."

"You said it once every three hours while eating." Nick Fury narrowed his eyes, "Whether you believe it or not, I actually built that sky carrier, and it was finally snatched away by a little bastard. Nothing was left for me.”

"Well, we all work for other people. I learned that when that plane hit the World Trade Center. If I hadn't been lucky, I would be in the trash with a pile of debris right now. George W. Bush will also stand on my corpse and give a speech." The tramp sighed, "When I found that the world was controlled by a few people, I was completely desperate and gave up everything. Come on, I will take you there You can get what you want by meeting that person.”

"My lord has arrived, and now I take over the command."

After passing through the cave and coming to a canyon, the scene in front of them forced Camilla's team to put down their weapons because they could not point their weapons at the person in front of them. Corpses were lying next to Camilla's team, all of them bearing the armband of the Holy Trinity. The firearms and human bodies were cut off together, and blood accumulated on the moss-covered stone bricks to form a lake. Supiluliumas and Amon stood in the center of the pile of corpses and bullet casings, holding halberds, with the blades and muzzles pointed at a group of people wearing aboriginal costumes.

Different from the aboriginal people that Camilla's team had seen in the cave before, these aboriginal people obviously have a higher level of civilization. They have obviously abandoned the habit of applying oil paint on their faces and piercing their bodies.

The leader of the group of aborigines was a black-haired woman, her eyes fixed on the frightened boy next to Supiluliumas and Amon's calves. These aborigines all have brown skin, and so does the boy. The genetic connection between the boy and the leading aboriginal woman can be seen with the naked eye.

"You must also obey the orders of my lord." Supiluliumas pointed the garrison spear at the indigenous people, and his dialect was as fluent as a local. "Next time you dare to make any attack against the Praetorian Guards, I will kill all of you."

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