Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1243 Watum Conference (Second update)

"Some of you have met me, some of you have just heard my name. If you've ever had an eyeball mojito in a no-door bar that's about as good as a beer that failed to ferment, you've probably had both."

The cloaked figure stands on a high platform made of Teotihuacan concrete and overlooks the crowd below. The senior deacons of the Kama Taj New York Temple and the London Temple are standing behind him, but the people closest to him are It was a red-haired witch holding a snake-bone staff and a rather embarrassed-looking woman with dark hair, not a Praetorian Guard holding a garrison spear.

For the first time, Lara Croft's curiosity was so satisfied. She had never known that there were so many magicians on the earth, and that some of the fairy tales about magicians in folk mythology actually existed. But not everyone is as optimistic as she is. She still doesn't know why the sponsor brought her to this place. The faces of the representatives of the magic schools hidden under the black hoods did not smile because of the emperor's humor. This scene The conversation wasn't right from the start.

These spellcasters were summoned because of the names of Karma Taj and the Supreme Mage, not the appeal of the man on the high platform. If the rumors that the Supreme Mage values ​​this person are not false, and the abilities he has shown are without any water, there will be some people who are willing to respond to the call and come to this South American temple that may be flooded outside. One listen to the thoughts of the Karma Taj school of thought.

All spellcasters here wear black cloaks, and only braziers provide light in the temple of Vatum. The strong wind mixed with rain passed through the porch, sending the air that was constantly lowering the temperature into the hall where the statues of gods stood. The fishy smell of rain lingered. The magic school that pursued mysticism did not want to reveal its true face here, and no one wanted to show it to others. Show what's underneath your cloak.

"If your school has some pre-vision ability, then you should know what kind of disaster the earth is facing now." The emperor put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and scanned the shadows gradually accumulating below, "We may die. They died in floods and fires, with no bones left. Just a few minutes ago, the Tungurahua volcano, 140 kilometers south of Quito, the capital of Ecuador, suddenly erupted due to an earthquake. This was not a small eruption, but a complete eruption. The mountain cracked, magma flowed, and the lava spewed thousands of meters into the air due to pressure. Tens of thousands of residents died in the heat, poisonous gas, and scalding black rain before they could evacuate. This scene will definitely happen again, and we all know the reason. .”

"We can leave. We know many habitable planets." A hoarse, sourceless voice said, "Mother Earth spreads humans into the universe. Those human colonies are suitable for our survival, and we can continue research there."

"Escape?" The emperor raised his eyebrows, raised his tone, and burst into laughter. Wanda Maximoff clearly heard the anger in the emperor's voice. The golden cloak embroidered with a crown of thorns could not completely suppress the spiritual energy pouring out of the emperor. "Of course you can do this, but when the entire universe will fall into the hands of extradimensional creatures, which world can you escape to? Can your teleportation spells cross the dark realm outside the galaxy?"

The air fell silent again, and the temperature in the temple hall dropped a little.

"The reason why I stand here is to completely prevent future disasters, provided that we can survive this disaster." The emperor took a step forward and gave the caster below a sense of oppression, "The earth needs to survive this disaster. This crisis, mankind needs to survive this crisis. Human beings who have lost the Earth are like bereaved dogs. They are outsiders wherever they go. Even humans in alien colonies will despise us wild dogs. Without the Earth, we are Lost everything."

"How does Karma Taj plan to kill Quetzalcoatl?" said a voice that had never been heard before. "Can the Supreme Mage kill Quetzalcoatl?"

"Yes, but the Supreme Mage will not do this, because the Supreme Mage and even the entire Karma Taj need to conserve their strength to deal with a horrific disaster that may threaten the entire galaxy." The emperor's tone suddenly became calm. He waved his hand, and the three bright gemstone rings on his hand shone brightly in the firelight, instantly suppressing the person below who wanted to continue speaking. “The mystics of Karma Taj saw in the Eye of Agamotto and the Cauldron of the Universe the hope of defeating Quetzalcoatl, and the future of the human race has not come to an end.” He said, “Ask yourself, who of you are here? Dealing with a threat of this level, huh? How many times have you been either causing trouble or on the way to causing it, how many times has Karma Taj helped you deal with out-of-control magical creatures, extradimensional beings, spells and diseases? Why are you counting on Kamal Taj while still causing trouble in private? Why has such a thing never happened to Kamal Taj, but you frequently make mistakes?"

"This is the price that must be paid for progress. Magic is not science. We are always exploring. We ask for Karma Taj's help because we believe that Karma Taj has the ability to solve the problem. After all, we have handed over the secret book of the school and Part of the magic weapon, Kama Taj is the government of the magical world.”

The emperor nodded, these people had fallen into his language trap.

"Well, since everyone thinks that Kama Taj is the government of the magical world, then the government has the right to impose punishment regulations when facing people who have caused huge losses, doesn't it? Fines, canings, imprisonment, or even death .”

"Kama Taj has already done it. How many spellcasters are imprisoned in the dark prisons in the Himalayas?"

"Do you need me to read out the names of those who committed the heinous crimes one by one? Do you need me to read out the names of the victims of the tragedy one by one?" The emperor's eyes did not contain any emotion. "You who are standing here have been let down by so many accidents. Ordinary people lost their lives?”

"That was an accident!" It was exactly the same as the previous voice, but the volume was much lower. Many people realized that this conversation was not actually a discussion on how to destroy Quetzalcoatl. It was not that simple.

"Accidents are not an excuse! How many accidents are due to curiosity that is prohibited but knowingly? How many accidents are because you want to use your skills to satisfy the enjoyment of the material universe? Everyone's life has value, you have no rights Because of accidents caused by selfish desires, others died!" The emperor's tone was still calm, but the rising anger made those casters who used second vision couldn't help but close their eyes and shed tears. Some people even felt dizzy and their eyesight turned black. It's like looking directly at the sun for too long and burning a hole in your retina.

"The Supreme Mage has given me the power, and now I will exercise this power." The emperor drew out the sword from his waist, and uncontrollable heat rose from the sword, driving away all the chill in the hall. "I want to announce to all schools of thought that in the future, all experiments involving extradimensional energy, exploration and summoning of extradimensional energy will be subject to the strictest restrictions and censorship. I will set up an organization to review all experiments and formulate experimental rules and regulations. There will be no People can conduct high-risk experiments that may threaten the human race without permission, and summon dangerous extradimensional creatures like Quetzalcoatl."

Wanda Maximoff hid Lara Croft behind her tacitly, and the Guards also signaled Lara Croft to evacuate quickly. The attitude of Kama Taj Mystic made all the spellcasters here feel uneasy, but they still had the last illusion, imagining that such tyranny would never be possible under the loose rule of the Supreme Mage. Voices of dissatisfaction arose one after another, and many people began to whisper and even protest loudly. Some of the more radical spellcasters had already put their hands into their cloaks.

"What if we refuse?" one person asked, "Without the spirit of exploration, is it necessary for us mystics to exist? All we want is the truth of the universe, nothing more."

"You have the right to object, after all Khamar Taj is not a dictatorship."

As soon as these words came out, almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Some old guys thought that this was just Karma Taj trying to use the Quetzalcoatl incident to knock all schools of thought. They only need to continue to bow their heads and acknowledge Kama Taj's authority and make guarantees. This matter is over, because this kind of meeting has not never happened in history. However, the holy sword in the emperor's hand became brighter and brighter, and the temperature became higher and higher. The air in the hall quickly became dry and hot. Some people noticed that something was wrong and began to recite incantations and tried to leave, but the surrounding extradimensional energy began to move away in fear. Escape from the surrounding runes that appear out of thin air.

The Praetorian Guards Hammurabi, Amun, Hannibal and Supiluliumas stood in pairs at the entrance of the hall and behind the emperor respectively. They crossed the garrison spears, loaded their explosive shells, and deployed their blades. full current. An army, wearing armor dripping with water, came in. The leader was holding a giant sword, and his helmet obscured their expressions, but their fierce aura was still revealed from their movements.

The 7th Knight Squadron of the 1st Company arrived at the Temple of Vatum and pointed their weapons at the wizard.

The emperor stepped down from the platform. He threw away his cloak and revealed his battle armor. His eyes were filled with supernatural power, and his blazing sword pointed directly at all the wizards present who were not Kama Taj.

"But now it is."

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